If nu-males are such failures, why do they always get hot girls?
If nu-males are such failures, why do they always get hot girls?
Mentally ill women can be hot.
Cause the position of cuckold is always open for modern roasties.
They are the ones who will help raise their girl's black child.
Because they're more progressive and are usually involved in open relationships.
Beta bux
>get called a nu-male every time I post my pic
>kissless virgin womanhater niggerhater
>implying that the girl isn't fucking Tyrone on the side.
>1 post by this is
where are the hot women?
>why do men who let their women do whatever they want whenever they want and let her rule their life and provide whatever she needs whenever she wants it, get hot girls
Fucking beard frauds
Look how wide her smile is. Her mouth has definitely been forced opened by black dick within the last 24 hours.
She's wretched and her wretchedness has become physically manifest, how can you not see it in her face?
females selecting for weaker men so it's easier to dominate them in the name of the sisterhood in future.
That ghoul looks hot to you?
you are mistaking hot women for 'women approaching 30 who want to settle down'
dude what
Pick one.
And they get cheated on constantly.
beta bux + getting fooled by beard + probably having a sidekick
Unironically this
I had a gf a while back who wasnt happy because she was very dominant and tried to boss me around, i didnt back down so she started with emotional manipulation.
Some women want to be dominant and feel like they hold control, so they choose weak men.
The beard meme needs to end. The soyboi numale faggots have appropriated the beard from higher-T specimens.
Because the hot girls are fucking other guys, and the numales will take it.
Either the woman fell in love with him out of pity or the woman has mental issues.
>hot girl
>yuge nosed merchant
>or the woman has mental issues.
How could you possibly tell that?
Because low value women need to hold the reins
Every women has mental illness. It is called "being a woman".
>get a mentally ill girl
>she fucks other men while living off your money
>Not liking mega nosed merchants
Fuckin goofy jughead type bitch.
the ugly fairly came by and her with a shovel
That's how I imagine what redditor couples look like.
wtf is she mentally ill
I swear to god women are worse than men when it comes to autism
After 10 years married, I became a kind of nu-male dominated by my egoistic wife.
I find difficult to change my situation brah.
This problem can be easy to fix with fist.
>hot girls
Damn, you have bad taste.
Cure: Have a threesome with two hot hookers. You are welcome.
They wont keep them
i knew an ugly hipster cuck who had a 10/10 gf
she cucked him for literally years and i think he bought her thousands of dollars of mac hardware
kek thank you, but I need help to reverse the situation. To get back the way I was before
Easy business proposition for vile woman.
The universe revenge on her with very lonely period, probably suicide as she spend 80 years of life after 30~40 years old alone and useless.
It takes a special breed of nu-male to sport a full beard and still look like a prepubescent teenage girl.
Because contrary to what Sup Forums believes, women aren't animals that can be simplified down to some pseudoscientific ev-psych animal that only wants their highly subjective definition of an "alpha male".
Girls are individuals and there are type of girls who like almost any type of male. Except ugly, autistic neckbeards, there's a lack of those.
no she went right on to dating men who are actually attractive im pretty sure or just cucked someone else
that ugly bag?
>Speaking this drivel
>not autistic
I swear to god some of you cunts have zero self awareness
>Hello, police? can you come here quick
You cant beat a girl, the system wont allow it
Beat her up once in a while. It worked for our grandfathers, it will work for you.
Go to church and get a nice religious woman who won't cheat on you op.
>women aren't animals that can be simplified down to some pseudoscientific ev-psych animal that only wants their highly subjective definition of an "alpha male".
yes they are, you're just retarded enough to think that women dont benefit from dating cucks with no self repsect, who throw money at them while they date men who are actually attractive to them on the side
modern whores want men to be either alphas or cucks, nothing in between, they dont want non alpha men who have enough self respect to not let them cheat on them
That happen until she loses attractiveness. So for duration of 20's or so sure, fuck many guy. But the sex all empty and meaningless unless find good man for raising a family.
Also why have the problem "lesbian bed death".
Actually, the story is very sad if the girl wind up having kids and become single mother. Then have really shit life and can never fix, and kids grow up with crazy problems usually from this later too.
Oldfag here.
What the fuck is a "nu-male?"
Is that what we used to call a "pussy?"
You know, a weak little shit that will be the first to be eaten by rats & niggers when society crashes?
Or is there some other definition?
As for "why do they get hot girls?"...do they REALLY? Or is there simply a handful of them that got one because they're willing to knuckle under to be dominated by somebody else? The kind of asshole that will "forgive" his wife for fucking other guys, over and over? (for the sake of the marriage, of course)
Maybe someone can enlighten me on this new term.
>What the fuck is a "nu-male?"
>Eat soy
>Male feminist
>Wears onesies
>Voted Hilary
Others can give you a more precise definition.
Oh, ok...a pussy.
Right on the dot. Even worse than about 10 years ago since all they do is watch Super Hero movies
Oh ye of course. Meanwhile there are men who are attracted to every type of girl you can imagine. There are guys with a fucking fat fetisch for fucks sake. Why wouldn't this apply to women? We also know it does as most guys do manage to find girls. Humans are too intelligent to be controlled by nature, even if biology does work as a foundation. Biology makes you attracted to a nice pair of legs, society makes you attracted to the submissive housewife waifu personality Sup Forums adores. See the difference? Some guys like that, other likes strong women. Some girls like the biker Chad, some girls like the "nu-male" programmer.
For now.
Feminists are pushing themselves into a corner.
Traditionalist women do not need this sort of treatment, of course, and a good husband listens to his wife for everything anyway. So harmony, of course no violence.
But feminists now riding only that man go crazy and do anything for pussy. This is normal biological reaction for male in mating, but now political weapon.
So now games, porn robot, etc. make feminist useless in society soon. Better for them get attitude corrected with a stick than to be disregarded as meat trash once men stop needing them completely.
This is temporary problem, though. Feminist crazy not having kids. Beta male not having kids. Most women pushed by own chemistry to chase few remaining alpha males by age 30 and fix outlook and make children. So you can see in next few generations we have repeat of human history cycle: a few extremely successful alpha will make next generations with many more number of women who choose to submit to this of own will because better for own future anyway.
This process also why we have twice as many female ancestor as male ancestor in genome. It mean that a few men are very very successful sexually, and most men just fail at everything. Difference today is most men now who would fail can avoid pain of failure and disappear their life into games and sex robot -- and at least be generally happy. Not so much as fun for being feminist when biological clock go DING! and nobody want you for making baby anymore because you become Christmas cake and miss your chance.
>Some girls like the biker Chad, some girls like the "nu-male" programmer.
this wasnt so much the case when traditionalism wasnt completely dead and murdered by feminism, they had more realistic standards
\I'm also ready to light them up whenever you are. Politically, they've become the footmen of the antifa PMCs
tip: stop saying brah you fucking nigger
Better girl like the ex-infantry programmer. This is the guy who repopulate next generation, not either shit biker guy who not want a family and not the pussy "web developer" guy who knows nothing about actual computers or engineering design.
You sound young. Girls generally just pursuit one type of man for casual sex, that is correct. Casual sex is cancer and must stop.
Lefties and just about everybody else has a beard in the states. Beards and tattoos do not fucking intimidate me. They look like terrorist heroin addicts.
>It mean that a few men are very very successful sexually
Ive had many girls and i wouldnt call myself successful with girls, i struggle just as much as the next guy with finding girls to fuck.
I think this depends alot of what you define as successful.
Also keep in mind ALOT of girls are on birth control, sex nowadays doesnt result in sex in most of cases
I dont hold the same view as you do, i think feminists are pushing us all off a cliff.
they dont, they just get to watch hot girls with their black boyfriends. its pity porn, irl
> I dont hold the same view as you do, i think feminists are pushing us all off a cliff.
I agree with you.
But you think this is extinction. I think this is major selection event.
If the girl is constantly off taking full advantage of your "open relationship", you don't have her. You're just her cucked little side piece who funds all her excursions, try again shill.
1. She is cheating
2. She has a child from another man
3. His job pays well
not true
and also... she looks very jewish
>But you think this is extinction
Not for humans, no but for western society.
Say what you want about the middle east and africa but their women arent running shit and they have positive birth rates.
9/10 bait
OP knows his trolling
inb4 300+ replies
You are correct.
I think this mean we must take from our enemy the only thing about their plan they have gotten right: method of breeding. Mean must push women to respect men as majority leader role, and polygamy seems to be very much only stable large family style for modern economy (especially when cut wages 50% by adding women into workforce).
But other than this one detail, their culture is big failure. Lead to bigger problem where short-term outpopulation drowning Western society make entire planet weak for major physical event like asteroid strike.
So must take just one lesson from shitskins: breeding effective when allow rich men more wives.
Can leave men who do not want kids to not have kids. No forcing for issue is necessary. Only relaxing social stricture on sex. Also, "age of consent" ridiculous idea promote infantilization of people and very bad. This all comes together with problems about making law for "protect your feelings" and other things.
Basically, my point is you might be right about the selection event meaning that Western society is not selected. So job of society member in West who understand this is to be responsible man, pull many women to you, and make big family to teach lessons as they grow. Also this means you must be strong to not become a pussy, not selfish with your time, be a good father, strong perform for business, etc. Only best can do this. Abandon porn, games, time wasting like this and push your family as your main goal for everything and you can do it. If you will do for a few years what most men will never even try, then you can do forever what most men can never even dream.