This is deep
>for oil
Both fought to aggressively subjugate some people to bring power to their masters.
Fuck off. By destroying National Socialism your retarded people are literally the cause of the worlds enslavement. Russians are the niggers of the white race.
You mean for new world order and jews?
>By destroying National Socialism
>Allied with Hitler and helped him with conquering Poland, France and Norway in the first place
>he actually thinks WWII was about nationalism
absolutely HILARIOUS
What was WW2 about? Legitimately curious.
Wow, this is pretty good. Do you mind if I COMP this and put it on my facebook page? This is a message that I think people need to hear.
Fun fact: the whole thing was started with the excuse of rescuing Poland and the whole thing ended with Poland being handed over to the communists butchers who would slaughter them for 4 decades.
Fun fact #2: 99% of poles are literally brainless and chose to hate on the man that, alongside Pilsudski, would've saved them from the both the massacres and the jewish grip on their financial system.
Bottom one should be "For Jews". Anybody who feels sympathy for ZOGbots getting killed should fuck right off to Reddit.
it's a complicated issue with lots of causes
the bong will just say some stupid shit that jews did it and that hitler was a jew, most likely
i meant so say powerful* powerful would have been a better word, sorry anonpedes
For Jews and oil
Noone made an active effort to destroy Nazi Germany except Nazi Germany itself. Everyone else simply reacted to its' sperging out.
Are you implying that the Russians wouldn't be the niggers of the white race, if they agreed to become slaves of Germany, and left their homes and land to be claimed as German Lebensraum? Modern Nazi infantilism, irresponsibility and denial truly knows no bounds.
Soviet Union always had cordial relations with Britain and the US, and hostile with the Nazis. Non-aggression pact is a purely pragmatic move, that may be called an alliance only by the most narrowminded butthurt belter.
Soviet liberation of Western Ukraine, Poland and Lithuania was welcomed by Britain. Were they the German allies too, in that case?
wrong banana sorry
hah, does this place have a restroom I could use?
>Soviet liberation of Western Ukraine, Poland and Lithuania
I think you mean rape
>Soviet liberation
Yes, I did allow a small mistake. I meant "liberation of West Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania"
Picrelated shows that it was indeed the case. The Soviet Union retook the lands that weren't Polish, but were held by Poland temporarily, and joined them to ethnically autonomous republics of their nations.
thanks, you really helped east germany return to ist former glory
So this is the kind of lala-land that Ivan lives in. Hail Ivan, the great liberator from food oppression.
A puppet state isn't a very glorious position. When all is said and done, though, quite a lot of people admit that the Eastern Germany had many merits that the Western Germany lacked.
Please, enlighten me, what were the food problems in these territories past USSR assuming authority over them?
people that say that are some dumb monkeys that vote for more and more welfare, they are just lazy and want to swim along, if thats you socialsim is probably great.
Thats the issue with today system, people want to get fed by the goverment, but dont work, and today you wont get gulagd when you dont work.
i really cant think of any food shortage in parts of ukraine while it was under udssr controll
Yeah, but that wasn't the case. Stalin was planning to invade Germany regardless. Just so happened that Germany did it first. As much as you dislike Natsocs, based on your own standards, Commies are as bad and worse.
Is the clapistani army the biggest bunch of good goyim on the planet?
true, stalin and the bolsheviks destroyed generations of good dna during the holodomor, the real holocaust made by the jews
Get on social media and red pill normies on the reality of Hollywood:
Hollywood publicly promoted Pedophilia for decades. They have been getting away with this shit for years but the Spacey scandal is the start of (((their))) downfall.
Shirley Temple was abused for years in the entertainment industry and is the earliest example of a child being exploited by Pedophiles in entertainment.:
Playboy publicy sold child pornography. Possibly involved in a child prostitution ring in the 70s.
>Trump has eyebrows
>So did Hitler
Holy shit
absolutely nothing is worse than commies they are the butchers of jews just like usa is the butcher of jews today
Nazis are coming back and this terrifies the Jew
could have done with an image of tesla instead
>bring power to their masters.
I see no dishonour is serving any master whose cause is just.
Why don't you start a revolution?
Such a food shortage, which was, by the way, caused by technological and economical backwardness of Imperial Russia which had them on a regular basis, happened many years before USSR assumed control over the mentioned territories.
So, I have to repeat my question: what were the food problems in these territories past USSR assuming authority over them?
>doesn't believe in God
>doesn't believe in God
don't see a difference
Nazis killed 5 civilians including women and children in my family for fun but I'm supposed to like them.
Fucking sad to know that they did a shit job too. I mean, you're alive.
Over Hitler violating British pacts.
no but that doesn't mean you shouldn't try to understand their underlying ideology
an ideology that might benefit your people if it was followed
>Fuck off. By destroying National Socialism your retarded people are literally the cause of the worlds enslavement. Russians are the niggers of the white race.
Hitler was the idiot who chose to attack Russia first, and in winter.
Speaking of Hitler's idiocy, he also dumped China for Japan, and let it be reminded that China Then and Japan Then is very different fro China Now and Japan Now. China Then haven't yet been ruined by communism (and might not have been, had the German Ally not gone off the Deep End), there was long decades of formal friendship and trade between China and Germany. Japan Then was Hot Blooded and did stupid things like bomb Pearl Harbour, which brought America into the war. It wasn't until later than China and Japan's position on progress had swapped. Japan's Chinese name is something like Solar Principle or Day Principle, and their manufactured goods used to be known as "Half Day Goods", whereas while mass produced Chinese goods tends to be crap, there are artisan products from families whose been at it for hundreds of years that is good - I have a pair of autographed (by scratching) scissors made in China that my grandmother brought almost forty years ago, it's still very sharp and cut through thread and wires in one go.
Let's not even get into an Eugenics movement that chased ALBERT EINSTEIN out of Germany! Genetically speaking, Jews are smart and creative. The problem with Jews, some Jews, is that they are the tribalistic other...so what? I'm Chinese and I'm ethnocentric. The Boers in Africa was ethnocentric. The solution to the Jewish problem should have been to strictly enforce regulations against conflict of interest that gives those of the tribe an advantage over others. OR, aggressive marriage and conversion that would absorb their intellect while making their separate interests as a separate people a non-issue.
yeah m8 just did some research on /r/socialism/ and found out that everything was fine.
In all seriouseness, thats just a meme to critisise the poor as fuck country that was the ussr. I dont think they regularely had food shortages, but what does that say? A first world country mad up of white people that manages not to starve constantly, good job.
for swabian pockets!
>and in winter
Disregarding the rest of the uneducated shitpost.
>As much as you dislike Natsocs, based on your own standards, Commies are as bad and worse.
The only thing I tried to point out is that based on Natsoc own standards, they cannot put a blame for their ruin on anyone but themselves. Vintage Natsocs did as much, modern day stormfags cry: "Bbut it was Russian fault for not bending over and letting to be assraped!"
American nu-banking started by J.P Morgan and the FED buttbuddies (although Hitler was alive before the FED stole all the peoples gold reserves) + socialism that couldn't even be upkept without slave labor camps and seizure of belongings. How charming, ideology is irrelevant in contrast with conduct, saying one thing but doing another is why we hate jews, and denying the fact that Hitler was a retard who ruined it all for us when we put our faith into him (Britain especially so, we let him have Poland with what was the Phony War) is cancerous blind loyalism that doesn't belong on here.
Russia was never the richest country, but it did objectively and significantly better during Communism than prior or past it.
im sure these would be alot more hilarious were i not american.
>I'm Chinese and I'm ethnocentric
Get out of our white countries then chinky boy.
ideology does not equal blind loyalism
following an ideology does not mean doing everything the same way
and failing to win with a better ideology doesn't not mean that your ideology was wrong
you argue in a very weird way
i think it's the case for all native speakers
you don't look at the words like a non native would
when i argue in my native tongue it looks more like your arguing
dont know about that one, every ex communist country i see, appart from east germany is poor compared to werstern european countries. I really dont see how a system that values euality over efficiency could ever produce more walth for the population.
>for blood and soil
and they lost both of those, at least amerifats got what they wanted
They are
Operation Barbarossa was, in large part, launched to get access to the Baku oil fields. Nazis were also giving their soldiers meth en masse, in order to get higher k/d ratios for their soldiers. Rommels landing in North Africa was also aimed at removing the perfidious Anglo from the Middle East, so that the oil there could be accessed, and so that the Allies would be starved of oil. The Japanese also invaded the Dutch East Indies because there a significant amount of oil, rubber and metals were produced that were crucial to the Japanese economy and military. The Japanese also used meth.
>Thinking that fighting for drugs and oil is bad.
>Believing any war is different.
>Hitler was the idiot who chose to attack Russia first, and in winter.
Le armchair general larper
>The problem with Jews, some Jews, is that they are the tribalistic other...so what?
>I'm Chinese and I'm ethnocentric.
And this is why all the natives in Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia and other south-east Asian countries hate your guts. It is also why the Japanese don't trust you at all.
For lulz and bantz
Hitler shutting down Jewish banks and businesses
I dunno why Ukrainians never heard about that "liberation".
Oh, i know why - fuck of kremlin imperialists!
>"Bbut it was Russian fault for not bending over and letting to be assraped!"
That is about what you let the Jews do for 20+ years before WWII.
>ideology does not equal blind loyalism
No shit, I didn't say that. Following Hitler after he failed and destroyed Europe is blind loyalism.
>following an ideology does not mean doing everything the same way
Its already a failed ideology founded on what's perpetuating the American debt slavery work system today, its cancer.
>you argue in a very weird way
Stop conjuring shit up and read what I say before rushing to reply then.
>you don't look at the words like a non native would
when i argue in my native tongue it looks more like your arguing
Semantics vs facts, are you fucking retarded or something user? Go to sleep and stop saying retarded shit, think.
>Figthing to rob sovereign nations of their wealth
>Having the audacity to debate the morality of war
You fucking jew mongrels are going to the oven sooner rather than later.
>Hitler shutting down Jewish banks and businesses
Do you have any real proof for this? Inb4 you post that one newspaper article that says:
>Judea declares war on Germany
shut up faggot
>>you argue in a very weird way
>Stop conjuring shit up and read what I say before rushing to reply then.
>>you don't look at the words like a non native would
>when i argue in my native tongue it looks more like your arguing
>Semantics vs facts, are you fucking retarded or something user? Go to sleep and stop saying retarded shit, think.
it wasn't to discredit your post you stupid nigger i'm just saying what i noticed
No shit, I didn't say that. Following Hitler after he failed and destroyed Europe is blind loyalism.
and i never said that i follow hitler
i'm saying i can follow an ideology without blindly supporting every aspect of it
dumb cunt
Its already a failed ideology founded on what's perpetuating the American debt slavery work system today, its cancer.
yeah no it isn't founded on that
Russians wrote the Protocols to the Elders of Zion and deported all jews to Poland, idiot. Stay in your own irrelevant continent business.
>it wasn't to discredit your post you stupid nigger i'm just saying what i noticed
Obviously, doesn't mean I'm interested. You're the one making numerous stupid mistakes by not reading what I said, and that's giving you the benefit of the doubt.
>i'm saying i can follow an ideology without blindly supporting every aspect of it
Which wasn't even my pont you retarded faggot. Post some memes and fuck off its clear nothing intelligent comes out of your mouth.
>yeah no it isn't founded on that
>were held by Poland temporarily
yeah, temporarily for almost 4 centuries
>Obviously, doesn't mean I'm interested. You're the one making numerous stupid mistakes by not reading what I said, and that's giving you the benefit of the doubt.
yeah because it's retardedly formatted making it almost impossible to understand
but whatever keep being le edgy by telling me to fuck off
>on a board called politically incorrect
Just how retarded are you? Keep going.
>Russians wrote the Protocols to the Elders of Zion and deported all jews to Poland
?? The Jews were emancipated in the 19th century. Prior to that they were only allowed to live in the Pale Settlement, which was a huge area that included Poland, Belarus, parts of Ukraine etc.
When did the Russians deport the Jews?
Numerous times throughout history, that was before the jewish autonomous oblast.
>le being edgy is better than having actual discussion
Go away idiot.
you first lad
>Numerous times throughout history, that was before the jewish autonomous oblast.
Name me one expulsion from Russia
Ever heard of the fucking Bolsheviks, faggot?
Drugs, Isreal and Oil
I said to Poland, you proved yourself wrong by listing it
Yes. Who only ever succeeded because the dumb Germans gave Lenin money and sent him on a train to Russia.
>Russians wrote the Protocols to the Elders of Zion and deported all jews to Poland
This what you said.
So the Russians deported the Jews to Poland from where? If they didnt deport them from Russia, they deported them from?
>one man caused the Russian Revolution
Actually he was in total shock over the invasion that he went into hiding for 3 weeks and didn't give any orders to his army to defend the country. (this is a well documented fact, 3 million Soviet soldiers were captured during that time because there was no organised effort to defend)
Stalin did not expect to be invaded by Hitler, especially since he dropped the Soviet policy of his predecessor of Communist world revolution long before the invasion.
I despise both Hitler and Stalin but Stalin planned for a post war world where Nazis would control western Europe and the Soviets eastern Europe.
Who said they didn't deport them from Russia?
Lenin was most influential you retarded teenage NazBoo.
>Russians are the niggers of the white race.
This part, at least, is undeniably true.
>there would have been no Revolution without Lenin
Stop taking words out of my mouth, retard.
>Who said they didn't deport them from Russia?
I want proofs for that you retard. Give me any proof that the Russians deported Jews
Too comfy maybe when they shut off the power grid