This is a Christian board, here we believe in Jesus Christ, our lord and saviour! If you do not like that you are free to leave!
This is a Christian board, here we believe in Jesus Christ...
fuck off kike on a stick
>unfalsifiable horseshit
the message + the brown jesus is genuinely good trolling imo. not even mad
Christ and God don't go in pictures. That thing, has long hair. That's blasphemy. Your post number repeats add up to six. Were you aided by Israeli archaeologists by chance?
Is the fact that you posted black jesus a troll?
I think I'd rather reject my cultural foundations and instead subscribe to what Hollywood, Marxists, Social Justice Warriors, Communists, Feminists, and all of my favorite Jewish intellectuals espouse.
isis and frog idolatry
>still believing in falsificationism
Your hilarious.
lol he has four fingers
/Pol is a Christian board.
You are alive because of Christian tolerance. Ponder that.
>not being a follower of the ancient religion described in the Vedas
>not joining the Cult of Varuna-Mitra
I feel sorry for you christfags.
Philippians 1:21
Why would you possibly think Jesus was White? That does not make sense, given that he lived in the desert. It is more likely he was Black.
This is a slide thread but it's funny as shit so I'm giving this a polite sage
Read the concordant literal version. it says He's white when He returns
only those who don't live in Russia can screencap this. russians is ultimate cucks for chechnya (muslim) alfas. sometimes it even sad to see.
That is impossible, there were no White people living in Israel that time.
And you're* not coming across as one with a good argument.
I'm with OP.
We know Jesus wasnt black because he had a father....
he was judean. and even that doesnt matter. my own interpretation there might or probably was wrong. we got the ethiopian eunuch to consider here too. and leviticus. which. things like jewbillees and circumcision and bacon are all irrelevant. but treating strangers and sojurners well is a good thing. anything less is sodomy. but you lied about too many things. and i end where i started. my translation says He's white. you dont get, to say, "impossible" to that
Those who think otherwise are mistaken about this board.
He was raised by another man...
i would fuck yer gods mayne
choose the one true God, convert, you heathen fuck
Is that a real picture? Do you know any backstory to it?
> is it an American dindu?
I would rather follow European gods than some brown man god from the Middle East (Christians)
It is absolutely absurd to think White people would have lived in the desert back then, you are completely delusional. In all likelihood his skin colour was very dark.
>Is that a real picture?
No clue
>Do you know any backstory to it?
No, sorry Callum.
>Is it an American dindu?
Most likely
spiritual bodies, frendo. the bible is spiritual. youre thinking too much with your "the earth is pear shaped" modern brain
Why is why any white person following Christianity is a filthy cuck praising a brown man
How do i convert? Do i need to see a priest or something?
Or do i just say I'm a christian and poof, heaven for me?
well. you'd start by not listening to any "Christ Deprogrammer" rabbis. Even though Bible says never to call anybody a rabbi. Then, yes. You do what you said. And pray hard. And ask of God in Christ's name to come to you with Holy Spirit and read the New Testament. Wear His armour. And wear clean clothes for when He expects you to be His bridegroom
That mental gymnastics.
go debate the colours of the sky on plebbit
you say cuckold like its an insult when it is a blessing and an honor to raise more Christian children in this world. Joseph raised Jesus even though Jesus was not his child. Who cares if they are yours biologically? seriously the flesh is of this world our souls are what matters. this whole obsession with blood is rooted in paganism. I am not a cuckold but I see no problem adopting kids of any race if it means i can raise them as Christians, same goes with marrying a single mother. you guys can be so heartless at times, laughing at abandoned women and their children, who cares what mistakes they have made Christ teaches forgiveness. you all whine about degeneracy and being lonely when there are plenty of opportunities to create a christian family if you just let go of your hate.
Give your local church 10% of your shekels earned each month. Then poof you're a Christian. It's that easy, Benjamin Shlomoberg.
If you can't make predictions then your models aren't worth shit.