Should women have the same rights as men?
Should women have the same rights as men?
only if they're hot
Where's my birth control pills?
Where's my free birth control?
Trump should pay for my condoms.
You should ask yourself if a child should have the same right as an adult.
No way. They vote because of feelings. Because of women voting, and the arrogance of the stupid cunts, we have open borders, and will eventually lose out nation, weak cunts are the reason we have laws banning free speech, sure their were men wanting the laws, but the cunts were used to pass them. 'Oh look! A cunt is crying! Don't worry fair maiden, we will criminalize people disagreeing with you, and imprison those responsible'
The end result is laws that stop white men speaking out against islam or niggers, because those are seen as 'guests' and were not to be rude to them. In their endless attention whoreing, they have destroyed the family unit, destroyed nations, ruined men, and created massive debt and problems that will have to be dealt with down the line.
Women, not even once.
Of course, but that said, those rights should be restricted to the right to their own life and property. Neither voting rights (which all come down to interfering with other people's property or life) nor any of the other modern rights are legitimate to begin with.
They're emotionally unhinged and no one can tell because they are women.
Human rights? Yes
Special rights like they do now? No
Positions of power? NO!
Absolutely not.
They should have MORE to make up for the years of oppression
where's my right to be financially supported my entire life in exchange for infrequent, unimaginative sex, with absolutely zero social stigma?
Yes, but they should also have the same responsibilities instead of being stupid welfare loving cunts.
No, at least not in the political sphere.
Women should not be allowed to vote or serve in the military/police.
Honto desu senpai
They should have all rights same as man except the right to vote.
I'll oppress your leftist boipucci if you keep it up ;)
Post pics
Yes, but men being forced to stick around and pay for a child should be removed, the woman can put her spawn up for adoption if she has a problem with it.
No but in a white society built on roman Christian values they will live a great free life.
Left to their own devices they always turn to hedonism
I'm with the black guy for once.
No. They shouldn't have the right to vote and make politics
>1 post by this ID
>meme flag
And it barely matters anyway because everyone votes for whatever they think their interests are. Committed women generally vote as their spouse does, essentially accomplishing nothing beyond doubling that person's voting power, while single women can and often do vote against the interests of their nation and themselves (though they don't know it) because "feelz over realz."
Screen saved
Fucking mic drop, man.
No. Women should keep out of politics and war.
This trend of women wanting to be the same as men.. and performing the same in all fields is a complete joke.
Truth is that there are differences between the genders and the races of the world. It's a cold fact that the liberal mind refuses to grasp.
They claim that we are "all human", yet we are a diverse group of people with different strengths and flaws.
Female here...
This is tough to answer, BUT...I’ve seen what women do when allowed to “free roam” so I definitely think some kind of argument is in order for women to be deprogrammed & led away from the hysterics of feminism & back to where we were meant to be, raising children & shaping lives. When women are given too big of a role in society, they tend to destroy it. Case in point, in Nazi Germany, the women were the best Nazis, in communist Russia, they were the best communists...because women tend to follow the “popular” ideas in a society.
Look at Sweden, I rest my case.
Not sure if I’d say take away the vote, but given how many women vote liberal, it’s likely a good idea. I vote conservative, but for about a year in my early 20’s I too felt the pull of liberalism/feminism, its only by sheer force of will that I pulled myself out of it. Not many women can do that.
Ladies, you need to pull yourselves together, you’re no longer fighting for things that even make sense. This isn’t about religion or following restrictive conduct rules, it’s about respecting yourself & acting like a lady, not a prostitute. Too many follow the latter in society & they want us to pat them on the back for it. I used to work full time, then I got married, when I started having kids, I quit working after the 1st was 6 months, haven’t worked again. Stayed home to raise a family & head up my household. Husband works...we are a team. Best decision ever.
Men are the best designed of our society to LEAD IT. Let them.
As a man, I would love to have as many rights as a women.
This is so true & women who think that they should get free birth control will never see the irony here.
Most women today are too stupid and blinded by their own desires for power to even make sense.
Men evolved from hunting, foraging, fighting and building to doing all those things plus a thousand other things. Mathematics, writing, politics. Women looked after the kids, kept the home tidy, cooked and looked after the household/dwelling.
It was like that for thousands and thousands of years. And now in few hundred years, women suddenly want to do all the same things that men do? Why is that? Don't they have an inner voice telling them that they'd be much happier doing the things they've done for thousands of years?
It makes no sense to give rights to property.
>using an XM25 CUTIE indoors
>4channers asking if women should have rights
>Wonder why they’re still virgins
No, because we are inherently different. ANd that doesn't mean that women shouldn't have rights and be treated like property like in muslim countries. It means that women should have more rights related to maternity and they should stop trying hard to act like men.
Digits of truth confirm, they are generally too emotionally driven to make these important decisions.
Show tits or gtfo
>was white knight beta faggot
>found Sup Forums
>changed my life, got /fit/ and smart
>working my ass off
>changed my view on women from maiden in distress to subhuman cumrag scum because they have no fucking empathy
T- thanks for the redpill Sup Forums.
by that logic it should be legal to circumcise women.