Conservatives were the original lolcows. Stop laughing at lefties.
Other urls found in this thread:
>trannies have never been laughable at any time in history, certainly not for a longer period than conservatives have been, if ever
ha ha, animefag
anime is indeed disgusting
I'd rather watch anime than have to look at a tranny eceleb
>pauses lolicon wank to hunt for degenerates on pol
Back to r*ddit with your gay skeptic community shit, she is a lefty, Sup Forums is a right-wing board on a website centered around anime fuck off to r*ddit.
Oh, what's the matter, upset that PoC (People of Conservatism) are now getting their well-deserved revenge for generations of oppression?
It's just progress, bigot.
She's right, they were the biggest low cows and the Alt Right isn't far away from being the new ones.
Tranny trying to rip anime. some one tell it will always be a bloke.
Way to go Rolf!
the opinion of a coalburner is not important
lefty commie Nigger detected. Uk is the new Sweden
>PoC (People of Conservatism)
>le skeptikal inteletual
Stopped reading there.
> Animefags
I think we found one of these liberal lurkers: Blair White
She knows, soon the normies are going to realize a painful truth.
We are everywhere.
>le based tranny may-may
>guy so far gone that he thinks he's a girl making fun of anyone
And I say this as a person who believes that weebs should be shot
What the fuck is a lolcow?
That's not what they teach in schools.
Bringing up e-celeb kids on this board...
why? Are you a brooding 15 year old?
>le omg im so random girl
t. newfriend
the overly religious ones were. however you can make a secular argument for most of the religious right wing arguments.
also sh0e is a brainless "le enlightened centrist" liberal
lurk moar faggot
conservatives ARE pathetic though
I'll always be right-wing, but I'm never gonna call myself conservative
shoe needs to remember she is a worthless nigger loving whore whose existence can only be thanked to beta orbiting degenerate lowlifes. She's also fucking ugly.
>The septic community calling anyone else lolcows
loving every laugh
>not the shadman smash mouth lookin kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb in the shape of an L on her forehead troll image
disappointed in my fellow NIGGApillars
You're thinking of neo-conservatives. Conservatism is one of the fundamental facets of right wing ideology.
somebody you milk le lels from and make threads dedicated to leling at them for doing something you disagree with
There are many things to mock about conservatism, the opposition to crazies mutilating their sex junk is not one of these things.
No, not just neo-conservatives either. I relate a lot to paleo-conservatives, but there's a lot of other aspects of conservatism I dislike beyond just the war-mongering. For example, the crypto-feminism that a lot of social conservatives engage in
>septic community
Shoe0nhead is a meme.
Muh liberulism.
Muh ekwality.
Muh horseshoe theory.
She has no political education and probably had never hold a philosophy book in her hands.
It would be an absolutely low hanging fruit to get her through her ex-nigger-boyfriend.
Like how'd that colorblindness worked out for you?
Her relationship with this black guy has obviously worked out very badly, because she blocks any mention of it.
Again, neoconservatism. Conservatism just means conserving your traditions, values, morals and way of life.
that's unrelated. aussie poster is right. right wingedness is inherently reactionary / conservative.
SOOOOO, a dumb slut and a tranny walk into twitter...
bartender user says: "I'll make a thread out of that".
Yeah, I get that's how they sell it, but let's be honest: If "conservatism" just meant conserving your traditions, values, morals, etc. then 99% of what calls itself conservative wouldn't be conservative
Even the people who supposedly dedicate themselves more to that aim (social conservatives) are some of the more cancerous destructive elements of conservatism. Even supposed christian church conservatives aren't really all that 'conservative'
At some point you have to just give it up. I am not a conservative, but I am right wing
Just call yourself reactionary, very few things left that're worth conserving
>a mudshark and a tranny
They've been laughable since time immemorial.
The person being joked about.
They are wrong tho. The only people who made fun of conservatives in the early days were ppl sucking off colberts dick
Good luck at the cuck festival faggot
>lololol stupid old conservatives, of course everyone is exactly the same. Borders don't and shouldn't exist, coffee brown utopia now!
Kids who don't know any better often think they are god's gift.
Time goes back longer than the 90's mate
>Yeah, I get that's how they sell it, but let's be honest: If "conservatism" just meant conserving your traditions, values, morals, etc. then 99% of what calls itself conservative wouldn't be conservative
Not for most of modern society. Conservatives lost a long time ago.
She later deleted it.
Who's an AnimeFag?
Right wingers voted Trump
better question yet, who is not
So now they are hobbieshaming uh? That's very bigoted from them.
Reminder Blaire White is a filthy degenerate faggot
Anime is patrician taste.
Thread theme
A literal fag calling others fag.
>sh0e is so annoying and I would never bang he-
>tfw boxxy is an immortal meme vampire
worst timeline
Sh3 is bald and wears a wig
>coalburner and a tranny
>talking about lolcows
>coalburner and tranny think their opinions has any worth