Why are terrorists attacking innocent civilians instead of politicians who are the reason for their countries turning into shit? Think about it.
Why are terrorists attacking innocent civilians instead of politicians who are the reason for their countries turning...
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Because normal people make for easier targets
It's right in the name, sport.
>goal is to cause terror
Who do you think funds them dumb dumb
You can't solve any problems with terrorism. Who is paying for this?
because that's what terrorism is you fucking pleb
Really? He have no real terrorism in Poland so it's hard to grasp to me.
>politician doesn't deliver
>terrorist kills politician
>people applaud
People wouldn't want war to end with shitskins.
The idea is that causing terror among the population will eventually get different politicians elected.
And in America this works excellent:
America now has the most pro Sunni-Muslim president ever.
Who do you think is behind all the terrorist attacks, who funds ISIS
Is that a polish dish or some random shit you came up with because you don't know how to cook?
They get (((funded)))
Because the fact that Western countries are bombing them isn't even in their top 5 reasons for hating/attacking us. The #1 Reason is our society. They hate us for our liberal values, they hate our progressive laws, they hate that we outlaw things Allah allows, they hate that we allow things that Allah forbids. But most importantly, they hate the we deny Islam and Allah.
They, at least ISIS, have literally told us this in writing. They even say that even if we stop bombing them and get out of the ME, they will continue to attack/hate us until we are either all dead or have converted to Islam.
Because terrorism was, is, and has always been a competition to get funding from the enemies of your targets, or false-flag operations funded by the politicians who own your targets.
There is not a single terrorist organization that is not run by pragmatic men manipulating useful idiots. Not one.
that you even have to point this out is just so depressing
Because they're also degenerate sinners
We hate Islam but aren't degenerate. I guess they can respect that and leave us alone. They can practice their meme religion in their own countries.
Poland, looking for answers. The Russians really did massacre your brightest...my god.
not yet
>Who is paying for this?
Arms Dealers. War costs a fuckton of money.
at least 3 Italians killed themselves because of the picture you've posted, I hope that you are proud of yourself
>(((The Russians)))
Russia's brightest were also massacred and purged by those (((The Russians))).
I think it has something to do with the fact that ISIS has never attacked Israel either.
Because they are terrorists, not disciplined soldiers
Because most terrorist movements arent organic (they were artificially created to serve some purpose)
((They)) are
This. They hate us because apparently we permit what allah has forbidden and forbid what he has permitted.
It's to stir up the populace to act against their politicians.
Its always ALWAYS (((them)))
Because terrorists are opposed to nation, not to government and the government sold your ass long ago, because you where too involved into not being Russian, instead of checking what your elites are doing. Or even actively corrupted the state, because Towianski told you everything would be fine whatever poolacks do.
Organic means it contains carbon, since human bodies contain carbon all terrorists are organic
Their aim is to create panic. Killing politicians will just get people to be happier.
There was that one guy that shot up a baseball game, and the nutcase that shot Giffords.
Some terrorists seem to go through some lengths to keep their actions fairly hidden until they attack. Seems like a poor excuse.
Stop being a pedantic faggot.
Because of faggots like you term "literary" has completely opposite meaning.
Everything that exists in nature (universe) is natural.
>(((being this new)))
Care to explain how you came to that conclusion?
except it only ever makes people angry at muslims
It's easier, it's less prone to reactions such as when the WTC was brought down and anyone can do it with no training.
If they started taking down influential figures then they might actually have to fight the might of the western world, and that wouldn't go well.
God forbid the kaffirs turn wise and actually ban Islam, now that would be a disaster.
Why would jewish-financed terrorists attack their (((bossess))))?
To force european Jews to move to Israel?
Random shit
it's actually a fine dish in hunngary, though also with cheese and diced bacon
You fags even ruined such words as aluminium, biscuit. Fucking faggots.
what the literal fuck is aluminium
The stuff your wifes sons dildo is made of.
Don't expect logic from the shitskins.
that says aluminum.
still wondering what the fuck aluminium is.
Because if they attacked politicians they'd all be kicked out or arrested and unable to keep attacking the west. Taqiyya + useful idiots = death to the west.
Because if they attacked politicians, they wouldn't be let in to attack innocent people.
You can't be that stupid... I though american stupidity was just a meme.
Because you've been lied to when your told that terrorists hate the west due to interventionism and bombing.
They hate us down to our children because we have a different way of life that offends Allah.
Look up the article "Why we hate you why we fight you"
They don't even mention the bombing til like the 4th paragraph and go further to explain that they would still want us killed/converted even if we stopped.
Our biggest sin in their eyes? Athiesm...
learn english, Karlis
>They, at least ISIS, have literally told us this in writing.
If you believe the reports and materials, Dabiq, republished by the Washington based Clarion Project. But all the videos released by ISIS were very clear: ISIS attacks in Europe were retaliation for the bombings against ISIS in Syria and Iraq.
But western governments want to show themselves as the saviors of the public, not the cause of the acts of terrorism.
Stupis nigs doing stupid nig things
If you think terrorists attack us cause our girls go to school, we vote and drink alcohol-o wait I'm talking to a stupid fucking burger, why continue.
The politicians are their friends. They brought them in. The native population is their enemy.
If they weren't here none of the terrorism would even happen. I cannot believe this simple concept cent isn't the first thing out of someone's mouth when looking for a solution to terrorism. It should be repeated like a mantra, or autism, or like a parrot. There is no valid counter to this.
offical isis info says otherwise
us bombing them wasnt even in the top 3 reasons they want us dead
in the past terrorist often killed politicians and rulers (kings included - e.g. king of portugal). these were usually orchestrated by communists overthrowing the ruling monarchy. the goal was to terrorize the ruling class so it give up its power.
in asia or africa attacks on politicians are still common, but I would not call it a terrorism. the terrorism is from definition non-targeted. it's goal is to kill senselessly, which is part of the psychological terror.
In western countries is does not really make sense for muslim terrorists as (1) the ruling politicians are well protected (2) the political system would not change if you kill some high profile target, he would be replaced in a day. It's much more effective to terrorize civilians as they are able to put pressure on politician to actually change something.
Even when the Zionist entity was bombing civilians, ISIS said nothing.
No, stop using outdated and incorrect english, British english is the only correct english, Tyrone.
are you polak?
recipe ?
because terrorists are cowards
It wouldn't be terror. The goal of muslims is making people scared, not give them a light of hope.
I mean, those politicians are muslim allies if you think about it, they make it so terrorism can thrive.
Just in my country, the government continued giving welfare to djihadi fighters in syria. Also half of the djihadi who came back in France are free.
Why would they target politicians who are their allies ?
>offical isis info says otherwise
Official isis info released by Clarion: "we Isis hate you because you don't believe in Islam and you do not act according to Islam, you will either have to convert and stop drinking beer and fuck random girls or ask your governments to destroy us"
(un)official info released by Isis and fast deleted by Internet: you are fighting against our project of an Islamic utopia on Earth, and we will fight you, the best we can, with terror attack.
Because most terrorists are failures at life in the first place. It shouldn't be any big surprise when these morons fail to diagnose the problem. They are useful tools for perpetuating war/conflict that are being used by nation-states and other organizations to meet their own ends, which isn't necessarily the cessation of armed conflicts. In fact, often times continuing violence via war and other such means is exactly what these people want, and they use either violent psychopaths or useful idiots to carry out attacks on civilian/soft targets in order to nurture an environment where the fighting can continue.
Who is trying to rule us.
The Goyim Know!
Because they need a to score as high as they can, and one offing a politician isn't scoring many brownie points with the Big Guy unless that person is someone that left the practice of Islam for some other religion.
According to what the Prophet as said, the Creator loves humans (men) so much, that more than 99 out of every 100 men go to Paradise. The Creator's grace and love is so mighty, that even pagans, non-believers and yes, even Jews, go to Paradise. Only a handful of men are barred from entering Paradise after they die.
So what's the trick if almost every man that ever lived, almost every man alive, and almost every man that ever will live goes to Paradise then? Just being a man gets you a ticket to Paradise. Well, this is the ticket--- how you are treated in Paradise depends on how much glory you have brought to the Creator and how well you have followed the teachings and way the Creator has passed down to humans (men) via the prophets.
So that means those humans (men) that follow none of the teachings and never brought glory to the Creator live the lowest tier in Paradise. Its paradise, but they don't get the 72 virgin treatment, for instance.
The humans (men) that follow the teaching of Abraham has some small standings and benefits.
The humans (men) that follow the teachings of Jesus (who also follow the teachings of Abraham) have greater standings and benefits.
The humans (men) who follow the prophet Mohammed have the greatest standings and benefits of those following the way.
But there are ways to improve your base standings, and that's by committing acts that bring glory to the Creator. One of the acts that bring glory to the creator is to slay His enemies and the enemies of Islam. Every enemy slain is bonus glory--- so if you can manage to kill 20 enemies, its better than killing 1 enemy.
In other words, high score wins the most benefits and standings in Paradise!
Why attack your funders?
And they are right. Western culture is corrosive to their own conservative Islamic culture. Western culture teaches that men and women are equal, which is in direct opposition to what the Prophet Mohammed taught. It's a basic tenant of their faith. And there's so much more about how Western media is pure poison to the conservative Islamic household (basic freedoms, ability to pick your own religion and change as you like, etc).
Eventually, for their society to survive, they must destroy Western society, or at least make Western society change and submit. As long as we are all stuck on the same mudball, there can be no other options for them if they want their children, grandchildren, and futher prodigy to be able to properly live and inherit their proper place in Paradise.
The nutcase that shot the politician Gifford announced to the world he was a jihadi. He had it put on his business cards. He dared his coworkers to mess with him, and he'd send them to hell as well.
He got away with it cause he was in Obama's army, and everyone feared that if they reported him, they would be punished. So that particular "lone wolf" terrorist kept fermenting himself until he got the chance to kill a member of Congress. And the best thing about that was Obama ordered all military bases to be gun-free zones except when firearms were directly needed for the job or for the exercise. So it was all thanks to Obama. Thanks Obama!
Its how the mighty tea drinkers say aluminum.
If you were to (READ A BOOK) on the history of islam you'd see that it has always been a death cult that gets it's wealth from murdering entire cultures, the middle east and southern/eastern Europe were once all Christian. It's only because muslims are boy raping, retarded shitskins that they failed to take Europe, though they did take well over a million white slaves in their attempts. Their book tells them they will only go to degenerate heaven if they murder a non-muslim
>Bitin g the hand that feeds you.
terrorists are controlled by the some people who control politicians. terrorism allows for more government which in turn means less freedom.
And guess who is the (((founder))) of Clarion Project?
Because politicians dont organize terror attacks on themselves.