Why aren't you an egoist?
Why aren't you an egoist?
I am
everyone's an egoist even if they deny it though
got spooked
I am
It's okay to be an egoist.
egoism is a spook
Stirner wasn't a real philosopher. You can tell this by the fact that the only thing of any real note he ever did was BTFO Marx, which everyone else did too.
>One must deny all ideas and forces external to oneself to be free
He said, while imitating the crude philosophical apings of Discount Hegel. Egoism is a fucking spook too. You wouldn't even know what it is unless someone had told you. You hold another man's values because you like them. You are not an Egoist. You have never been an egoist. There are no egoists.
Stirner was not an egoist. Stirner made claims that he himself did not understand, but which were all derivative, and claimed himself to be a philosophic John Galt.
He was a nobody. It is the absolute supreme irony of Stirner that now, the most relevant scrap of his pitiful legacy that remains is that other people call things spooks without knowing that the term spook is, objectively, an inherited spook. The exact antithesis of Egoism.
Define "real philosopher".
Looks like his philosophy really paid off
>Never got succesful.
>Wife divorced him after three years.
>Turned to catholicism (lol).
>Said only negative things about him.
>His whole life was a strain of failures.
>Also, brought up mostly by his mother and aunt (big suprise).
Gee, I really want to follow this guy now.
I guess that's my natural state since I never believed in anything and just did whatever benefited me, ironically I'm higher functioning in life than most people I've met and every listless NEET on here.
Anything is a spook though. Including dialectics. The point is just to recognize it.
Stirner might not have much beyond his refutation of Marx and his Nietzscheean rejection of ideological motivation, but that doesn't mean those aren't important or valuable.
Fuck Hegel though. His ideas are fucking evil.
What is more special about Stirner (he was blonde btw) than other existentialists?
The whole egoist schtick was much better applied by the objectivists. Even if they have their flaws as well.
I don't know, just be a machievelian or something.
Who also egoist and egocentric here?
Because I'm a spook
His smug attitude is iconic and therefore meme worthy.
Does this trigger anyone else because it's a leftypol meme?
Because I know that survival of 99.9% of mankind including myself is dependent wholly on the institution of a functioning society.
I am not retarded
Because morality exists u goob
I guess there is always egoistical element to something, even altruistic behaviour.
I rescued a fledlging house sparrow few months ago, because usually those cunts cats kill them. I spend time to feed it and (unfortunately) he got imprinted, so I keep him.
This seemingly altruistic act gave me some ethical satisfaction, it makes you feel better as a person.
Also, my friends gave me some kind words for rescuing the little thing.
So, yes, I gained a lot by helping this little bird and maybe deep inside this is why I did it.
But that just proves that we should act altruistically, the most admired and remembered people in the world are those who perform sacrifices.
My act was in a small scale, but in essence the same. That's why you should sacrifice and help other people, because everyone wants to be talked about and admired.
pic related, he looks identical, I call him Dudek
lil' fuckin chubb a dubb
Because autistically following what an egoist writes down is really stupid because he might not care about anything but himself and thus following him is as scam and not edgy, pretty much like following Nietzsche in not following anybody. next
In the exact same sense, it is ok to follow an altruist?
>morality exists
>Anything is a spook though. Including dialectics. The point is just to recognize it.
Okay. So what you're saying is his fucking opinion was CONTENT FREE. He just said "well everything that isn't you isn't you so don't listen to it," but this is impossible-to-take advice and nobody has ever taken it. That is the DEFINITION of an unimportant and worthless contribution.
It's when you do the opposite of what Stirner did, and use your reason to contribute to the philosophic discourse.
You know what happens if you attempt to bring Stirner up in actual philosophic discourse? You are laughed at. Hysterically. This is because Max Stirner is the philo equivalent of those stupid ear-stretching gauges kids get.
You obviously put yourself first but complete egoism just screams reddit
It's a shit meme though. Forced by the commies and anarkiddies from /leftypol/ on /his/ and /lit/.
>Everything is spook except for egalitarianism
This is the one truth of it. Game theory just proves without a shadow of a doubt that the best egoist is also the best altruist. Tit for tat works best everywhere and it scales as long as people are not overwhelmingly malicious.
>morality exists
Lol what an edgy rustard teen. Stop fucking your mother you damn hedonist
I guess that is a useful belief to hold in order to fuck your mom w/o feeling bad after it .GJ bro
Sure, you help someone stand up from the ground, possibly sacrificing a lot of time and resources, but you end up being amired and with a lifelong friend.
That friend may even end up paying back the favor tenfold.
But you have to be an egoist from time to time when you try to help a person who either doesn't want to be helped or when it is beyond your sphere of competence.
Forcing yourself to help someone like that will only bring you pain and probaby bring you down to the level of that person.
The key is to now when to be an egoist, and when to be an altruist.
I don't see a refutation.
Here I'll help you: useful morality exists insofar as it is utilitarian, and is therefore inherently egoist.
>Fuck Hegel though. His ideas are fucking evil.
This post is a spook
there's no such thing as universal morality so I don't see how it would help anyone when a person considers moral things immoral and vice versa
This is what tit-for-tat is for. You help people altruistically at all times unless they let you down and then only stop helping them for as much as they have wronged you.
You have to be trusting, just, not naive but also able to forgive.
my mom is old, fat and ugly.
I said useful you mong. Of course morality is subjective.
Yours is just shit if its not utilitarian.
>x is totes good as long as it's MY ideal vision of x
>real x has never been tried
now where have I heard this before?
For instance he's the guy behind the retarded idea that the slave has "double vision" and is superior to the master because he has learned both the perspective of the master and his own.
>not addressing the problem of publicity
>following an ethic that commits false dilemma to pitch itself
>not realizing that egoism marks the beginning of post modernism, and undercuts it's own platform
>>morality is for women
>moral women
I'm not saying utilitarianism is the objectively true way to judge the world. Only that it's the only one that can survive.
Ironically that's the main reason why communism is impossible. It may feel like a just goal but it's something that can't be realistically attained and is therefore worthless.
His ideology is a complete 100% joke and has alays been, classification of everything as a spook is illogical and nothing but childish, almost nihilistic detachment and evasion of consequences, possible virtue and responsabilities, impractical day to day aplication, beyond meme tastic implications, its a fat fucking meme idea.
Anyone who actually thinks Stirner is anythhing but a meme needs his head checked instead of calling all things that metter to be spooks.
Knowing morality can be relative is fine, not being dogmaticaly bound by ideals can be fine but haaving no ideals no morality and no valued ideologies just makes you a empty egg shell, there is no whites or yolk, no fluff and protein, its a hollow brittle and fragile shell that cracks open and reveal the nothingness inside.
I totally agree with that. I have had lifelong friends go totally crazy, and just refuse to help themselves, and end up attacking me and my friends, and we had to cut ties even though it hurt. But you can't be dragged down with them. But I also think that to be an egoist, you have to recognize that you can't be totally alone, that in order to fulfill your needs as an individual, you need to work with others. Just make sure that relationship is mutually beneficial instead of servile. (which can be hard, human interaction is full of dominance games and many of them are very subtle)
Women are notoriously more inclined toward slave morality, which is arbitrary and prescriptive.
>not realizing that egoism marks the beginning of post modernism, and undercuts it's own platform
Peikoff would disagree. A whole lot.
But what if you could create yourself in that empty egg shell? Maybe you're only creating another illusion, but it's your illusion.
yeah but when most people say 'morality' they mean something they made up for themselves, not something they came to after removing spooks and self-destructive altruism
>le gapitalism is a spook!
>mutual agreements are a spook!
>long term stability and prosperity is a spook, just leech from your wife because short term hedonism is your best interest!
>What!? Why would my will be a spook?
>Why would the meaning to my existence be a spook? >Everything that justifies my hedonism matters and has value on this universe.
Your philosophy is shallow and infantile.
Admit it, you are just another commie retard who had /leftypol/ as a gateway to Sup Forums. This is what all of these retarded Stirner memes say about you.
Most people use morality to justify their actions after the fact, not as a guide to take enlightened decisions.
Isn't it ironic that even though he was superior in every way and that his ideas are a superset of Stirner's, Nietzsche will never be as much of a meme?
/leftypol/ meme him as an edgelord to brush him off.
>Nietzsche will never be as much of a meme
Nietzsche is the biggest meme wtf are you talking about?
With all due respect he *was* a fucking edgelord.
He even said unbelievably stupid shit that a smart guy like him could never have unironically believed just because of resentment and shock value.
*superfascist blocks your path*
Evola was 'the' edgelord
But Mr. Stirner being egoist is bad
I bet he didn't have a reflection and was afraid of sunlight.
what do you mean by "bad"?
ego is a spook
>anything is a spook
>evil exists
pick one
>Not being afraid of sunlight and keeping your skin as white as possible
You're embarrassing
So what? Literally the entire history of philosophy is people disagreeing with each other. I think anyone would agree that Nietzsche must be addressed when confronting egoism
>truth serves life
This undercuts the very value of truth. If something is true only because of the utility of preservation, and belief in objective morality creates a stronger mandate to preserve life than a subjective one, then you must necessarily follow it.
He has arguments against your thesis is what i meant.
And his explanation of what lead to post modernism (i.e.: romanticism and in a larger sense platonism) is astute imo.
Which is why you should probably read him if you have not.
I don't believe that spooks are inheretly useless.
Ideology is flawed, but useful even for an hedonist. Science is a good example.
>not larping as a wizard in semi-degenerate between war dada atmosphere
Evola did nothing wrong.
I agree, there's literally nothing wrong with being and edgy meta physical magician and having an aggressive personality. As long as you're fit.