>you will never shitpost so hard entire governments want you dead
Why even continue?
>you will never shitpost so hard entire governments want you dead
Why even continue?
We're not worthy.
The white wizard shows his true power.
he is the true prophet of KEK
I this what happens when Aussie shitposters graduate from the chans?
He is proof that Australians will always be unrivaled in their shitposting prowess.
there can only be one.
The next one has to behead assange if he wants to take his place.
Verily, Assange has ascended to God Tier in the Path Of The Troll, and has earned himself a seat of honor at the right hands of the Shit Lords in Valhalla.
We try user. I convinced a black guy -not a negro btw- that racism in australia is about inclusion rather than exclusion the other ther day. He got shitty, then swallowed the message. I wish I'd filmed it
never change Australia
Levels of shitposting that shouldn't be possible. If only our government wasn't cucked and our king could come back home
That's not him posting, he hasn't used twitter in almost a year.
>implying it isn't some cheeky Australian cunt having a laugh
>4767 5774 6a7a 4d6c 6330 666b 314a 3453 0000 0907 84b4 f787 7616 86f7 a737 5707 5736
this is going to be good
Our entire country was founded by people who exceeded the bants capacity of the British Empire.
GgWtjzMlc0fk1J4S ´÷v÷§7WW6
Guy is a true Austrian. I'm so proud of my country right now.
Glowing post
Lock her up!
I wish you there was a right wing version of rap news