Germany admits it has lost track of 30,000 illegal Muslims


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Ha ha we beat the Germans again!

Any advance on 56,000?


We lost track of a few too... turns out they went to germany when the left wing lost last ellection

They probably went to Sweden as it is better for them than Germany.

Wouldn't worry about it, they'll all get jobs and become net contributors

That's the margin of error.

wont get anything if they are unregistered

we also lost track of that one guy :(

Can refugees register in multiple EU countries using multiple IDs and bank accounts?

Some say 30k, some say 60k, others say 500k. Nevertheless its fucked up. Anybody can enter without any kind of fucking id but you cant send those fuckers back to their shitty holes cause they have lost or thrown away their new ids... check whats going on with berlin police academy...

>check whats going on with berlin police academy...
I saw a brief thread about this yesterday but Sup Forums gave 0 fucks.

They didn't lose track of shit. Much like democrats "losing track" of illegals in America it's all deliberate.

They did it many times and they still do it. If you want free gibs paint your face brownish, call yourself muhamed and say your 17 years old. Its that easy...

Seriously thinking about this.
Fucking "refugees" get more in gibs than Poles earn in an honest job.

not lost. integrated.

I wouldnt be mad. Just take the gibs to your country and build a wall or something. Eastern europe will be important in the future


This. Do this, get millions of polish to get gibs in germany before the refugees do.

System will collapse at some point.

How does one get german gibs while being hwhite?

They don't even have to use new identites. De facto you can apply for asylum in as many countries as you wish.
At least in Germany it is now nearly impossible to register more than once at the same time.

Ludicrous to even have to mention this

You are a EU citizen, so just move to Germany I guess. But you must have a job for at least some tome, otherwise you don't get gibs.
92.000 of your compatriotes are currently leeching of Germany. They are by far the largest group.

Not being able to keep a census is just part and parcel of living in a modern Germany.

Your latest data say that there are
783 K Poles, 611 K Italians, 534 K Romanians and 348 K Greeks in Germoney.

This is tha figure for those poles who receive gibs. Most of your countrymen work and are decent people.

Also, please gib back granddads house

>Also, please gib back granddads house
You need to pay for WW2 or fuck off with the refugee crap. Choose your destiny.

>Germany pays poland reparations
>Germany gets clay back in return
>Germany is now broke
>Fugees flee to Poland because no more gibs
>99% white ethnostate established in Germany within the borders of 1937

>99% white ethnostate established in Germany

Too late.
Pic rel 2016.

guys you dont understand, we didn't lose track of them.
i offered to house them in my mansion and turned them into swabian pockets!

I'll be working in some smaller municipalities near Berlin for the duration of the Christmas month, is there any risk of getting ak'bared there?

you can make arround 80kg of swabian pocket filling with 1 adult migrant

i finaly came to enjoy immigration!

How do they know if they were Muslim if they lost track of them ?

Isch liebe deutsche Land
Isch liebe deutsche Land
Isch liebe deutsche Frau
Isch liebe deutsche Kind
Isch liebe deutsche Mann
Isch liebe deutsche Land
Isch liebe deutsche Land

Excuse me
the proper term is migrant
And they don't need to keep track of peaceful people who didn't do nothing

>Fugees flee to Poland because no more gibs
>Expecting gibs from Poles.


>>Fugees flee to Poland because no more gibs
% white ethnostate established in Germany within the borders of 1937

literally wtf? I admire your optimism fritz, but seriously germany or sweden will be the first to fall, and soon

Actually around 520 000

>berlin police academy
What happened/happens there?

Yeah, i read that too. On Welt, if i remember correctly. And Spiegel of course said those numbers are all exaggerated and there's no need to worry, lmao. Fucking Lügenpresse needs to burn already.

500 000 illegals roaming free in germany with no one knowing where they are, who they are, and what they are up to sounds about right to me. The state has already lost control long ago, if you ask me. They just keep up the facade as long as they can.

OK, found Sup Forums thread about it already
>>Sup Forums81365556

It's not yet Sweden-tier though with lots of crime, violence and bomb campaigns against the police?

Arab clans joined the academy, women and germans are getting bullied and harassed by the ones with migrational background. They act like chimps and dont give a shit about rules. One teacher even calls em "our enemies"

No, it IS sweden tier. There's almost every day a report about mobs of hundred of arabs/nogs trying to kill each other, then police/paramedics arrive and they try to kill those. Could you show you one fresh from today but it's all in krautspeek.
There should be a translation

Ich spreche deutsch. Danke.

They can to germany to have a flourishing life, not to be hunt down like ducks
they bring culture and prosperity and the best bits of islam to all of europe, hoe can you people label it as a bad thing?

>insinuating they had track of them in the first place

C'mon mang

>the teachers are scared
>they're not kicked from the academy because otherwise they will be coming back at night and vandalise shit
Why are they not kicked so hard that they are unable to come back?

Wtf are you doing, Germany?

European Army, anyone?

Yea they'll just join the local middle eastern mafia.

>European Army, anyone?
Your mother.
You have go full retard to even think of giving control of any army to commie Germans.

>European Army
Same thing would happen with it as with the Berlin Police Academy.

My mother even voted against joining EU in 2003 referendum, so did I.
But seriously, who are those supporters of EU Army?

My thoughts about what happens when EU army somehow happens is that the first step is total sabotaging of national armies followed by shitskin and eutard takeover.

>European Army, anyone?

calm down seaslav... we will just wait untill things get out of control and annex the shit out of them. and then milions of muslims will get lost
far away or deep in a dirt

>But seriously, who are those supporters of EU Army?
Germany and their puppets in Brussels. They want to keep communism going with violence.

Opinion discarded.
Fuck off and KYS.

>There's almost every day a report about mobs of hundred of arabs/nogs trying to kill each other, then police/paramedics arrive and they try to kill those. Could you show you one fresh from today but it's all in krautspeek.

Ich kann Deutsch gut genug verstehen, um Texte zu lesen.

Sounds bonkers. I'll be working living in Berlin and working near there during the Christmas month, is there a good chance to witness this sort of degeneracy? What area should I visit to get an idea of how bad the situation really is?

I was in Berlin during the municipal elections of 2016 and saw some election adverts written only in Turkish and Arabic. That seemed pretty fucked up. Also a some sort of gay sicilian-german barber told me that there will be a war and that Muslims will get what Jews got during the Hitlerzeit. He didn't even seem angry, shocked or anything, just stated how he saw things were going to develop.

>I'll be working living in Berlin and working near there during the Christmas month, is there a good chance to witness this sort of degeneracy?

Look out for trucks of peace pretty much anywhere in Berlin.

Main train station in every big city when it's dark outside always gives you a good impression. I wouldn't advice it though. Don't blame me when you get stabbed.

And Neukölln is the berliner problem district with the biggest foreigner percentage. If you really want to get a taste, go there.

wow if these kikes admitted to 30k it must be at least double that

hahaha have fun yurocucks


its true but im from a white country ;_;


(afaik) the idea isn´t new. They wanted to do that around 1953 but France didn´t agree. Now Macron revived this idea.


Good. Tell other ukrainians to stop stealing polish jobs and move to Germany.

Sweden lost track of 40k in 2016.
Germany should be at least 5 times of this.

Kek I didn't know that all it took to defeat the German Ministry of Interior was to get into government buildings with my homies and wreck shit + threaten people.

The Interior Ministry has the monopoly for violence in cuckmany. And they are unable to control THEIR OWN BUILDINGS.

You have been literally conquered by unarmed niggers, without a single shot. And I do not say it as a metaphor.

Interesting times.

Sorry, i fucked up
Sweden lost track of 30k in 2016 and 14k in 2015.

I will if you do the same and tell the polish to stop stealing german jobs

Why? There is enough money in germoney for both poles and ukrainians.

This is Germanic arrogance in a nutshell.
They are so retarded in their heads about their "superiority" that they literally can not spot stone-age warfare fought against them.

Berlin senator of the interior is responsible for the berlin police. Berlin is basically ruled by commie-socialist coalition. It's a failed state

Here's the audio recording of the police trainer, who talks about the issue (2:57 -->):

Responsibility doesn't matter when your police force is understaffed, undergeared, underpaid and not respected by civilians, thugs or politicians likewise.


its obvious this is what (((they))) wanted.

I lost my refugee!
Has anyone seen him?
He was 2 meters tall and 14 years old.

It's not a big problem in Bavaria though. It's leftist governments causing this to happen.
Also, in case of berlin the communists had the bright idea to have more migrants in the police for better acceptance, but they had to lower the standards since otherwise they wouldn't get in. Now this is what happens.
Colour me surprised.

It seems to be that actions have consequences and screaming racism won't help.