Why did WH issue report affirming global warming?
Is (((global warming))) real?
climate change is real. man-made climate change is not.
No goy it's not, keep burning that oil.
>man-made climate change is not.
Are you retarded?
Climate change should be obvious. Man made climate in debatable.
But don't fall for the climate change meme.
The real question is whether or not living in squalor in worth it.
t. climate cuck
To further distract you from how irreparably polluted we've made our environment with endocrine disruptors, nanopolymers, PCBs, heavy metals, and other persistent poisons and toxins.
If we make it through these coming years, we're going to need a whole new field of restorative- and protective-medicine while we practice terraforming.
>Man made climate in debatable.
No it's not, facts say otherwise.
However, if you search for conspiracy theories on the internet, you'll find them.
I just hate the narrative behind it more than anything.
Climate change should have been given way more credit when no hurricanes hit the gulf of mexico for 12 years
Start pointing out the good that climate change does, and I'll more readily buy into the negative consequences
man-made climate change is very obviously real. the only acceptable question is whether it is relevant/significantly impactful. When compared to other factors, like the massive CO2 contribution from cow farts, in relation to human contribution, it's incredibly insignificant. The overarching debate that follows is whether climate change is good or bad. I'm of the persuasion that human contribution is so small to be negligible and that the earth has natural temperature cycles and that the data shows we are rising out of one of the coldest, non-ice age times. The earth's current temperature is below average at the moment and should be expected to rise regardless of human/animal contributions.
>entire planet is warming
>by entire planet, we mean urban areas
>just ignore all of the non-urban areas that are getting colder
>hen compared to other factors, like the massive CO2 contribution from cow farts, in relation to human contribution, it's incredibly insignificant
EVEN IF THIS IS TRUE (an it isn't), how do you think this many cows got here?
The main advocates of AGW are people who predominantly fly around the world having meetings about how to lecture the world on AGW. Discuss.
global warming is a marketing campaign to stop the worlds reliance on middle eastern oil. If it were really about c02 you would just plant trees because they grow exponentially and nearly all the mass of a tree is carbon
It is, but (((Gore))) wants to make a fortune out of it.
Humans are causing climate change by killing off ecosystems the Earth has had for thousands of years.
Ecological collapse will kill us 10x over before surface temperatures matter.
>if humans werent around the glaciers deposited in the last ice age would stay there forever, despite having begun melting as soon as the ice age were over
w r o n g
climate change is a gay as fuck term and is incorrect. Chemical and physical trash pollution happens, that shit doesn't just vanish from existence when the trash truck takes it away.
The Earth changes and nothing we do will tarnish it forever, not even full scale exterminatus nuke war. What will happen is current species of plants and animals will suffer our choices along side us. Though by the time that would matter to us it won't be a problem. See you, space cowboy....
we bred them obviously. how many bison do you think inhabited the americas before we genocided them and replaced them with cows?
good point
Computer models that dont come true arent proof.
>bunch of retards who haven't even read the executive summary of the report think they know more about climate than the scientists studying it for decades
inb4 MUH GOVERNMENT GRANTS. This paper is released under a climate change denial government.
>all Americans will die
>Canada will become a climatic paradise
I don't care
Is climate change happening: Yes
Is it manmade: No
Will it be the end of the world: Hell No! That was all just fear mongering designed to scare us.
>other factors, like the massive CO2 contribution from cow farts
Yeah, exactly. Humans aren't solely responsible, there's other factors too, like cars and power plants.
The globe goes through warming and cooling cycles every 100k years or so. Humans didn't cause all the other warming cycles, did we? Stop falling for the myth, dumbfucks. Study the evidence yourself.
>muh facts
It's true we've changed our environment inasmuch as we've made it a lot more liveable, which is great.
As for fucking up the atmosphere specifically, even if you're right, the predictions over its effect have been repeatedly and categorically wrong at every step for decades. Whatever hardly noticeable effect burning fossil fuels may or may not be having has been and will continue to be entirely worth it.
cars/power plants are included in human contribution. could technically make a case for cows too since we farm them. point being is that the environment changes on it's own anyways and always has and human's being alive doesn't appear to be doing anything that doesn't already happen naturally.
>Is (((global warming))) real?
Yeah, the place I'm living in was under ice some 20 000 years ago.
Remember Goyim, burying millions of tons of radioactive waste for a million years is safer than capturing and processing carbon from burned coal.
I know AWG is fake, I know the debates, but why didn't they just block this?
>An estimated 20 to 30 million bison once dominated the North American
>Total cattle and calves inventory as of January 1, 2016 was 92.0 million head
>I know AWG is fake, I know the debates
OK, explain why it is fake. Don't use vague phrases like 'natural cycles'. Be specific.
>implying Americans won't storm nogunz Canada and genocide you
The day of the rake approaches, faggot.
The seasons are changing rapidly and I notice that in the weather. You probably won't because you're living under a rock
As time has passed and more CO2 has been released even the most devote followers of the CO2 drives climate change religion have had to revise the official dogma downwards.
Pic related. It's the estimates of how much impact CO2 has on temperature and the year the study was published.
CO2 forcing has a max amount lets say that it's 44C, with no CO2 it would be 44C cooler overall. As you add CO2 you get huge heating gains. The first 100ppm does more warming than the next 100,000ppm. In 1900 you had lets say 42.5C of CO2 warming. By doubling that 1900 CO2 amount amount you might get another 1C of warming.
This is why for the last 20 years while total CO2 emitted by humans was 25% of the total the temperature hasn't moved at all. We have hit the limit of CO2 heating in the year 2000.
>the predictions over its effect have been repeatedly and categorically wrong at every step for decades
See Oh right, you are beyond facts. Never mind then.
>the joke
>your head
Yeah, a hundred million cattle roaming around farting is totally natural, you fucking idiot.
>Be specific.
CO2 has a max amount of warming it can cause and is part of a complex system of positive and negative feedbacks.
Pic is why CO2 can't cause more warming, it's already absorbing all the energy it can.
AWESOME! Fuck cold weather.
Eurocucks BTFO. White people are so weird. There's the odd one that I love who enjoys warm weather but the vast majority of your fucks even keep your HOMES in the 65F range.
When the temp rises above 72F indoors you start sweating and at 75F you literally cannot sleep. Had this experience with room mates who always wanted to keep the temp in the FUCKING 60s. WHO THE FUCK TURNS THE A/C ON IN THE DAMN WINTER?!?!? FUCK
A/C should just be destroyed, worst invention of the 20th century. There is literally not physiological reason you should EVER need an A/C unless you live in fucking Death Valley or the Sahara
Humans are meant to live at warm temperatures.
>No proof
You fags do realize that natural climate change doesn't happen that quickly. It would take literally centuries to see the kind of change shown in your graph.
Yes my house is drowning as we speak please send over 6 gorillion shekels in order to fight this fucker!!!!1
Well half centuries.
>tfw the image res is so bad you can't even read it
Stay mad serbcuck
>temp rises by 1F over the course of 30 years
>pump shitloads of CO2 in the atmosphere
>temperature will increase instantly
It's not how it goes user, greenhouse effect takes time. The effects of today's levels of CO2 will be seen decades from now. You can make a simple experiment yourself: make a green house in your backyard. If the temperature has immediately noticeably risen as soon as you have built it, then I am wrong.
You little bitch, to minimize body heat loss in your forsaken frozen wasteland you evolved a small penis
That's exactly how it works.
Have you never been in a greenhouse? Or a car parked in the sun? Or even a tent?
man made climate change is not real. bet you believed in antifa nov4 also.
Did you read my post? The problem with your arguments is time.
>retarded opinions presented as facts through the magic of a colon
Almonds activated.
this is the correct answer
think about the 2 mile thick glaciers that covered most of Canada 11,000 years ago. you have any idea how long that shit would take to melt?
there was a sudden 15 degree incress in global temp that caused it to melt and that's the only way it could have melted as quick as it did.
they are lying or do not know them self about global warming.
There is ice at the poles, this means we're in an ice age. In the 17th century the polar ice caps were at their largest size since sometime pre-10,000 BC, when we came out of a severe ice age. It is unusual in earth's long history for there to be any ice at the poles, and it is natural for the temperature to fluctuate by several degrees over the course of a few centuries. For the earth to be warming right now is actually perfectly natural and in fact desirable, as warm weather periods are when food is more bountiful, plants grow more readily and human populations/technology/culture all flourish. Cold periods usually lead to crop failure to famine to epidemic. Two examples of this are the Justinian Plague and the Black Death, both of which hit after severe and sudden cold snaps leading to a halt in plant growth, complete crop failure and massive famine. These two diseases killed between 30%-50% of Europe each.
tldr: Be worried when the temperature starts going down.
>Posting a picture of the border between Haiti and the Dominican Republic.
>Passing it off as a result of global warming.
Great job at ignoring the real cause of the devastation!
Why hasn't Australia worked at reforesting their barren land? Warm weather is nice but not when you live in a desert
You fucking nincompoops
Whether or not man-made climate change is true, or to what extent doesn't matter.
Fuck the bees, fuck the trees. How about us?!
No. Add a gas that absorbs energy on a wavelength that has mostly unabridged energy and that gas instantly starts to heat raising the air temperature.
Sure with large bodies of water holding huge amounts of heat you get a buffer zone but that's closer to weeks of buffer not decades.
The day to night swing of temperatures can be greater than 40C in deserts with ground baking in the sun all day long and then an hour after sun set and it's near freezing.
The trick is that we can't have a no CO2 atmosphere, even 50ppm is causing massive heating. Not enough to keep the planet from going into an ice age but a lot more heating that you would think for being just 50ppm.
>cherrypicked bullshit from a blog disproves climate change!
LMAO. Most of those 'studies' are from fucking blogs and pay to play journals.
'Reinhert, 2017'
Is from a blog called Toutes les énergies
'Smirnov, 2017'
Is not a paper but from a book
'Abbot and Marohasy, 2017'
Is from GeoResJ, a pay to play journal being discontinued in January
' Harde, 2016'
Is from a journal with an impact factor of 3 that isn't on the master journals list
'Evans, 2016'
Is from a book called 'Evidence-Based Climate Science (Second Edition) Data Opposing CO2 Emissions as the Primary Source of Global Warming'
Is this really the best you can do?
Name a single negative feedback that will overwhelm
>Permafrost Melt
>Albedo reduction
>Peat Bog fires
>Forest fire feedback
>Methane Clathrate Feedback
>Snow cover loss feedback
>Ocean Degassing feedback
>Black Carbon Feedback
etc etc. You can't.
Scientists are compromised and their propensity for lying has extinguished the automatic trust we've extended to them in the last century. The best course of action is to not give a fuck because no matter what happens, it'll have little effect on your life. Fuck the future, nothing matters when you're non-existent.
Because you can't disrupt the ecology of a desert it's illegal. If they wanted to make Australia green again it wouldn't take more than 50 years of human effort planting stuff.
>Is from a journal with an impact factor of 3 that isn't on the master journals list
Shut it down goys, it's not on the master journals list.
I don't know.
>Australia had top 3 cheapest energy in the 80's
>my state decides to be 50% green energy by 2050
>refuse to subsidize coal plant at the cost of $1 million a year
>spend over $300 million on "green" alternatives, including coal power from interstate and diesel generators because they're so retarded and disorganised they didn't actually have a backup
>meaning we spent 300x as much money and produced far more pollution and it still wasn't enough and we had a several very expensive blackouts
>my state now has the most expensive electricity on the planet (seriously)
>now spending $100 million on Elon Musk's idiotic battery and hundreds of millions of dollars more on a solar farm that does bugger all except look good as a headline
I don't get why they don't just use coal and spend those hundreds of millions of dollars planting trees. Never let communist retards run your economy.
>Name a single negative feedback that will overwhelm
Water vapor and cloud formation.
>Is this really the best you can do?
I don't need to do any better because the data when not corrected proves me right. No warming 20 years, 25% of human CO2 emitted in that time.
Climate change is real, and it is natural in origin.
I mean, I get wanting to transition off coal, but we're only just beginning to see renewable base load without pumped hydro on the horizon, as a hypothetical, technical possibility assuming best case scenarios. Not going with nuclear was foolish.
No you are. If you do your research you see all the so called scientific studies on man made climate change is fucking shit. It's all pseudoscience and if you don't have spend your time really analyzing it you should shut your mouth. Environmental pollution is real man made climate change is not.
This isn't a transition it's a trainwreck, and pumped hydro will never function given Australia's environment.
I'll also point out that even if Australia cut its carbon emissions by 100% tomorrow there would be no noticeable change to the effect of global warming, so we're spending hundreds of millions of dollars and ruining our economy for no reason other than virtue signalling.The irony of my country's policy is we're perfectly willing to sell coal overseas but are unwilling to use it ourselves, despite it causing "global warming" either way. We are also willing to sell uranium overseas but refuse to ever build plants here, despite Australia having maybe the most perfect position globally for safe nuclear power; a massive desert in the center of a tectonic plate where there are no storms, floods or earthquakes. But the cultural climate is such that we could never actually go ahead with it, Chernobyl and Fukishima wrecked it in the eyes of the public and they won't change their minds.
>pumped hydro will never function given Australia's environment.
Exactly. The only way you can feasibly not use fossil fuels or nuclear today is if you're able to highly leverage hydro. Trying to transition without going to nuclear first, to slash CO2 emissions while waiting for battery tech to mature, is suicide, as Australia has shown. There's simply no way Tesla, or anyone, has the capacity to build enough batteries for grid scale storage, so there's a good chance for a policy reversal on nuclear given enough suffering.
To Musk's credit, he apparently didn't realize how deeply Australia fucked up and how desperate the situation is. He's used to operating in the US, where environmental projects are more akin to technological showcases and proof of concepts.
>you get a buffer zone but that's closer to weeks of buffer not decades
We're talking about a planet here, not industrial sized green house.
>If you do your research
Translation: read blogs and watch plenty of youtube. Because this is the source of conspiracy theorists.
How long sea ice lasts in the Arctic or takes to form?
Similar for water temperature of the great lakes and what it does to the surrounding area.
Or again deserts that have 40C temperature swings in a few hours.
Ever seen a full eclipse? When the sun goes away the temp drops 10C almost instantly.
You're mixing seasonal (yearly, daily) changes with overall conservation of energy of the planet.
You lack serious knowledge about thermodynamics or physics in general.
Lurk more faggot.
It's been proven over and over again they fudge the numbers.
Then it won't be hard to provide credible source.
This would be great if true
There is obviously some change but we survived the ice age so no need to worry. They will be making it look like it's our fault anyway. And dont throw plastic shit on the ground because it looks terrible.
If you aren't getting paid to be a faggot, just stop being a faggot. It's easy, and you'll like yourself more.
It's really fucked up how much the temperature has been changing. There's so much water that gets melted off daily and added to the oceans that it's actually fucking up the weight distribution of the earth. The more ice that melts the more frequent and more devastating earthquakes are gunna become.
>You lack serious knowledge about thermodynamics or physics in general.
That's sorta funny given my job as a power engineer.
>You're mixing seasonal (yearly, daily) changes with overall conservation of energy of the planet.
And you are not making a consistent argument.
You keep making strange off hand comments without any substance.
>make a green house in your backyard. If the temperature has immediately noticeably risen as soon as you have built it, then I am wrong.
As I said that is exactly what happens. So you are wrong. Then you moved the goal posts to:
>We're talking about a planet here, not industrial sized green house.
Now you say I don't understand.
You seem to think that it takes decades for CO2 to start to have physical properties in the atmosphere.
>The effects of today's levels of CO2 will be seen decades from now.
The effects of any change will have effects forever as things keep being slightly different due to the change in the starting condition. But that sort of sensitivity to change argument can be applied right down to me dropping some money on the ground and causing an interstellar war in 5000 years.
CO2 isn't having any (more) effect because it has no more energy to capture. It gets everything it can so CO2 heating has now maxed out. All that remains is trying to accredit future conditions to our current conditions. What happens when more plants grow? What happens when more water evaporates and forms more clouds? What happens when the temperature drops due to those clouds during the day, but raises during the night?
My theory is that everytime my race, the white race leaves someplace it turns into a desert. North Africa, Levant, Mesopotamia, Tocarim Basin, Mars .... so what we are seeing re global warming is aprelude to our move to Siberia. That place will become a garden.
>with overall conservation of energy of the planet
Also forget this part.
The planet doesn't conserve energy. It radiates it out to space constantly. Massively.
The planet is an open system with incoming and out going energy.
You underestimate how incompetent Australian government can be. Their politics is literally a giant series of shitposts.
it's not enough to say it, you have to prove it. and every evidence seem to indicate that's retarded
high school level science to make up for your american education:
climate change occurs naturally yes, except it does over a period of thousands of years, look it up
nothing compared to the sudden warming following the development of industry over the past hundred years or so
paving half the earth with concrete certainly wont help stop temperature rise
you realize volcanoes produce more co2 than humans right?
>>make a green house in your backyard. If the temperature has immediately noticeably risen as soon as you have built it, then I am wrong.
>As I said that is exactly what happens. So you are wrong.
No it does not. Not immediately. It does start to (read again: START TO) rise immediately but it does not rise noticeably (read again: noticeably) immediately (that 0,02 K rise of temperature in the first minute is not noticeable). If you can't understand the difference you're a shit engineer.
>The planet doesn't conserve energy
Yes it does, the atmosphere has the crucial role in this, only the system is not isolated so other points of your post are correct.
To clarify: the atmosphere has a crucial role in trapping (conserving) energy that comes from the sun.
>No warming 20 years
completely false
2014, 2015, 2016 3 hottest years on record
2017 soon to be 2nd
also water vapour is an amplifying feedback because water vapour traps heat
>gorrilions of cows for consumption
>farting of cows
>nothing to do with humans
The climate changes all the time user, it always has. This is hysteria. It's before my time, but back in the 70ies the hysteria was actually global cooling, check it out.
What is real however is the hole/thinning in the ozonelayer. It is currently at a record low. That's actually serious shit. Other examples of actual serious stuff is when you have oil spills or poor/spill other toxic chemicals that destroys wild life locally and even spreads and stays in the wild life as they are not broken down when it's eaten and so. These things are all currently ignored due to the co2 hysteria
>you realize volcanoes produce more co2 than humans right?
They don't.