I got punched in the face by a stupid girl today, so I beat the shit out of her and her beta boy, and spray painted "Its OK to be white" on campus, AMA.
Its OK to be White
How much porn do you watch, on average? I'm putting together a chart of liars and porn addiction.
why are you a fag
Why do you shill so shittily?
all the best on your voyage of discovery
Lookin forward to the results
Because I said something you dont agree with Im a shill?
Fuck you.
Youre the shill you closed minded cunt
He didn't call you a shill, he called you a fag. Fag.
Of course, fucking Straya says Im a shill. Go get fucked by an Emu
Your a pussy real men dont talk about there crimes faggot
Self defense isnt a crime
You are part of the problem
I commend you for standing up for youself but you shouldn't have done the spraypaint right after. Not the right image for the movement,
I was angry but I see your point. What would you have done?
Because you are a loose cannon or a fag or both.
Or a liar which means your a fag
Kick the shit of them, and taken their wallets, so they have to get all new cards
Im willing to accept loose cannon, but how is that part of the problem? This bitch literally started it by hitting me first. If women want to be equal they should be ready to be hit if theyre going to hit me first.
post hand with timestamp
>time and date today with Sup Forums
so to ask, will you be jailed?
>what are gloves?
No I will not be jailed
Do you have any evidence they hit first in case of being sued? Seeing as its a two on one case and they might find a kike to sue.
you can't be so sure today though.
remember that this imageboard has already doxed AntiFa cucks who are too poor to have an Internet connection
If I get doxed then was larping.
If they find witnesses they will be on my side. People were confused by why they where picking a fight with me.
I am fat virgin liar AMA
>I got punched in the face by a stupid girl today
If u play with dolls, dolls play with u.
>so I beat the shit out of her and her beta boy
So it means that you just masturbated later