>How based is Lithuania?
We have a holiday where we dress up as Jews and demand money from strangers.
How based is Lithuania?
Other urls found in this thread:
I guess some Africans are based.
>bagel necklace
Bagels on a rope, fucking kek
>Snow in the background
This is pretty based
Is Myanmar in Africa too then?
Best part is that Jews keep getting triggered by this event and demand it to shut it down
>Diana, a 20-year-old Jewish medical student from Vilnius who did not wish to give her last name, was surprised to learn that Lithuanians dress as Jews during Uzgavenes. “It’s not the most pleasant thing, but it could be worse” she said, adding that “they could be smashing menorahs” — a reference to protests surrounding the erection of a large menorah in the Lithuanian town of Siauliai last December.
>Although typical costumes include farm animals and monsters, masquerading is sometimes broadly referred to as “eiti zydukais,” or “going as Jews,” regardless of how one dresses.
>The Roma do not fare better. Participants who masquerade as “Gypsies” wear gaudy makeup, hold babies and ask bystanders for money.
>Ethnologist Inga Krisciuniene, who works at the Centre of Ethnic Activity, led the event, explained how she believed that in earlier times, Jews and Gypsies dressed alike. Revelers wore the same mask on Uzgavenes to depict them, so that the characters were distinguishable only by performers’ actions. When asked whether it could be seen as offensive to mock these minorities, Krisciuniene replied, “No one has ever complained.” The intent, she said, is humorous. “Besides,” she added, “it’s true that Gypsies steal.”
>saving a jpg of a gif
dont even ask me how that happened
new /greatest ally/ when?
are lithuanians considered slavs?
one of my grandparents was lithuanian and i need to know if i'm a subhuman or not
Hahah holy shit is that real? What's the holiday? hahahaha
It doesn't matter, look at the country you live in. You are a subhuman.
No they are baltic.
Here in the US we call that a "date".
What a great holiday. I hope for a day where my grandchildren can dress up as Jews and reenact the great American pogrom of 2029.
The celebration of the end of winter.
>Implying we ask for money
We make it, we own it, we are not niggers.
Stupid goyim.
since when did ants browse Sup Forums
>“Besides,” she added, “it’s true that Gypsies steal.”
>t. Citizen of beggar country that gets more gibs than most nigger countries and was founded by gibs money and gibs guns
No, they are some of the earliest Europeans and managed to stay closest to the early Indo-European base language out of all the Europeans. This is still true today.
>begging for gibs
We don't ask for it, we transfer it :)
>the two best moments in film in maybe 10,000 years
if our glorious european holidays get canceled one day under pressure from our retarded left-wing friends im going to be pretty pissed
Burn in Hell kike demon. God hates you.
>butthurt belt
Well you are a mongrel, so there's a clue right there
> fun fact
> most of local "natives" dress as Russians for the rest of the year and have no other costumes in closet
I'm the one you know as the star child of Sirius, I become the devil eventually, forget not who you serve, in time you will be at my mercy and I find you all seriously wanting for your crimes against humanity, those that you were meant to receive as brothers.
let it be known i invented the concept of anti bagelery. i saw one too many old kebab may may posts and decided to go bagel. To prove this. Look up the word loxism. Lox is bagel food
i am 1/8 lith
those are some old school donuts
This happens in Austria and Germany
Krampus isn't a jew though, is he?
Yeah. They're called Vatniks.
They are slavs, but after they betrayed the Russian Empire and worked hard for bolshevism, being the executive force to found GULAG and the soviet secret police, they are larping hard as nazi baltistani, blaming Russians exclusively for their own gommunism. They think this way they would not be held accountable for their deeds.
That shit will go in a couple of generations, as their "ex"commie political establishment dies out and will be replaced by mentally able elected officials.
>“Besides,” she added, “it’s true that Gypsies steal.”
They call themselves bydlots... or balts, I can not honestly say one from another.
>After they betrayed the Russian Empire
>More than 100 000 Thousand fought on the side of the Russians in WW1.
nah, hes the demonic Infantry helping out St. Nikolaus, While St. Nikolaus is giving gifts to the good children on 6. of December, Krampus is beating the shit out of the bad ones
If you go to so called "Heandltrommler" here in Bavaria you can get the shit beaten out of you by them
No, also it's an alpine thing, done mostly in Bavaria, Austria and parts of Switzerland rather than the entirety of Germany.
Jews from Lithuania aren't any more Lithuanian than Jews from Russia are Russian. Kikes are kikes regardless of location.
> retreating in St.Petersburg to support bolshevik uprising
> instead of defending "homeland" from germans
That`s the spirit.
Those where the Latvian Rifles, kek.
Let's be honest, it's literally impossible to tell a balt from a slav at this point. You're our rape babies, deal with it.
>worked hard for bolshevism
Kikes beg for money indirectly via charities and political organizations.
>just sign the petition, goy
>oh and don't miss that donate button displaying broadly on the page either
so you're saying kikes are dressing as kikes to demean kikes?
>me on the left
Half slavic, half finno based on haplogroups and their language is balto-slavic. But based on where you live, you are definitely the subhuman here.
Jews where directing the executive force, that was mostly estonian and latvian.
Why the fuck would a jew go risk his life, when there where so much faggots, that where happy to steal last food from mostly defenceless kulaks, instead of fighting armed Germans?
After kulaks managed to create a rebel movement, poolacks where happy to help bolsheviks by gassing the whole cities with areas. Later poolacks "win the war vs. ussr" by defeating the poolack general, whose only military achievement was to gas civilians and to be taken captive in WW1 without any wounds, after his division was obliterated to the last men.
Who is the commie in poolack eyes today? I`ll let you guess.
Haha, mongoloid calls someone a mongrel, hahahaha
You guys should thank the Germans, Lithuania had the highest proportion of Jews to natives in all of Europe, the Germans/Lithuanians killed nearly all of them. There was definitely a lot of pent up anger towards them from the native Lithuanians... I wonder why...
based pagan snowniggers
>“Besides,” she added, “it’s true that Gypsies steal.”
Checked and keked
What are you on about?
They aren't slavs, they never were slavs. They both were one people, slavs went the degenerate subhuman path, Balts went most Euro 110% White DNA path of righteousness uber-dom.
And your people followed the Jewish leaders just as well, maybe even more so. Arguing over who fell for the kikery the most is pretty stupid at this point, especially when they still have so much power.
You'd be surprised what an Israeli shitpost can end up doing. Be more careful with your words.
Is that a jew or a devil?
Fairy tales the post.
is there any difference?
What specifically do you disagree with?
Vilnius y polski
Depends on which Lithuania are we talking about.
There are 2 Lithuanias:
- The Pro-Polish Lithuania who is proud of PLC and respect Polish minority, and want to stay independent country
>The russian lithuania, they seek to join russia the crimean way, they spread hate towards Polish people, they are illiterate cucks and they know close to nothing about our common heritage
The 1st Lithuania is pretty based and a good friend
The 2nd Lithuania are cucks that should be expelled from the country and moved to russia
What's the difference?
Commonwealth when?
I usually can tell Russians form Lithuanians in Vilnius just by looking at them. Looks about Russian diaspora is not the worst thing though.
All of Poland is rightfully Lithuanian. The Lithuanian grand duke Jogaila married the Polish queen, and formed a union of their countries. His son and his descendants were then the rulers of this union. So, the lithuanian line inherited Poland.
Extortionate prices mixed with stereotypes. Also, some of the jews were commies and assisted soviets.
>They aren't slavs
Based on dna, they are half slavic, which makes absolute sense due to them being neighbours to the two slavic giants and being part of each through history.
>slavs went the degenerate subhuman path
>Balts went most Euro 110% White DNA path of righteousness uber-dom.
What exactly is the difference? They are poorer than their slavic neighbours, have lower average iq (not relevant because its few points) and their neighbours poles mixed with someone?
How about the 3rd lithuanian:
1. Fuck Poland
2. Fuck Russia
3. Fuck Germany
Only Latvia is cool, everyone else sucks dick.
Jagaila was a cuck who abandoned Lithuanian culture. Stop this divide and conquer bs. Lithuania and Poland are friends.
>“Besides,” she added, “it’s true that Gypsies steal.”
fucking this, we had a stupid fucking ypsy festival in town last week and the crime rate for those few days must have been several thousand percent higher than before and after it
fucking gypsies
Gypsies are responsible for most murders and drug crimes in Lithuania despite being one of the smallest minorities in the country.
>Based on dna, they are half slavic
I study fucking Genetics--your whole statement makes no genetic sense. You're just using haplogroups which isn't indicative of DNA admixture AT ALL. The rest of that was me just fucking around. The 110% White DNA, is because genetically Lithuanians are THE whitest people alive today. They have the least ampunt of admixture of any other group in Europe, they have the most uniquely Euro DNA. Check my last pic and this one. The more left = the more uniquely Euro DNA.
>They are poorer than their slavic neighbours, have lower average iq
They've essentially been subjugated for ~700 years and most of the country is farmland, they just got out of Communism, etc.
No Jews in Lithuania were triggered until Karbauskis party came to power
Prove me wrong?
we have kukeri
Don't talk about muh ancestor like that. He had to speak polish and adopt their customs, they had way more population and more manpower. He had to earn their respect otherwise they would have revolted. His actions likely kept Lithuania proper safe for centuries more than the other options. And the Jagiellonians still spoke Lithuanian hundreds of years later.
actually we killed most of them off by ourselves
our polish minority is the one that wants to join russia for fucks sake Poland
True, but you have to admit the Germans gave you the opportunity to finally rid them from your homeland.
>the male's hat
>the red flower on it
>his big purple polka dot bow tie
>monstrous everything
You study genetics and you still make shit up, like 110% white? Well im not surprised how childish some people are here, especially burgers with their fairy tale vision of europe. You need to actually understand how much difference there is between european nations and how much contact they had with each other in the last few thousands of years. Which is a lot of contact and extreme amount of similarities, you wouldn't even be able to see visual difference between a pole and lithuanian if we went and picked at random. Your own posted picture implies its very close.
Haplogroups are not the only way to tell things, but it sure is helpful to see similarities. They do have more european dna but after thousands of years it has not been relevant due to everything blending in.
>They've essentially been subjugated for ~700 years and most of the country is farmland, they just got out of Communism, etc.
So tell me again and dont skip my question.
How did slavs go degenerate subhuman path and how did balts go 110% white dna path of righteousness uber-dom? There is virtually no difference between the slavic and baltic countries in terms of communism, iq, faith, nationalism, tradition, looks, economy and even language is very similar.
>the Running of the Jews is real
Do you seriously belive it?
Have you ever heard of Pole willing to be friends with russia?
Stop watching brainwashing state propaganda :]