>I do not care about the White race and if it continues to exist
How do a reply to another White saying this with the wish to change her opinion?
I do not care about the White race and if it continues to exist
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But... Asian gf...
I give no fucks what happens after I'm dead.
I'll never have a gf again or get married so yeah I don't care fuck this country its women all of its people piss on the grave of zogbot warriors and this retarded nigger loving nation. It has no future fuck it all an fuck everyone living on its cursed soil.
idont really think its possible to change a person with that views mind
it has to happen organically via personal experience or research
your a idiot you cant change her mind. she has to decide she no longer thinks that way on her own
people like you are wasting your time posting its ok to be white fliers and going to protest. just as the left wasted their time protesting . your no different your just some bossy nigger who thinks they need to change peoples world view
But there are many people who get redpilled and start loving their own people.
Why try to change her opinion when you could change yours instead?
Why try to preserve the races of the past when you could instead help to create the race of the future?
When you can convince them that white "women" are better than Asian women.
So why are you so buttblasted by it? Fuck off if it doesn't bother you.
You're no different than some bossy nigger who thinks their opinion matters.
I fuck hot women. I fuck whatever race of hot women I want. You are not going to stop me.
"I'm not white, I can't know your race's struggle. and I acknowledge that there is a large scale unsubstantiated vendetta against your people. My question is this: is that any reason for you guys to die? Is there a reason you should take on the burdens of tragedies long ended? Is there no reason that, if you really believe you're such a bad race, you can't simply strive for greatness rather doom generations of your own to extinction? Whiteness is a diverse culture; Swedish, German, British, etc. Will you let it die on the whims of those who wish you to focus on your atrocities, but ignore and benefit from your successes and advancements? If you have any pride, not even as a white person but as a human, you'd live on and work towards the enlightenment and advances that all of humanity is capable of, and stay the course of our evolution regardless of your skin tone. Don't be a pussy: let your race show its excellence, rather than lie down to the oppressive chains of the collective politically correct masses."
Tl;dr: I'm drunk, don't be a bitch, its okay to be white. Im white and even I figured it out
>How do a reply to another White saying this with the wish to change her opinion?
Hit the self-hatred angle. Anyone who is saying that is truly self-hating. Viciously and dismissively mock them for having low self-esteem as motivated by pathologic altruism. Tell her, while laughing churlishly at her, that she doesn't actually believe any of that crap, its just her vapid and self-hating attempt to gain social credit by following the herd. Also be sure to include some stuff about how there's nothing unique or interesting about their worldview.
Libshits of that sort hate being reminded of their own mental frailty, their lack of individualism, and their desperate desire for social acceptance. Especially women.
Then kill yourself, and you will have achieved true Nirvana.
Step one is to find out what she DOES care about.
>muh race
>muh european heritage
Drop them off in the part of town that used to be white 40 years ago
Words won't change anybody's mind, only personal experience
Well, I mean, we COULD stop you, in point of fact. By killing you, of course.
But, that's a talk for another day. In the meantime, let's talk about how your dick is going to rot off.
>muh waifu
>muh individualism
Jews plant this mind virus in the brains through indoctrination since childhood so I am just trying to restore the natural state - loving yourself, loving your own people.
Maybe you are the idiot since your statement is objectively false when we observe people getting redpilled.
It is important that as many people as possible become pro-White so we have a better chance to survive.
>*I'm not white and I still figured it out
There is no white race. Race is for the peasantry who are seeking some form of validation of there existence. Betas push this shit more than anyone.
It depends on their reasoning. Is the dislike due to modern day government action? Well I can show them many European governments that do things differently to the US on foreign policy etc. Is it due to perceived historical wrongs? Again, I can show them many examples of the Arab Muslim Caliphates, Ottomons, Chinese, Japanese, Mongolians etc behaving pretty badly, empire building, taking land and enslaving (sometimes to a higher level than the transatlantic trade).
>There is no white race
what are haplogroups
lmao whitey cant even keep his women in check, they wont even fuck him lol
I am more for the preservation of white or european culture but that is a lost cause even neo nazi types lack cultural depth they couldn't tell the difference between beethoven and mahler so whats the point of preserving a skin tone if everyone thinks and acts like niggers?
not surprised
If whiteness makes great, how do you explain antifa degenerates
checkmate nazi
>I destroy my own genes and create ugly mongrels and there is nothing you can do about it *autistic screeching*
>That will show you
>How do a reply to another White
tell that person to practice what she preaches with her own life
Who's "we" foggot. You and your little fucking anime posters?
dude, you aren't european
No thanks. Black wombs are meant to be filled with white seed.
But hopefully not from White men.
Words can't fix the logic virus.
The only solution is to imprison or kill those infected.
One good rape will cure any white woman.
Asian women are disgusting. I hate this meme.
But there are numerous people who have been redpilled? National Socialism started with a few and redpilled 80 million.
Those are some lovely White women you posted there. I continue to appreciate the Japanese contributions in the craft of worshipping White women.
If they weren't such disgusting bug-people, I'd be inclined to let them live. But, can't win em all.
Genetically i am 100% european.
No, I mean any of the people viewing this board. Literally anyone could stop you... But realistically, you probably aren't doing much fucking anyway, so its not really something to prioritize.
Because I think my genes are worth to be preserved.
The individual must break the conditioning, but shaming and social pressure helps. We must remind them that sex is for making babies.
Seems unlikely, with all your 'muh dik' behavior. Post a pic to prove it or fuck off.
Bonus if you post your tits.
Yes..only pushed on pol
>muh dick
Neck yourself Tintin.
Nah. Asian women are just kind of gross bro. Most need surgery before they're even vaguely fuckable.
And let's be real: If you're going after Asians, its because you can't get a human woman.
>[*muh dik intensifies*]
What "muh dick" behavior ? Seriously culture is important. I have more in common with the black man James Baldwin than i do a bunch of illiterate redneck meth heads who voted for the cryptokike trump. my DNA test came back with 100% european 99.6 of it coming from British isles. Anyway here is a pic.
>Alienation with a race
Who says we should not preserve our culture? I think it is equally important. And Neo-Nazi degenerates have nothing to do with actual National Socialists who love classic music.
This is bad propaganda that fundamentally misunderstands women.
Women aren't made for politics, and they never will be. They will never, ever, ever have the sense of sacrifice, shrewdness, necessary coldness that politics requires. And you shouldn't want them to! The goal shouldn't be to instill the right politics in women. The goal should be to make them apolitical.
So if you want white women to have more white children and get together with white men more, target THIS sort of propaganda to them:
1. Portray members of other races as short, schlubby losers. Not criminals, no - but as short, kvetching, gross peasants.
2. Portray white men as tall, smiling, adventurous types, with a little bit of a bad boy vibe. Debonair.
3. Show lots and lots of cute, smiling white babies. Whenever you show a non-white or mixed baby, make sure it looks miserable, squalling or diseased.
Shoot her.
People with that mindset don't know anything about human biodiversity, truly religious mindsets, economics, or the link that happens with all of them. If you redpill yourself, you start to see the beauty of western culture (white culture) and everything it had to fight tooth and nail to get through. You can't teach that in a single conversation.
Bump and tell
Well in my experience in the US the right wing are listening to shit nu-country (RIP based paddock) or even nigger music. They don't read and if they do it is certainly nothing but breitbart etc. If i could hang out with some real Nazi bros and discuss Hamsun it would be great.
what the fuck is "White"? What does a Serb have in common with a German or a Scots-Irish from Kentucky, than with a Yoruba or a Han Chinese?
Skin fucking color?
We all eat the same food, watch the same shows, speak the same language.
>protip: the one i am writing in
What the fuck is "White" heritage?
Sounds to me "White" in anglo countries was just a way to mix up various British and or northern European cultures, like English with Prussians. What does that have to do with me?
Probably has more to do with the copious application of make-up.
We definitely must preserve white culture at all costs. The loss of it means a new dark age which i am afraid is being brought on quickly by rampant consumer capitalism.
You will care you just don't realize it yet
This desu
But most people on pol are beta virgins who dont understand women
>What does that have to do with me?
Nothing, you're still a steppe nigger.
If a good black/asian/whatever girl comes into your life and is actually a caring feminine woman, why would you pass that up? So you can settle for a land whale white woman who doesnt know how to cook, clean, or care for a human bean?
demoralisation shill, up until the recent success or the latest campaign there was NO ONE like you here
Call them selfhating / one with crippling low selfesteem
Or you could just say they'l be next once the brown hordes take over.
I know that feel, those 'right wingers' are just degenerates who did not exist in the German Reich. As I said before National Socialists promoted high culture and classic music. Look at the Gottbegnadeten list or at the scupltures of Arno Breker.
Does that mean you intend to clone yourself?
Or is it that you're under the mistaken impression that breeding with someone of your own race would be more effective at preserving your genes than breeding with someone of a different race?
Who let the chink in
Black and white paint can't be made from mixing colours
Neonazis are the product of bad education. They were taught in school about how the nazis were the purest form of evil, so people attracted to being "evil" and edgy became neo nazis. It actually has nothing to do with what happened in Germany.
wew the amount of disinfo shills is yuge.
this material triggers them? or were they simply payed to target anything related to the "it's ok to be white" campaign on Sup Forums?
rly makes me think
>feminine woman
how big of a dick are we talking about it here? if its a qt trap dicky sure no probs
Why should I love "My people"?
They bullied me , tortured me, broke me , casted me out , and they never listened to the ppl who knew what's going on.
After all these thinking, I realized I don't really care. Fuck europe. If they want to be enslaved so fucking badly, and betray everyone of their own , so be it. I fret not over that. But of the dread of the future. Of my future, of my family's. How I'll survive, and find love if that's even possible.
This humanity is a failed experiment ,it could've succeed so greatly, things couldve been so good ,if only people listened to their instincts a bit more and not take in every fucking shit the media throws out .
Don't want to be the end day freak, but dark days ahead, this wont take too long ,a hundred years and the whole thing will collapse.
Thanks for the link I am always glad to find new music and art. I think a lot of people overlook the fact the National Socialism was probably the peak of Romanticism. Hitler pitted his countrymen against the modern world and unsurprisingly were murdered for it. Even if the holocaust were true (which i doubt since my great uncle who liberated the camps told me before he died that the stories were not true; he also said that during the battle of the bulge on Christmas eve both sides stopped fighting and sang Christmas carols to eachother) even if it were true, the moral is ambiguous; the US killed 1 million people in one day fire bombing tokyo.
Simply state the truth: A person who makes such a statement does not care about the future of humanity, for which the existence of white people is objectively good.
If their argument is "I don't care," then say, "so you're admitting that you're a bad person, and cannot be swayed by moral arguments. If that's all there is to it, then it is what it is, but you have conceded the moral highground to white nationalism."
>I give no fucks what happens after I'm dead.
The boomer mindset
I think the same thing. I have a conflict in myself where sometimes I feel like Europe needs to be defended, but on the other hand, why should I care about these people?
see this
i am still to see an explanation what the fuck is hwhite culture. why are hungarians and serbs more one than serbs and yoruba, because skin color just seems like a dumb reason.
Well, if cloning was the best way then nature would have favoured this instead of complicated mating and partnership.
If I find a partner very similar to myself then my children will most likely look like me, have a similar character - so essentially I will preserve my genes.
If I breed with another race, for example a Black woman then I would create niglet mongrels who do not look like me at all. Also, they would not be accepted by most Whites as one of their own. The more heterogenous a population becomes, the lower is the social cohesion ending in racial conflicts and civil war - particularly when resources get scarce.
White culture spread from the neander valley in Germany. If you can't plainly see how different it is from Yoruba or whatever you are being willfully ignorant.
>afraid of race mixing yet every European is a mix of 3 to 4 different nationalities
Here are thousand National Socialist books (in German though).
Read about National Socialism, history, philosophy, race science, faith, threat of judaism, economy, exercising, as well as art and culture.
Maybe it is useful for you.
>Posting a way too abstract meme to
Just post a video with nice music playing showing a white woman. Then abrupt "shitting sounds" as we get to see her shitskin spawn.
jag tycker om du
"This woman" also tends to be a fucking whore that makes the daughters of Sodom blush with her whoredoms.
So what if ur partner and u are very similar but are different races?
I wouldn’t want a clone of me as an offspring, I would want a child who grows with their own opinion and ideas. I could give two fucks if it looks like me.
Oh and also race mixing helps to eliminate hereditary diseases.
"white" is only relevant for former european colonies, and even there its less or more important (brazil vs usa for instance)
i ve read
its still basically in reference to usa, not even all eurocolonies.
how the fuck are you incel in a hot carribean island? i thought all you do is fuck
>why would you pass that up?
Because I love my race and think my genes are worth to be preserved
Fuck Denigro.
Hollywood puppet.
Thanks i will check it out even though my German is very limited
>using white women as propaganda
This is so pathetic.. You're not going to get men or women on your side by deifying the destroyer of the white race.
White men need to man the fuck up and subjugate white women again. We gave them their right to vote for communist faggotry and it's time to take it away.
Don't know what this word means.
I have to work during the day, I have a family to take care of.
I fuck at night.