If racemixing destroys white race how do you explain Finland? They are the blondest country, blue eyes are common and they are Swedish/Siberian mongoloid mongrels.
Sup Forums BTFO
If racemixing destroys white race how do you explain Finland? They are the blondest country, blue eyes are common and they are Swedish/Siberian mongoloid mongrels.
Sup Forums BTFO
anything is better than wh*te subhuman!
Finns aren't white.
We are baltic masterrace!
We are not swedish. We are finno-ugrics
You are a fagget.
Would you low-tier consider stabbing me if I spoke another language than Catalonian and English, when I came to visit Catalonia?
I you answered yes, then you are one of the EXACT SAME maniacs that Swedish people in Finland have to fear.
The gook genes are well diluted. 4-5%. At 50/50, even 10% your in skinning dog territory.
I-I'm a gook?
Reveal your flag, Amerimutt
Right, and he said
>Siberian mongoloid
But also mixed with swedes. Which is true.
You have a lot of genetic Swedes.
controled mixing can be good if the mix creates something good. Today the idea is that all people of the entire would should randomly breed and somehow that is gonna be great.
Finns are honorary Nords. That doesn't mean that a swede getting bred by a turk will result in the same.
Average Finn has none or few % swedish genes at most.
Funny how people here always act like everyone from all of subsaharan Africa is the same nigger but then go on and argue about whether blonde Finns are a different subspecies than blonde Swedes, even though they look exactly the same.
i heard that 95% of buisness in Finland is owned by ethnic swedes
>everyone from all of subsaharan Africa is the same nigger
they are though
a ethiopian nigger and a rhodesian nigger is still a nigger
a finn isn't a swede
Finns have a TINY percentage of gook genes. TINY.
And I heard that Stalin was a good man.
Guess you can hear all kinds of shit when you live long enough.
Cockola has lots of hurries
They're still mixedm What's the point?
Cockcola is a mess.
A big, fat mess.
Like Turku, it was a mistake.
Just nuke everything east of Austria and the white race can focus on actual problems again. No point in preserving trash like slavs, finns etc.
It is not easy to be part of a minority in Finland. Personally I'm part of a minority called "Finlandssvenskar" lit. meaning = Finland's Swedes, we are also rudely known as Hurrit by the somehow jealous "Perussuomalaiset" lit. meaning = True Finns, who hate us to the point that they have actually beaten some of us up just for talking Swedish as out mother tongue.
I'm not even making this Paska up, this is a real thing.
If you're not memeing and seriously believe that you're incredibly ignorant and uneducated. I hope you're just a 15 year old edgelord.
You can't even compare east africans with west africans. The only common denominator is the black skin. If you painted them white you'd get really different looking peoples. They're different in skull and facial features.
And the least obvious traits are also different. If you were to look at genetic tests done on those people you'd realize that they're really different from one another.
Much more different than the average Finn and Swede.
Speak human you racetraitor.
we are brothers now finnbro
Finns were made honorary aryans.
We aren't baltic subhumans either
I know, I live in the ghetto of Koivuhaka
I thought the soviets left???
Hurries are our brothers! You're not cucked like the Swedes in Swedistan
>bulgars aren't tatar scu-
the Soviets never leave they just hide
>Swedish people in Finland
They have to go back.
It was a rural shithole until the Marshall Plan built it up. :/
Just speak finnish with everyone since you do live in Finland after all t. Hurri
>a 60IQ nigger is totally different than another 60IQ nigger
Finland didn't get marshal moneys.
This actually built it up: en.wikipedia.org
Finland was never occupied by soviets, we fought those fuckers toth and nail. That's my neighbourhood in western Finland. I live under a mile from that photo.
Finland is comfy because they copied their society to make it as Swedish as possible, same with Estonia. It's fine but just know who the real masterrace is
soon to be them if your country continues on it's path
Fuck off.
Educate yourself American. We refused marshall help.
This is a Swedish children's playground. SWEDEN YES!
Serves you right for not learning language in few hundred years. You are stupider than finnish-speaking finns, results show.
We didn't mix with niggers.
Lets not forget our true heritage, heil tengri!
Ja hurrit vittuun!
You really should just communicate in finnish unless both of you speak swedish than you might aswell speak that instead. Dogshit tier if you don't speak finnish in Finland
>they have actually beaten some of us up just for talking Swedish as out mother tongue.
Funny that it wasn't in any news, so I don't believe you right now. But I'm willing to listen if you want to give details on these beatenings-happenings.
No newfag we often talk about the khoisan and bantu
I had some of that in my youth, no news worthy stuff. Can't provide evidence either but it did happen
That its an irrelevand admixture, no diferent from a 1/64th cherokee American
Yes, we copied your
>success in fighting the russkies
>success in taking in a million niggers
>success in being gay
>success with Ericsson
ok I have to give you that, you were years ahead of how Nokia played it in the end.
Värför bor du i Finland? Kom hem, vita man
They were born there, dipshit.
Suomessa syntynyt ja kasvanut
So nigger born in Finland is finnish?
Really, in your youth? Are you serious man? You think no finnish-speaking finn was ever bullied in school? You think you are all special and deserve special treatment?
GTFO of Finland scum.
The people of Eurasia are only about 15,000 years apart.
As long as they're a developed country no one gives a fuck about their race.
Am I asking for special treatment?
>You are stupider than Finnish-speaking finns
>stupider than finnish-speaking finns
Even if you are a illiterate nignog who fucks goats, you're probably still not dumb enough to be a Real Finn.youtube.com
My Summer Car is a great game. I gotta say though, your words have a metric shit ton of syllables to say things. Listening to the npc's takes forever.
Wow it's the dudesons, you really proved your point.
Do you not get how Sup Forums works?
it's funny that finns are the most european people on earth while being the most asiatic people in europe at the same time. we truly are our own subrace
>whether blonde Finns are a different subspecies than blonde Swedes, even though they look exactly the same.
They don't. Amerimutt detected.
you dont have more yamnaya blood than swedes though, that map is false
The so called "True Finns" are also responsible for creating this masterpiece. Translation = Ladies and Gentlemen, viewers of the television, next up in line is...
It's still racemixing.
why did you change your flag faggot
The better question is, why not?
I like your way avoiding the mediocrity of swedish-speaking finns. Speaking two languages, still scoring behind finnish-speaking in school and intelligence in general. It's should be impossible, researchers say - but it's not lmao. But maybe your videos are a better proof
there's no such thing as pure race. everyone has "racemixed" at some point. our asiatic admixture dates back thousands of years ago and possibly some of it come from more recent times from Samis
if there is some hidden ethnicity in europe that is 100% pure, then please tell me!
what the fuck are you then
Dis nigga so mad that gotta change the flags. Muslim flag suits you since swedish-speaking municipalities are filled with 3rd world scum.
we are mostly baltic. ignore him
Finland is an Apartheid country. Wealth and power are disproportionately distributed on their behalf.
The system of Swedish supremacy must be dismantled.
"Their", as in, the Fennoswedes
för helvete finnen vet!
stänga av den
>Calls my country a shithole while his homeland is such a fucking mess that people only there to buy cheap booze, cheap hookers, and trade shots of life-destroying illegal-drugs.
Don't worry Finnbro we got your back. Be patient.
t. Tuukka näsiläinen
Not even calling it shit, just stating that if you live in a swedish-speaking village in Finland, you most likely live in a nigger village. Meh, such a low iq, i know that you can't even speak proper swedish even though it should be your mother language, sad. When will you leave Finland?
In East Africa they had the Abbyssinian Empire. West Africa did not have anything like that.
East Africans also look very dfferent fro West Africans.
die ewige dansk
>Don't worry Finnbro we got your back. Be patient.
>At the same time is invaded by dune coons without mercy
Danes, you are also Germanic and also too arrogantly retarded to understand what is happening to your country.
Definitive proof that Asians are honorary whites and bro-tier.
That's why I'm not worried. These people don't understand that white people are attractive. It doesn't matter if we mix. Those with more prominent white traits will be more successful in mating. Even if we mix all were doing is slowly weeding out the purity of other races since our genes will be chosen for over theirs. You fucks don't know how genetics work. This is not the end of the white race, this is a bleaching of the planet. All you have to do to see this is take a look at India. They fucking worship white European characteristics. Humanity will become white.
you have to go back
Fennoswedes and Finns should not fight. We are brothers in blood, separated merely by tongue. We need to rally together against all those who would bring ruination to our homeland and seek to replace us with foreign subhumans.
We need to secure the existence of our people and a future for Finnish children, regardless of their mother tongue. It is the blood that matters, not the language.
Hail victory.
This time you will beg for moar.
We founded your capital.