This triggers degenerates.
This triggers degenerates
triggers the virgins like you! :^)
>t. brainlet
I'll probably die a virgin anyways
>Mom I swear I am not gay and a virgin by choice starter pace
I bet you're telling yourself you're saving that premium Chad cock for the right one, faggot.
Turn the lights off and shut up. Finish as quickly as you can. Feel shame.
Do it for the white race.
And smart people. Because "making babies" is literally the last reason people have sex. In fact it has never once been a reason that I had sex. I'm nothing close to a degenerate. I want kids.
if sex is for babies how come cumming in the asshole feels so good?
christians btfo
Your entire sexual drive is derived from an innate urge to procreate. How retarded do you have to not know this? Have fun supporting faggots and trannies with your "love is love" bullshit, you absolute nigger.
Op is right.
I grew up a hedonist and purrsued sex for pleasure. Indulged every one of my kinks. Waste of time and effort.
anal is better
I'm not religious. It should be common sense, but you millennials are so Jews they can't even understand the most basic laws of nature. Over again I'll wait another three years for low IQ Sup Forums to catch up. You're only just now catching on to "It's okay to be white." A bunch of absolute midwits at best.
Only argument needed to dismantle abortion fags
>be OP
>tell board full of trap loving homosexuals that sex is for making babies
>salt mine
I don't care if you have sex with girly men. I'm just saying be honest about it. You're using another human to masturbate. Sex is primarily for making babies. Get over it.
Absolute state of western "conservatives". If you cared about Christianity, tradition and family, you'd be aggreeing with OP.
You guys blame leftist for being hypocrites, but you do the same shit.
Don't call me retarded you stupid larping tradfaggot shithead. Human sexuality is beyond complicated, unlike any other animal's. Your dumb reasoning is like saying eating is strictly for matching calories burned and assimilating nutrients. Gee, that's kind of right captain obvious, thanks for pointing that out. See you at Thanksgiving or the midnight burrito place. You 're probably a 22 year old wannabe tradcon who's fingerbanged 2 girls and slept with one, and also never rode a bus with a nigger. Fuck you. You're a fucking faggot
tl;dr praise nigger jesus
>Hey I bet you thought this was degenerate, huh? Well it releases dopamine like all major addictive substances (legal & illegal). Too bad for you kid.
I must say I'm kind of surprised at the backlash I get from the pseudo-right on this. It seems so obvious, yet they are not ready to get over their vices and achieve enlightenment on the subject. Even liberals will outright oppose breeding. The right is lying to themselves.
This is funny. I remember years ago when I was in high school we had a holocost survivor visit our school. He told us a story that sounded realistic. Then he started asking questions. One question he asked was how many died in the holocost. I remember in my history class the day before we learned that it was 2 million Jews and a million others.
I remember him distinctively saying it was wayyy more than that. I thought ok who am I to judge what he survived.
Now I fucking look on wikipedia and it says fucking 6 million Jews and 17 million others. What in the ever flying fuck?
You're overcomplicating it with your cognitive dissonance. Why conflate something to fundamental and simple with all these ideologies living in your head rent free? Pretty sure that's two ideologies you've accused me of representing which I don't identify with. Very quixotic. Spend some time thinking about it though. Sex is for making babies. Huge redpill.
homos don't make babies
>When they start wanting you to choke them half to death
For the record, I literally kicked a nigger off of public transit after he assaulted a chink. Everybody clapped.
It's for babies. They want to know you are stronk and fit to see her through to childbirth. There's a reason so many of them love this. We are all descendants of rape, but most of Sup Forums isn't even ready for that.
look away for a second, it might turn into 6 billion
All men desire the bobs and vajeen. For they know that only through procreation are they immortal.
Ive had sex with girls that werent used up
It's the used ones that start wanting more and more sick shit
The ones that barely have sex have tighter, less roastie vaginas and they love natural, healthy passionate sex
Promiscuity makes sense undesireable
You cannot expect to get an answer "from the right" in this place. This nothing more than an edgy teenage contrarian anime board. But nonetheless, this is indeed the argument which both the "right" and the "left" have difficulty to take rationally.
It seems society just isn't clean enough yet to let go of its degenerate ways
I lost interest in sex because i know they use contraception and it wont lead to babies. My mind cant be tricjed any longer after having fucked dozens for years.
Only unprotected sex gets me hard.
>Your dumb reasoning is like saying eating is strictly for matching calories burned and assimilating nutrients.
Are you also a fatty?
1000% factual
>Human sexuality is beyond
Wrong. You want to have sex because you want to make babies. It's real fucking simple, faggot.
I want to have sex because when I have sex, my brain releases dopamine.
I want to have sex to learn how to find love
do you want to be my right one? ; )
do it for the gay babies
Indeed it does
virgin guys should be shamed
Can't we just make machines that will grow cute babies?
How so?
Would you blame a victim for something they cannot control?
Women hold all the power in dating, they control the gates and wont allow you in all willy-nilly.
Shaming men for not being able to fuck is stupid, if anything shame women instead
I like this. Its simple and truthful. Its not excluding pleasure, just a reminder that real sex means mating of a women and men for reproduction.
Why not simply go to a whore to stop being a virgin?
maybe use the word procreation instead of making babies?
You mean like a literal prostitute?
How would that solve anything?
it doesnt stop women from holding a monopoly on the dating market
It would stop the shaming of men who are mocked for being virgins.
>they control the gates and wont allow you in all willy-nilly
thats a good thing and the opposite is horrible you retarded incel
>Haha fucking virgin loser
Turns into
>Omfg, he had to PAY to get laid. Loser
Yes, much better
Its 2017. How can you still be a virgin over 20? Getting laid is ridiculously easy. You dont even need to try.
And why does your brain do that in response to sex? Does it want you to make babies? Really makes you think.
Its a good thing until you consider who they deem worthy to fuck
Im not a virgin, i did say that shaming virgin guys for something they arent to blame for doesnt help
I guess i shouldnt defend them, the more guys who kill themselves the better. Less competition
>rare glimpse of a woman being feminine
how about you go lift some weights
Stick to the plan. This is retarded, because there really is nothing wrong with being white. This is something even normies can agree with.
But saying shit like this, is only going to piss people off.
Kill yourself SHILL. Sage
>virgin guys should be shamed
No, Virgin men and women should be praised and whores shamed.
Everyone should be saving it for marriage.
Would also reduce the divorce rates. Though while we're there why not change it to no fault divorce.
A lot of people assume that it does exclude pleasure because it triggers thoughts of pic related. That's their baggage.
But being a virgin is their own fault. It is the ultimate test whether you have any worth as a guy.
If nobody wants your babies it means you're a huge loser.
I also get dopamine when I put my penis inside a butt, be it a guy or a girl's.
You can jack off and get dopamine. No chance of disease either
If sex is for making babies, who cares of a guy is a virgin? I don't. If you're not able to get out their and breed, then you are a dead end fork in your bloodline. Your babies would probably be born gay or something anyway.
Casual sex has destroyed countless civilizations
Nobody is printing this.
I know, but you get more dopamine from having sex with a person instead of just doing it yourself.
In any case, what matters is that I get my dopamine fix.
Nah, its rest day so i cant go to the gym today
Might go for a jog later tonight though
>you're a huge loser.
Case in point, my friend
He is unemployed, depressed and has spent time in a hospital after a botched suicide attempt.
He talks to girls about his depressing and being on social security while living on a friends couch
Still he gets laid, alot. Ive even seen girls offer to marry him.
Oh and no, he doesnt lift, he isnt tall or good looking and he is balding.
So having sex means youre a winner, right?
When you fags cry about degenerates, you’re no better than the Taliban.
I’m sorry you’re not getting any. No reason to punish those of us who actually do have sex.
Unlike other animals, humans have evolved to have high sex drive year round. Because they were weak and mortality was high.You can't make babies all the time with only one woman.
>Virgin men and women should be praised and whores shamed
Yes. Also childless white women over 30. Shame. Also women with nose piercings.
Sounds like nature specifically doesn't want you to breed.
Well, if he gets laid a lot by being a cute emo-suicidal hubby-material which triggers a woman's maternal instinct to take care of such a poor soul, then he actually found a great strategy.
> Also women with nose piercings.
yes but not only that. Immodest women as well.
Might be more challenging because there's more of them currently.
Sex is also a tool to submit females
You fucking betas, go join the religious right if you're this god damn stupid. May as well be a fucking muzzie
I'm fine with that. Nature made me so that I could just waste nature's resources and get dopamine.
In my experience, men who don't have real confidence in themselves put the most emphasis in sex. Whether they are getting it or not. They can be virgins with no game or they can get really good at getting laid, but rely on it for an external source of temporary validation. It's because they are using sex for something other than making babies so it is never quite fulfilling.
All virgins are losers. Not all losers are virgins.
>No reason to punish those of us
Nobody is punishing you but yourself. Your baggage is showing. Funny this is, I had sex about an hour before posting this. She's on the pill. Maybe read OP again until you understand why this isn't hypocritical.
Why is your degenerate ladyfriend using the pill?
So when you say "It is the ultimate test whether you have any worth as a guy." youre not talking about any societal worth, just your ability to exploit a strategy to get laid?
I put alot of weight on sex because i enjoy it, im not getting as much as i want because there is a massive lack of women where i live so options are severly limited but i guess it holds some truth but its not so black and white
Having casual sex can be fulfilling and having kids can be unfillfulling, all depends on circumstances around it
That makes no sense in out current society. Most chicks are having sex younger and younger. You mean to tell me that if I asked a 13-18 year old if they were having sex to have a child, that they would tell me they are truthfully doing it for the sole purpose of having a baby? Haha, that is some funny stuff, seeing as stats show that demographic to be the one who uses the pill most. Face it, most chicks get laid to have fun and to feel accepted, not to have a planned child (which also explains the abortion rates still rising).
I got laid early on and it made no difference to my life. I still find most chicks to be revolting, and the few I do meet that actually seem worth getting to know are actually virgins, which, for women, is a real rarity nowadays. I mean, shame virgin guys all you want, but don't feed people that shit about how women ONLY have sex to make babies because if you just go outside and take a look around, you will find that to not be the case for most women until their mid twenties to thirties, as that is when they know the wall is coming and the clock is ticking.
Oh, I will shame a virgin guy, or any guy though who does that whole "self-depreciation, self-aware, etc." kinda schtick doe. Like, if the guy is a virgin and will not shut up about, damn right I'mma roast his ass. However, if the guy just genuinely doesn't seem to care, or if he is at least attempting to make himself more suitable (working out, dieting, grooming, making money, etc.) then why would I try bringing him down?
We all die user. The main challenge for men is passing on genes. Nonetheless this guy is using an emotional loophole rather than real attraction
That indicates a need to impregnate multiple women too. Really, we are at a point where we interfered with natural selection by saving those babies who would have died. Now the gene pool gets all messed up. Which is why we need to implement gene editing to get to the next step in human evolution. But philosophically, it's important to remember that sex is for making babies in order to understand ourselves and free ourselves from the bondage of the sex Jew.
would you have sex with the girls he's having sex with?
literally start from the beginning with
Neil Strauss The Game followed by Mark Manson - Models
and meditate
Society is so degenerate that a clothed woman is more attractive.
Yes! I agree 100%. It is great for establishing clear roles in the relationship.
You dont need to actively shame them. They should feel the shame.
Women dont only have sex to make babies. But they have sex with guys whose baby they would be OK to have. Because that is where attraction comes from.
Then you know yourself. Carry on.
It's because clothing hides the non-visible parts, and that stimulates our imagination, which leads to more dopamine.
Very true, and a good image as well since it clearly triggers degenerates more than "it's okay to be white" triggers niggers and jews.
The thing is it's probably because the average woman and below is not attractive enough anyway.
You'd be better off not seeing every detail of every female constantly but appreciate the moments when you are with your partner alone.
God tells us to spread our seed across the Earth. Everything else is cuckoldry without exception.
If you save yourself, you are literally violating God's word, and especially so if you actually believe your race might be in trouble.
Stop being selfish and make babies.
Because we're not niggers and aren't going to have more kids than we can support.
This as well.
Also it's more fun when you're not only thinking about all the sexual thoughts
Why not just let other humans have babies?
>gene editing
Does it include lowering the constant urge?
It's either this or killing off hundreds of men in favor of just one breeder.
>The main challenge for men is passing on genes.
And then id argue that you wont be doing this through random hookups
Most girls ive met in my life have been on BC pills or some other form. Friends of the gf as well.
If you want kids hooking up randomly is your second worst bet with the worst being not participating
I would not, but not because they are ugly but because him and me have diffrent standards
He wants them tall and...quirky looking. I prefer small and feminine
Ive read those books and they offer me no help, i rarely meet women so i could be the most attractive man on the planet and it wouldnt help.
thats brillant user! straight to the point!
i will print these a post them around town.