who's to blame for the refugee crisis anyway?
Who's to blame for the refugee crisis anyway?
Yeah right because Germany is a piece of shit state in the Balkans that made them march through.
The Slavs and the EU are to blame.
Fuck off, Kankerhond.
Saudi Arabia and Israel.
rural and suburban retards
>Hurdur bring in those refugees italy and Greece sending them back is inhuman we will sanction you and make you pay fines.
>REEEEEEE why do you send all these people to germany reeeee
Mijn opa wil z'n fiets terug, kankermof
[laughs in german]
Nedertard, you've been the most cucked in Europe for decades. You were the first victims to Moroccan drug selling gangs. Your police is overwhelmed, your women don't fuck you and you're here talking about Germany?
Top kek made me reply.
>Police ever being There for the citizens
Blue pilled.
>German talking about criminal minorities.
Koln was Just the start kraut
Your fucking prime fuhrer, sorry chancellor allowed any fucking cunt to just walk on in!
many countries in the balkans built a fucking wall to keep the wellfare migrants out
Germany led the fight and still do today to allow good nations to let bad people in
Just accept your future
Your infighting misses the point OP was making. He's right you know.
you forgot to add the Bush family, Bill & Hillary Clinton and Obama
Europe reacts like a 13 year old girl...
America obviously.
Soros. Every country sucks his dick nonstop
he-he-he nobody really knows OP...nobody will ever know either
You could've just made them stay in Turkey, y'know.
The "prophet" Mohammed
>Koln was Just the start kraut
That was 2 years ago. No one else is coming in. I'm not a lower class faggot who works at McDonald's like you, I'm comfy.
>Germany has a border in Southern Europe
It was someone else who let the migrants into Europe.
>countries in the Balkans built a fucking wall
Sure, after letting in 2 million people. First they fuck up, then they build a ""wall"".
We killed all the tyrants who kept stability in the region. Turns out Disney was wrong, real lifes actually more complicated than good and bad
Free markets.
If your workforce becomes to expensive to be profitable, just import cheaper workers.
Feed pigeon, flock of pigeons starts following you around.
Give gibs....
nice bait
you actually think we went over to the middle east to kill tyrants
Yep. We're in the middle East to oppose Iran and Russia, that's it. There's no conspiracy here, and please don't say it's oil
If merkel hadn't said let them come they wouldn't have come they probably would've been processed and the economic migrants sent back.
nah I agree it's geopolitics with russia but tyrant seems like a completely irrelevant term
the second merkel did that the eu died,brexit was decided in that moment
the far right rising all over europe also was due to merkel doing that
Hillary bombing Libya is why we are dealing with all the boatniggers now.
>noone else is comming in
Because Merkel has decided that enough muslims are here to breed out the germans
If you are a stupid nigger or a German, America.
If you are literally anyone else who has a brain, Germany.
America made the problem, Germany made the problem come to our lands.
Obviously, the US, Israel and all of their sandnigger allies, but US and Israel is to be blamed for every single thing thats wrong with modern society. Fucking spawns of degeneracy.
>Rural and suburban retards rigged the 2000 election, carved NAFTA in stone and started 2 oil wars that caused the arab spring that caused' them' to move through north afriaca unopposed and in to europe?
Engineered WW3
WW3 is going to be the west Vs. invasive niggers.
Good luck John. You're safe as a white asian.
Europe especially France, Italy, Germany and the UK. However I am not to judge as I don't live there
The ngo's shipping them to europe, the EU and Frontex opening up the gates and the swedish and german governments that invited them.
God's chosen people
>who's to blame for the refugee crisis anyway?