This is a record called "To Pimp a Butterfly" by Kendrick Lamar.
It topped many "album of the year" lists in 2015, and is already considered one of the best hip hop albums of all time.
Now I don't listen to much hip hop because the subject matter gets old fast, but since this has been praised so much, I decided to give it a listen.
It was literally over an hour of "da white man keepin us down", while still managing to adhere to black rap stereotypes.
Lyrically it was worse than the typical simplistic pop music, it felt like some songs would drag on for minutes with the same phrase repeated over and over.
The production was okay, but nothing special. I can guarantee you this wasn't such a success because of the jazzy sound.
Can someone explain to me how this is critically acclaimed?
Unless I get a good answer I'm going to assume White Guilt is the reason it went platinum.
Hitler would call it degenerate negroid music. I agree.
Luis Sanchez
I listened to this and I like some hip hop like Illmatic, Liquid Swords, Infamous, Ready to Die, etc. This was absolute repetitive, pretentious garbage Modern hip hop is garbage in general
Eli Brooks
Modern rap makes early 90s rap (which was still negroid garbage anyway) look like Mozart and Beethoven. Especially all this rap where it's just some nigger talking in a monotone voice. I can't believe people actually listen to this trash and I am fully convinced it's just money laundering at this point.
Noah Lopez
Horrible review from somebody who hasnt listened to the album. Racist have no right reviewing black music. Go listen to ozzy or something
Xavier Stewart
Kendrick is not hip hop. Nujabes is.
Aaron Allen
Sorry I don't listen to dad rock. I do listen to a lot of Black *artists* (not rappers) and appreciate them. Hip hop is absolute lowest form of music, it's a shame because it sounds good but the culture associated with it needs to go.
Lincoln Morales
Nujabs is a knock off J Dilla. Japs wanna be Americans so bad
Austin Scott
it only sounds good because of the beats (which is just usually samples from some old funk/soul/jazz records anyway)
Connor Richardson
Hip Hop is a whole culture and there is tons of great hip hop. Youre just a racist because you think its edgy. Racism is the biggest sign of unintelligence.
David James
>Racism is the biggest sign of unintelligence Do you know where you are right now?
Landon Ward
I gave it a shot back when KDot exploded. It was pretty trash and it sounded like everything else on the radio. Maybe I've been too desensitized because all post-2000 black music sounds terrible, but I would never put it on over something like Redman.
Some guy goes on /x/ to tell us it is full of sekrit messages: "Sooo Hiiiigh High Imma High SO hiiiigh" and how some song about his car equates to journeys to the moon, etc. Top grade schizophrenia. Look, if a nigger blew farts into a bathtub, he'd win a prize somewhere, people even call call Kanye West a "genius" for rhyming "nigger" with "nigger"
Landon Lopez
Actually there is a high correlation between racism and high intelligence. You have that backwards.
Carter Baker
>correlation = causation +your 48% is showing >smartest people dont have to deal with the dregs of humanity, whatever race them are >look at the top 50% of x race and and the top 5% of y - dont you see we're all the same now you see negro from space even the tallest of mountains looks identical to the surrounding terrain
Zachary Hall
I listed to TPAB before the redpill but the racial sentiment is clearly evident. Of all the more popular rappers these days, Kendrick is one of the most thoughtful, so I presumed it was just a harder album to get into - I'm sure there's deeper meaning to some of the tracks. Not that the mainstream would be able to dissect that meaning, however, so maybe it performed so well primarily for its racial sentiment, the album cover is quite telling. This. Nujabes made cheesy piano rap beats, hardly representative of the genre in any shape or form. Go listen to some Company Flow
Im confused. Did you expect a hip hop album written and performed by a nigger to be anything more than childish trash?
Nolan Moore
Do people actually put this much thought into listening to niggers mispronounce things? Fucking Canadians, I hope you all take all of our niggers since you love them so much
Owen Wilson
Why the fuck would you listen to nigger music?
Robert Wilson
Blacker the Berry is about some gangbanger going on about how proud he is of the black race,but he's a total hypocrite as he shoots other black people a lot.Biggest hypocrite of 2015. It's all about Kendrick selling his soul to the devil/Uncle Sam,losing himself in the game game,hating what he has become,then finding redemption and self love through community and God.Its a intelligent record,and one of the best.Its not all about black victimhood.
Angel Stewart
>too dumb to identify satire and exaggeration
Cooper Murphy
if you want to be a special snowflake atleast give real reasons for why you dont like a music album instead of racism
Brandon Clark
its popularity was manufactured like all other mainstream music and congrats you fucking fell for it and got exposed to kabbalah brainwashing
Jason Peterson
The album isnt a "da white man keepin us down" album at all. The album is about "niggers keeping the black man down" more than anything.
Its a plea to rise up ad better yourself rather than be a thug and blame the whole world for your situation and the struggle for a black man to get out of that cycle when you have a culture of gangs and turf wars.
You dont have to like the album or rap but at the very least, get the interpretation right/
Sebastian Adams
Ya most of the time people claim they fail because of their skin, but for most blacks that are in those bad situations, it's because of their culture and the city they grew up in.
Daniel Reed
What's the good word lads?
Ayden Wood
If you just like hip hop to jam to I suggest Coolio, A Tribe Called Quest and Madvillian/mf doom
Colton Collins
Tech n9ne was the last good rapper
Lincoln Powell
>AOTY 2015 >let alone best hip-hop album It was a nice album, but pic related is what takes the cake. Made by a guy who had a jewish dad, it's completely peppered with israeli samples. So many israeli samples that it gets suffocating. But it does not lose the intrumental hip-hop aesthetic, at all. This marriage of Israeli culture and Hip-Hop is perfection. It fits in just as well as the Jews do in American society. It's a nostalgic-sounding album, that's for sure. It sounds just like old hip-hop - and in part, that's due to the old samples. I highly recommend listening to the "Meduza" track from this album.