I actually did it. Operation White is a magnificient success!

I didn't think I was capable of doing it. I thought I was too much of a coward to actually do it. But alas, you glorious bastards inspired me with your heroics and got me to do something really fucking stupid and incredible. I posted several IOTBW posters all around my campus, in places that are guaranteed to ensure maximum triggering. I'm sorry I can't show you any pictures; campus police keep this place on lockdown so I didn't have any time to stop (had a couple of really close calls). Even this late they're still out on patrol since there are so many nigs in my area (NY) they have to make sure none of us students get hurt. You'll have to take my word for it, honor system and all that, but trust me when I say this was a complete success since I haven't seen any IOTBW posters anywhere around here. I truly felt Kek/God guiding me and showing me the path where I wouldn't be caught. This was fucking awesome lads, I feel alive.

Other urls found in this thread:



Where in nyc you at pussy?



Good work. Have tummy

legit probably something you'll be proud of until you're dying day. in the days after the uprising, as is always the case, many will claim that they were supporters from the start, but you will be one of few who can say it honestly. to be a patriot before the revolution succeeds is an honor money can't buy.

>post some posters
>whole campus on lockdown


Good work user

Just remember to keep doing it annon.

Don't fall for the propaganda, the battle is on and being fight in every front.

When did I mention NYC?

I was thinking this as soon as I'd actually done it. I've never done drugs before but this must be like what ecstasy feels like.

Sorry but does that pink sign say buy your assignments? Also thanks, will keep the fight alive even if I'm the sole shitposter in this dump.

did you wear a hoodie,shades,mask or some sort? Last guy they had filmed at least hid himself.

Thanks Bong, but at this point the reaction I know is coming will be all the reward I'll need.

>Operation White
>Fall Weiss

it's what a man is supposed to feel: the endorphin high of defending your people.

Of course, thick coat so it would be impossible to tell even what body shape I have.

Satan confirmed.

praise kek

Stop revealing anything.

i'm so proud of you, doing god's work

info on pic?