/ourjew/ or Zionist shill? IMO people hate her but she's doing good work to advance our agenda and fuck up the leftist narratives. Personally I don't like her but she does good work. Sometimes we need to give credit where it's due lads.
/ourjew/ or Zionist shill...
She also did the ok sign early on when she easily could have got in trouble for it. Never understood why people bully her so much. Sure, she's an infighting little bitch, but in fairness, she's mostly just dishing back out what people throw at her.
Fucking normies.
shes fuckin mossad, dont get too smitten.
Hi laura
Just another fat girl attention whore, pay no mind
Because she's a weird fucking stalker.
She's mentally damaged goods who roams about the place concocting stunts that make the right look as crazy as the left.
Also, she threatens litigation like a miserly merchant.
Putting Laura's personal bullshit aside, I don't see Lauren southern doing this.
>manufactured head of a "movement"
>crazy bitch harassing white men for their dicks
>total whore
>"muh tires"
Totally not a plant guys.
we value objectivity
There are no good Jews.
Lauren Southern is a fuckin' hoser bro. But at least she's not a ki- oh, wait, yes she is.
Look at her. She is literally filthy - I could not imagine worse optics. 1488ers are better optics. We have to do something about the Loomer Question.
Hi lauren :3
Perhaps an user here knows her. Perhaps this behavior was encouraged. Perhaps the new jews will fight against the old Jews. Perhaps Israel backs right wing causes because they know the right will ultimately win with military and military intelligence being on our side, and they are looking to organize an "alliance" so to speak.
One can only imagine.
I guarantee she's a fake person just like these two.
She's trying to monetize political developments in a very disingenuous way.
>jews didnt do 9/11
>you are not replying to yourself
>I'm diffferent goy
>I'm not like all the other Heebs
>she's doing good work to advance our agenda
she's dividing the right with her retarded shit
Are you fucking retards serious? Loomer has not done a single good thing in her entire life. She hasn't uncovered anything about Vegas. Everything she does is embarrassing.
Lauren is not jewish. You are a liar.
fuck off retards. Loomer is a kike cunt.
Shill, she was spouting nonsense during the Vegas incident. Lost all credibility
>how do you do, fellow whites???
>Lauren is not jewish. You are a liar.
>falling for an obvious parody
this is actually pretty funny, especially the Trump tweet.
It's ok finnbro, I admire your hard work.
She is absolutely Jewish you retard shill. Regardless I like Lauren. Met her many times, she is great.
She's a fucking kike who may have raped someone/multiple people.
She set up her gofundme to pay for her lawsuit before she even got on the Shakespeare play where she started that dumb controversy.
She's a moneyhungry jew and that's all she is.
She's a deranged kikess, and she doesn't even have the khazar milkers to back it up.
Lauren Souther it's a lovely qti3.14
Something that you faggots tend to forget it's that she is young... Like, really young.
I think she is 24, or 22 or something like that.
She has a lot to learn.
She went from civic cuck to full defend europa after she saw the insanity of the rapefugee crises.
The eternal jew of Loomer it's just fishing for shekels with all the "white baiting".
/ourguys/ tend to look "jew friendly" so our operations don't crash and burn.
((they)) tend to look "alt right friendly" to fish for shekels and subvert the movement.
CIA fags need to BTFO. Their allegiance is with the globalists. New Jews oppose CIA faggotry.
Mark my words when I say this. Treason always comes from Langley.
Jesus fuck this place has gone to the fucking dogs.
We should troll her for taking so long to make up her mind.
Your faggotry has been duly noted.
Sup Forums has always been a pro zionist board you fucking nazi
>all the leaders of the 'alt right' are jews
Fucking pottery
Threads like this didn't exist 5 years ago