What if 30 million or so women stopped being weak cunts?
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allowing women to vote was a mistake
Allowing Jews to exist was a mistake.
"emotional distress"
gosh, that is hilarious. shows why most women are unfit for the army or higher ranking jobs
>what if we sued the president for feels
well he'd have to get impeached for sure
can i sue her for the pain and suffering i endured with both seeing her and after washing my eyes out with bleach after seeing her?
excuse me sir, but do you happen to be white and a so called cis male?
if so, she is sueing you for the emotional distress you caused her with this mean comment.
Does this fat cunt not realise what a logistical nightmare that would be. It would take thousands of years to judge each case.
Is this fat cunt jealous no one tried to (((assault))) her
>Just spitballing here
The fact that she added that at the end increases my desire to punch her in the face about 10,000 fold.
oh i'm sorry but i'm gay
>when you get elected president and piss off 30 million lesbians
They'd lose. How dumb are females?
The president doesn't make you look like that in the mirror, Lena
>just spitballing here
Was that what she told her sister whenever she systematically abused her?
>american problem solving
they're so nuts and entitled they're beginning to believe they can sue someone because of their feels..
>"Women are as strong as men, nay!, stronger!"
>"Trump can't be president because it makes women feel bad"
Just imagine what they would say if this argument was used against Obama
What if 10 thousand men filed a class action lawsuit against her for distress cause she raped her sister and got praised for it.
Cis white gays are just as oppressive as straight white men now, keep up.
What if 30 million goyim or so filed a class action suit against Israel for disintegrating western society? Just spitballing here.
Witnessing how women wield equality has left me with the firm belief that they are animals. Beasts of the field.
Obama was a good president to be fair.
>rednecks file a class action lawsuit, because they are disturbed by a black man being president.
Dont be silly.
How is this bitch not in jail?
>It's okay to abuse the legal system because I'm a woman.
Gee, why do we call women vapid whores again?
Sam Hyde taught me all I needed to know about Lena Dunham.
What if 30 million brits or so filed a class action suit against poles, pajeets and pakis in Britain? Just spitballing here.
What if every white person in the world filed a case against dunham et al in the hague for promoting genocide?
>Sue for emotional distress
>Suffering from emotional distress because someone you've never even met in your life said something mean about half the world's population
How do people like that even reach adulthood without commiting suicide?
They're too inferior in comparison with the great Jews. But she's a woman, may be she has a nice appearance.
real question is...
satisfying the emotional need and attention when cock isn't in your lives.
repressed hetro jack-asses.
>The Chad Jew
Someone says something mean about him so he culturally genocides the guy's entire race
>The Virgin Goy
Someone says something mean about him so he cries on the internet
Each of 30 million goyim would be indebted with 1000 shekels of Layer service, 2000 shekels of emotional distress payments and 5000 shekels of anuda shoah reparations.
kek that image
Thanks pajeet
>emotional distress
From what? What has changed in your life in the past year?
>What if I sat at my keyboard and made daily outlandish suggestions for other people to do so that I could feel like I'm "resisting Trump", whatever the fuck that means?
>Fuck white men!
>Help us system white men created!
Women not even once
it's a joke like when it said it would move to Canada, get it? haha
i loved you in witcher 3
Why is this woman downplaying actual victims of sexual assaults?
She is making a joke of true victims
Wah wah you make woman feel bad.
Now we democracy.
Gib me welfare.
We need to just do it. No big production before hand, just fucking do it. End women's suffrage and shut them the fuck up. What are they gonna do about it? Nothing. Pussy hats.
You fucked that one up.
We could've started something beautiful.
My sister wanted to sue her boyfriend for emotional distress. You can't sue for just emotional distress,it has to be cupped with a negligence charge or something. And a negligence charge would need a successful impeachment. On top of that she wouldn't be immediately affected by any presidential action
No you fucked it up by not killing them.
>What if women stopped being cunts?
Took me a couple of seconds to get that one but very good.
>Dont be silly.
It's silly because I'm parodying the insane ideas of this bitch
>shows why most women are unfit for the army or higher ranking jobs
It shows how most women arent fit to leave the house.
I would love to see this
Too complicated
There isn't a woman I find more disgusting than Lena Dunham, who the fuck molests their own fucking little sister. Disgusting thing that, and i'm not joking, should either be tortured or hung.