72 years later and the influence of this man still chokes society, still floods it with fear and admiration.
It's impressive if you think about it, hardly any other man in human history had such a strong impact on billions of lives.
72 years later and the influence of this man still chokes society, still floods it with fear and admiration
Hitler did nothing wrong.
>72 years later and the influence of this man still chokes society, still floods it with fear and admiration.
Darkness always hides from the light.
>Using the HOI4 base game picture of Adolf Hitler
bruh, at least use one of the highly detailed modded ones
It was just one of the nicer pics of Hitler that I have in my Hitler folder.
I wish i knew what was really going on, i doubt jews are really behind everything, Hitler was an idiot on meth who failed
fuck off kike
And yet, regardless of your opinion, his name will still be spoken long after your bones have turned to ashes.
Lurk moar fag
>hardly any other man in human history had such a strong impact on billions of lives.
I could name of few, that had better, longer, and stronger impact on history. The easy ones first: Alexander, Caesar, Napoleon.
Hitler is trash.
well im not dead yet so you cant prove that
Or can you time traveler?
try this guy. hitler called him the master. you idiots completely miss out him because he's a turk. simpleton idiots
>they will speak of the great Australian shitposter
>he who finally destroyed their biggest enemy
>the emus
While objectively great. none of those are as famous or hold as much influence on modern society. There are no laws or political beliefs moved by these men or their works, not to speak of stigma.
Well, the poster above you just named a couple of men who died long ago and yet still remain.
Same principle, abbo.
criminally underrated
Just think about it.
Within 10 years he went from a disenfranchised war veteran to the leader of NSDAP, and became leader of the country.
Then, within 5 years of that he took a nation that was on the brink of economic and societal collapse, and turned it into a super power.
Then, within another 5 years he nearly (keyword, 2 fronts = fail) conquered the continent of Europe.
Whether you like the man or hate him, that's pretty impressive for one person two achieve in such a short span of time.
well most people can't help it because the media constantly shoved it in your head
when what is truly impressive is that he fucked up the powers that be so much, they to this day try their best to make him look as bad as possible and want to crucify anyone who questions their narrative
OK i get your point, you love Hitler, you're willing to fight and die for him
> There are no laws or political beliefs moved by these men or their works, not to speak of stigma.
>There are no laws or political beliefs moved by these men
>There are no laws
>no laws
Sure, user. Maybe you're right. Unfortunately, just like your parents, I don't have spare time for your education. But you can't turn out to be too autistic learning on your own, can you?
which one? caesar was a title, not a persons name. they were lots of caesars that ruled rome.
Yes, no laws. As in you don't go to jail for praising any of those people and you don't use them as bogeymen to further your political views.
But mention Hitler in any non-negative way and everyone is immediately put on edge.
Caesar Salad
what? he was just a poor guy who went insane because sultan raped him all the time while they were growing up together. why do you think he "impaled" ottomans?
Maybe if he wasn’t a gurgling, insectoid, degenerated Greek more people would.
The code napoleon is still the base for most western European countries laws, do you not know that or are you just looking for attention?
>ugly goat rapist
Lol no thanks Gürk, Anatolians ceased being human in the 1400’s or so
I think it's more about ww2 then the leaders. The whole world went to war. Europe was supposed to be the heart of civilisation and empire. But it devastated itself. Really it was probably Niezteche who caused the war. Without him there would never even have been a national socialist party because there would never have been fascism.
With his record as a loser i would rather be forgotten he literally fought for the jews and destroyed germany (maybe the white race) only rural retards worship this degenerate drug addicted boy diddling cuck
only rural retards votes for Hitler city people voted for somebody else
still no proof I will be forgotten, You're just saying statistically its likely
Honestly hitler has been an absolute shit stain on the white race. I dont see how he wasnt a jewish agent
Nah, my wording just sucked dick on that post.
And I assume you think of confederates as winners? Or perhaps your founding fathers whose efforts have long been thrown into the gutter?
I was just giving you options user based on your flag if it does happen well Godspeed you magnificent son of a bitch
I just think it mean to assume failure even though its likely, maybe i could find some meth and achieve something
>hardly any other man in human history had such a strong impact on billions of lives
He represents an Idea. An Ideology founded in truth, whereas so many are founded on lies.
Genghis Khan?
And yet he stills bows down to the Kaiser.
which mod are we talking about?
yeah but he didn't let him get back on the throne and that made the Kaiser salty
>a group of masons visit ataturk in 1935
>ataturk asks "whic lodge do you belong to and what's the name of your school?"
>master mason kemal replies "we belong to the school of genova and our master is barca mison
>ataturk gets mad "get out! get the hell out!" servants of jews!" my people give me the title of hero and I would be servants to a pair of jews like you? if you don't shut down all lodges until tomorrow morning I will have all of you hanged! get out of my sight!"
all lodges are shut and all masons are exiled. this happens 3 years before he dies of (((illness)))
hitler is scary was je really placed in power by God?
Exactly. While whether he meant truth or lie is subjective, it's undeniable that his very name has turned into an idea. And not just any idea, mind you, but one that is widely known around the entire planet and one of deep impacts upon it.
As any respectful man would at the time. No different than the men who would lift their arms to salute him later on.
Is this bait? Surely you know that is not the Kaiser right? It's Hindenburg who was the Reichs President at the time.
Because maybe he did impale Ottomans? Who were also much more than his men haha. Go read some history fkin filthy cockroach.
Have an insight into this phenomena.
Hitler did many things wrong.
Why does Erdogan shit on his legacy then?
sorry komshu I can't figure out what you're trying to say with your peasant english but what I said is a historical fact. vlad is a very tragic figure. if he lived today he would be tweeting under #MeToo
Why fear a dead man though? white boya are becoming women we need to stop fearing this man his ideology is only held by 600lb poltards which could be shut down at any time they choose oh yeah im jewish
This has got to be one of the most insightful posts on Sup Forums and is a good copypasta on par with the 'Improve your race' one. It's so good that Black Pigeon Speaks made an entire video on it quoting verbatim this entire passage. I mean I've always known this but I've never bothered to articulate it for others. Whoever made this should be proud of themselves.
Hindenburg was the president not the emperor (Kaiser).
Hitler and Wilhelm II mutually disliked each other.
>get PTS from being btfo in WW1 and because of this dislike ones who did this to you
Sounds correct.
Basically i don't understand why Sup Forums loves this guy he pretty much destroyed any hope of preserving the white race
That post is just a quotation of sorts of an old argument. Google the foundation myth to read more about it.
The only reason he's kept alive as a boogeyman is that it's incredibly useful to leftists.
80 years later, leftists talk about Hitler constantly, and he motivates their every action. Hitler can be used for anything when it comes to leftists. More importantly, children are fed a constant diet of how bad Hitler was, hence even adults 100 years after Hitler can be controlled with references to Hitler.
This isn't a good thing, it's a bad thing.
Or maybe im just fucking sick of hearing about him he doesn't do anything new
>It's impressive if you think about it, hardly any other man in human history had such a strong impact on billions of lives
Martin Luther
Oh yes, it was Hitler's propaganda that shilled for Jews, denounced nationalism, embraced universalist values founded on egalitarianism and the equality of man that was reinforced into the minds of every Western child for decades on end. Indeed, Hitler is truly responsible for this calamity we now face. Germany should have gone communist instead in the 1930's and become a Soviet puppet and taken over Europe that way. I love the Allies now!
Spot on.
Listen Mehmed. Vlad massacred tens of thousands turks Pay some respect to him and what happened to your ancestors:
>The sultan's army entered into the area of the impalements, which was seventeen stades long and seven stades wide. There were large stakes there on which, as it was said, about twenty thousand men, women, and children had been spitted, quite a sight for the Turks and the sultan himself. The sultan was seized with amazement and said that it was not possible to deprive of his country a man who had done such great deeds, who had such a diabolical understanding of how to govern his realm and its people. And he said that a man who had done such things was worth much. The rest of the Turks were dumbfounded when they saw the multitude of men on the stakes. There were infants too affixed to their mothers on the stakes, and birds had made their nests in their entrails.
Germany should have stayed within their borders, shithead.
>he destroyed it
>not the liberal democrats
>not the communists
>no, the man whose ideas I can agree with destroyed it
Let's go all out and blame Louis XVI for the egalitarian fuckfest known as the french revolution.
>Germany should have gone communist instead in the 1930's and become a Soviet puppet and taken over Europe that way
Now youre talking, Good idea
hitler had a fecal matter fetish i dont understand how that isnt degenerate
Why does Sup Forums admire this faggot? He was
1. A massive faggot who liked drawing
2. A traitor to white race
3. A fucking vegan
4. A coward who killed himself
5. Not a man (didn't want kids)
6. Destroyed Europe
7. Friends with mudslimes
8. A socialist
Basically that faggot caused the word nationalism to be associated with genocide, war.
He only caused harm to far right movements.
The eternal butthurt arrives Imagine being this much of an eunuch, Pilsudski is turning on his damn grave.
he was pretty much the worse person to do what he did. Hurts to know their couldve been someone that would've done the same thing but succeeded and now hes dead in hitlers war
Basically - German in a nutshell except the drawing part which is actually good (without faggotry attached).
Not only that but more and more people realize he was right
>he was right
about what? killing as many white people as he could? bringing a jewish/communist government into germany? or eating feces ?
>Pilsudski is turning on his damn grave.
Pilsudski was a fucking socialist, I don't give a fuck
If you lived in a Shit mixed country, you'd have a better understanding.
Germany responded to the situation unfolding before her like any other national state concerned with her protection should have. That is the necessary course of action for all Great Powers to take if they wish to remain Great Powers in the first place. Something Estonia knows nothing about.
Fuck off mate. Unironically wishing a country to become communist. Especially one as key to domination of Europe as Germany. Hang yourself.
>Fecal fetish
Let me guess, he only had one ball too? And demanded a sexual relationship from his niece? And was a Jewish agent/a Jesuit agent/a puppet of Wall Street etc. as well right? KYS you History Channel worshiping faggot.
>hitler had a fecal matter fetish
This is one of the most jewish lies I've heard in a while.
he did though and he diddled boys
pretty fucked up
Germany was fucking autistic and wanted to get even for WW1 fiasco. And this is how it all went to shit.
Wow what a surprise. No citation anywhere to be found. KYS.
So living in shitmixed countries = admiring faggotry?
This one got me
Being butthurt is not going to erase 40 years of ass raping by commies.
we still talk about napolean and alexander the great too.
in one hundred years history books will paint hitler as just another european crusader
Hitler and Wilhelm II never knew each other. Rofl.
why was he always touching young boys, pretty fucked up shit
so? is he going to sue me for slander, stupid non jewish fucking loser, Biebers is going to be remembered longer than hitcuck
What does that even mean?
Btw, I know you're a polak/slav.
Germany wished for her prestige to be restored yes. But that method did not include starting a World War with the Western Powers. Hitler's focus was only ever on the USSR and the eradication of Bolshevism.
It = this.
And it's growing, and it's weaponized against us.
What makes it even more unbelievable is that for the last 80 years they've spent countless billions only telling one side of a story and still not everyone falls for it. It's almost sad how pathetic and worthless Jews really are.
>gas le Jews!!!!
>a time when John Lennon was alive
Fucker please, we got an 80's guy business dude about to toss the world into a bonfire and we all bout finna roast innit bitch
It means that bitching at the men who would've saved you from Stalin and bankers only makes you an idiot.
Let me guess, you think Hitler hated slavs in general?
Yes, but I do remember reading an interesting excerpt of an interview conducted with Wilhelm II on the eve of WWII. He gave some fairly accurate criticism of Hitler from a tradcon perspective