Norge tråd

Picking up yesterdays archived thread, what the fuck is wrong with our country anons.

I pay almost 40% in taxes yet roads are shit, schools are shit, public healthcare have you on waiting list for years, elder people literally starving in retirement homes. And at the same time this country is flooded with welfare niggers?

40% Of somalian men work here in Norway, 40% fucking percent, and only 20% of the somali women work, meanwhile they have 5 kids each.

We got grown fucking syrians and afghans that are minimum 25+ posing as fucking children crying in their beds while the media and the dumbfucks eat it up.

Taxes literally go to somali welfare surfers and grown up muslims crying in their beds from "ptsd" fuck this country sucks but i dunno what i can do to fix any of this, im so tired of tax money going to welfare niggers that contribute literally NOTHING to society.

Just look at this report:

we are so fucking cucked and the insanity just keeps going on

We're also losing our claim on Svalbard, because more and more gooks is living there while Norwegians leave.

give us the finnmark bro

things are looking grim to say the least

We let in the hordes partly to brownodse Merkel and get good boy points in the EU. Shouldn't you have avoided that stupid shit?

>I pay almost 40% in taxes yet roads are shit, schools are shit, public healthcare have you on waiting list for years, elder people literally starving in retirement homes. And at the same time this country is flooded with welfare niggers?
I feel you


Stop it Noway where am I supposed to go when Sweden implodes?

Your taxes aren't meant to provide you with anything, your taxes are payed to mudslimes as a jizya.

Because of the environmet where we live we have developed into the most altruistic whites. This trait is abused and used against us. Also we must be the most patient motherfuckers on the planet. Prob because we have 5-6 months of winter.

Svalbard was a swedish colony. Not your to begin with

Oh no, I'll give you 5 (you's) if you change my tires.


the worst about this country is the fucking boomers thinking they fought nazis.

they call ppl who dont like multicultralism Nazis, and reminence of how they "fought the nazis" when they werent even fucking born at that time. and their parents who were "fighting" the nazis gave up after 1 week.

Fuck off Sven. How will you reach your colony when we block your acsess to the north sea?

weren't the norwegians fighting with the nazis in the waffen ss? i think thousands volunteered to fight on the eastern front after norway was invaded by germany because norwegians and germans both have the same blood

>I pay almost 40% in taxes yet roads are shit, schools are shit, public healthcare have you on waiting list for years, elder people literally starving in retirement homes. And at the same time this country is flooded with welfare niggers?
Your country is really that bad?

Why do you think your roads are shit? They seemed alright to me.

And yet we are more fucked than you guys. Except for your roads, what's up with your fucking roads Norge?

You don't even know how to mine.

In fact you needed swedes to teach you how to drill oil.

Literally a frozen Gulf country living on natural resources

Recruitment to the SS was not very successfull. So the national legions were established. These were quite large. The Norwegian Legion mainly served in Finland and the Baltics to my memory.

99% of Norwegians can just walk out their door and take pictures of slav tier potholes.
>Do we fix the potholes?
>"No, just make more speed bumps lmao"

Exactly the same shit is going on here too!
I can't see or hear these fucking reefuges anymore!! Fuck I HATE THEM! I HATE THEM ALL!!

any of you faggots have a link or archive of the radio free skyrim podcast?

Save us. There is still time.

How are you supposed to know how to do something with no prior experience you dence cuck?

40% of Somalians males working is actualy Astronomicly high amount for Somalians......
So is 20% of the women working
They are fucking Somalians wtf do you expect their numbers to be? Im amazed some work at all

Yeah, everybody says here that Norway is based but the truth is that Norway is just a step behind Sweden. Same goes for Denmark. There's no solutions really, you can only do what you did after WW2.

Mostly because of demand and our topography.


>I pay almost 40%

55% here. Sweden always wins.

we must meme frp and listhaug in to office next election meanwhile lets have a meme war in the comment sections of all the news papers. lets bring the left down for norway

tell me a country with better roads


Fuck I don't want them to work, I don't want them at all! Why don't they leave? They should leave. Say them they should! Pls!

Yeah was about to say. In the cuckerlands it's 20%.

>We must do MORE MORE MORE so other countries will see our effort and follow

Sweden is the most climate conscious country
>We must do MORE MORE MORE so other countries will see our effort and follow

Sweden takes by far the most immigrants
>We must do MORE MORE MORE so other countries will see our effort and follow

Sweden gives the most foreign aid by far
>We must do MORE MORE MORE so other countries will see our effort and follow

Getting quite tired of this shit

80 % of those 40 % work in useless public sector project that are related to immigration somehow.

Your roads are also quite good.

Dude.. euro socialist countries are the worst..
I lived in Holland,
40% income tax right off the bat.
21% tax on non essential items.
6% on essential items.. remember that tampons aren't even essential
46% base tax on fuel, add vat on top of that.
Then you got waste tax, sewer tax, dog tax, energy tax, etc etc.

God and Christ almighty everything is taxed

The fact that all the people from scandinavian countries have to talk English to each other shows how far they have given up on their OWN culture

Not in Jämtland
The roads here are fucking garbage

No joke, as soon as you pass into Jämtland from Medelpad the road goes from a nice smooth road to some 60 year old unmaintained road

Nice to see that Jamtland still keep their Norwegian spirit going.

Left wingers want shitskins because the left is stupid and delusional and because shitskins vote left. And buisnesses want shitskins to keep competition for low wage jobs up and therefore wages down and that's why the right doesn't challenge them. Except the populist right but they're not enough.

worse thing than boomer leftists are conservative boomers who are in love with israel and jews. so fucking pathetic

What? I speak Norwegian to Swedes and they speak Swedish back. Kamelaasaa however.



In Holland they also wanted to tax sugar btw..
Nothing is sacred

Same for Finland and Estonia in some cases, too. Leaders are megalomaniac, nobody knows what Sweden is up to (expect shootings and rape) and if they know, 99 % does not care.

We just gave another 1.1 billion nok to Greece.
In return: nothing, we close hospitals and schools because we can't afford it.

Luckily there is only 12% of the population that lives in Norrland

you'd have high taxes like the rest of us if it weren't for reparations from germany and foreign aid from the united states you ungrateful kike

Sugar tax is OK, modererate alcohol tax, too. But paying like 30-40 % taxes for average income is nuts. You better have at least good public services then.

When your PM calls his government a "feminist government" and Sweden a "humanitarian superpower" you know it is just all about getting pats on the back during EU meetings.

They seem to be hard wired from birth to be commies though

I don't understand Swedistan. Swedes I have met only speak arabic or somalian.

it's the same in norway. communists up north. frp in the south

i will pass 50% tax after my next raise (not counting payroll tax, which would make it about 70% i guess)
this shit is demoralizing
i unironically hope that universal income will become a thing so i can quit what i do and just drive a truck or some relaxing shit
>payroll tax ~30%
>income tax ~50%
>tax on savings
>tax on literally every kind of profit
>tax on pension
what can a man do to avoid this shit
i can do high taxes if it means i get access to good infrastructure, good public health care, good public education, and good public pension

At least you don't pay trillions of taxes every year just to see it being sucked by the state machine to sustain politicians and be lost on corruption scandals

Das rite. We're all going down together, but we will go first because we are most dedicated to this suicidal cause.

Fun and Epic fact: Somalians are a larger % of the population in Norway than in Sweden

Why does our country love Somalians and Eritreans so much

But I thought Norway was supposed to be a shining socialist utopia for everyone to aspire to?

You'll have to starve to find nigs a good life, that's what (((they))) want.
In Holland a refugee costs around 30.000 to 40.000 a year untill they get a job.
And statistics say 75 percent for not have a job after 3 years....

I dont fucking want them either, other immigrants alos dont want them, i perfere fucking gypsies to somalians... They are not going to leave, Somalians are like a NEET that has all their needs covered and knows you cant throw them out of your house, you can only hope they die by natural causes

Reminder More og Romsdal has the biggest amount of FRP voters followed by Hogre.

korkade jävla norrbaggar, haha!

You know, feels kind of bad that Finland is a lot behind you but everyone knows we will follow you.

Putting aside the memes, how much % of the population of Norway/Sweden Somalis really are?

Norrlanders aren't degenerate self-loathers like city trash, they vote for lefties for gibs. They are like niggers, in that sense

It's a way better country than the United States, that's for sure

No sugar tax is a way to make money.
If they want to keep people healthier they can make food companies have a max on sugar content.
Alcohol tax I support tho.

>afghans that are minimum 25+ posing as fucking children crying in their beds
This is the only thing you are wrong about, because Afgans under 18 only get to stay until they are 18 and are sendt back... have you not been paying attention? Leftist are raging about it in the papers every day

How is the nightlife over there, is it tha bomb?

Sweden has 63853 Somalis, which is 0,63%. Norway has 35912 Somalis, which is 0,68%.


I think that has to do with Sweden not doing statistics for demograpgics desu...

Second generation somali is swedish and so on. Don't think other countries count like that

Well there is Umeå in Norrland

Probably more cuck than Stockholm

And here I think our effective tax rate at like 25-35% is high. I make 50k a year, own my own car and in a month am going to own my house. 1400 square feet for 170k. How much would that be in swedenstan?

I feel for you swedes, but you'd change it if you really cared.

Quite frankly, I don't believe you.
I bet indirect taxes, energy taxes and other fees were not added and in reality you pay above 70%, just like I do.

if youre talking about pol then its because its an english speaking forum, if youre talking about irl then you dont know what youre talking about

House prices completely depend on the location. I read an article once where they compared house prices, and you could buy 36 houses in some rural area for the same price as one in a rich area near Stockholm.

Norway has more Somalis than Sweden, faggot

Just do like us, make it so the immigrants don't even enjoy being jobless.

Come on, the total rax ratio in Sweden is about 45 % and under 40 % in Germany. Total tax ration includes both direct and indirect taxes. Only a fraction of people will pay 70 % taxes, probably no-one desu

I don't know if we can be saved anymore, bros.

Alliansens scored shit-tier low in the last election, and every other party (yes, FRP too, our """conservative""" party are so cucked that they'll never dare do what needs to be done).

Democracy will never be the answer.

Are there any jobs in the rural places? What do swedes or whoever do in their boonies? Its like that in the u.s., West Virginia or Alabama are much cheaper relatively than California or Connecticut

i'd say we should totaly rebuild Lillesand type of Viking village and we will let in only Norwegians and Poles. Ofc not all of them. Just the strongest Norwegians and only Poles who identify themselves with Jomsborg Vikings.

Than we will train and master the art of axe fight, we will live the way Ragnar Rogbrok lived - they were sharing woman.

We will go hunt for slaves.

and than one day when we are strong enough we will retake our rightful clay from cucked swedes. This Land Belongs to Breave Norsk & Jomsborg Vikings!!

=== THOR Give Me Power ===

* i know Poles are part of a problem there in Norway but no other nation assimilate as well as Poles living there. 99,99% of Poles are for example afraid that if their child have even a little bit polish accent when speaking Norwegian, barnevernet will come and take their kids. The ones that come to norway just to work in seasonal jobs don't cause much problem (at least not anymore as PL is not as poor as in 89'). The NewNorwegians/NewEuropeans on the other hand... i have never heard of barnevernet threatening any of them.

Digits confirm truth.

But what will? We're too deep in democracy-land to escape it now.

>you can only hope they die by natural causes

Every time I see them crossing the streets I think about how I could run them over with my car! But for what? I would just end in jail for killing a few niggers and cause a media outrage and libtards feels for even more reefuges!
This has no end!! I'm lost. We are lost.
What should I do? Please help! I'm so tired I don't know what to do anymore...

We even have Nye borgerlige and Dansk folkeparti + nationalist laws going strong here in Denmark, why is Norway not keeping up? I find it weird.

u know it bby


Not the worst immigrants by far. I even spent a summer in your country and your people were nothing but friendly and helpful.


A leader must arise and the people be willing to follow.

wtf? have you not seen the pcitures of the so called "minors" they all look like minimum age of 25, which makes it even more infuriating

>all these feels

But from where? And how?

When 90% of our country is terrified of being called racist or le sexist xD how the fuck is a true leader suppose to gather any support?

And what solution would this leader provide? Normies would be up in arms if he threatened their precious democracy.

>"A good slave learns to love the leash."

Shut up goy, socialism works

>Tfw even our liberal parties are trying to score votes by being against immigration
It feels good, god bless Stojberg's antics.
