>Jihadist holds knife to Cristiano Ronaldo in latest sick ISIS propaganda poster threatening 2018 World Cup >It is one of a growing collection of images released in a shocking campaign by the ISIS-affiliated group as a call to arms for fundamentalists to attack showpiece event
Evan Reyes
Logan Flores
Ryder Rogers
Please try to attack Russia. They dont play games. Confirm their rightful suspicion and hate for Muslims.
Austin Brooks
>literally LARPing ISIS has fallen far
Jayden Brown
Funny how they say they'll stop with terror if Americans stop bombing them.
Then again, why are Americans bombing them?
Cooper Cox
Also, ISIS' media tactics reminds me of Antifa. Wouldn't be surprised if the two groups are deeply affiliated.
Jeremiah Rogers
just shoop the names to say allah and send it back to them
Jason Lopez
Messi and Neymar wont be at the euros
Brody Mitchell
Didn't Isis just get btfo'd for the billionth time the the russkies? Do they want to get nuked? Cuz that's how you get nuked