Mueller is targeting Tony Podesta – and it’s Trump’s worst nightmare.
Tony Podesta had no connection to the Hillary Clinton campaign. Nor did John Podesta appear to have any connection to Tony’s overseas work. So whether Tony turns out to be innocent or guilty, this isn’t going to lead back to Hillary. Instead it’s going to lead back to Donald Trump. CBS News is now reporting that Mueller is specifically looking into the oversea works that Tony Podesta did for Paul Manafort and Rick Gates.
In other words, Mueller is pursuing Tony Podesta to try to get him to incriminate Manafort and Gates. Last week a federal judge assigned a trial date for Paul Manafort of May 7th, 2018. If Manafort refuses to cut a deal, his trial will come way too late to be relevant to the Trump-Russia investigation. But if Tony Podesta steps forward in the mean time as an incriminating witness against Manafort, and particularly if he can produce evidence to support his testimony, then Manafort may realize he’s screwed – and cut a deal.
To be clear, I have no idea if Tony Podesta is innocent or guilty of FARA or any other potential crimes. But in the hypothetical scenario where he’s guilty, he’d be motivated to cut a deal which would compel him to flip on Paul Manafort. On the other hand, if Tony Podesta is innocent, then he’ll have no reason not to give up Manafort. If Manafort decides to flip as a result, he’ll have to give up Donald Trump. You can draw a fairly straight line from Tony Podesta to Trump’s demise.
Oh god... this is the only thing that makes sense. Fuck.
Thomas Price
>ask Democrat loyalists to help take down Republicans and Trump Oh yeah, I'm sure this will go super honestly and backed by facts.
This whole god damned system is corrupt to the core.
Easton Turner
What can we do though?
Blake Morgan
Gavin Stewart
If Trump actually did work with the Russians and there is real proof, not made up fuccboi shit, that's one thing.
It doesn't exist though because he didn't.
Parker Moore
>another concern shill thread
Evan Adams
Essentially nothing. This is just proving that the head of the Executive Branch, the President, doesn't actually have power over it, and the entrenched embeds in the system will protect their own.
Overthrowing the system will just lead to new assholes, and spreading information is even on the outs because they have massive astroturfing teams who spread disinfo and false narratives/moods about things.
The only real hope is in having someone with power with more powerful friends who can combat it, but even that's not guaranteed. It's humans being shit humans, and it's a tradition that's time immemorial.
Bentley Rivera
Stupid thesis implies that the Muh Russia BS is true and that Manafort has beans to spill.
Was Podesta arrested trying to leave the country? Huge if true.
Bentley Ortiz
Are you retarded? No way Manafort flips. He's going to do what Gordon Liddy did and what Oliver North did and he's going to take the bullet for Trump and he's going to get a 24K gold parachute on the back end that takes care of his whole family for generations to come. If he gets a short sentence, fine. If he gets a long sentence, it gets commuted or he is pardoned.
Adrian Reed
Let not your heart be troubled, user.
Check this out.
Blake Diaz
Wrong. Podesta share human trafficking history and contract killing with CF.
Aaron Walker
It's a nice fairy tale, but I'll believe it when I see it. Right now the only reason I've got hope is because Trump is unique in that he knows how to play the idiot part that Dems want him to play. It lulls them into a false sense of security, and even the Reps are sometimes lulled into a similar sense that Trump will play along with them and their usual shit.
I'm hoping that they make some huge mistake that can't be covered up in their hubris, and the way things are playing out, it's possible that they already have.
You're so far out of the loop you can't see the loop from your house. Try not to crap your pants when you see it.
Jeremiah Harris
mental gymnastics
Jordan Lopez
Pretty rich coming from a Trumpanzee.
Joshua Gonzalez
op is ignoring some obvious facts about how this has nothing to do with trump. the whole manafort thing happened forever ago.
the same person keeps posting this same exact thing...just ignore and remember to sage. dont engage. if they believe it good for them.
Jayden Perry
Juan King
Damn... Looks like it's over for Drumpf...!
Juan Rivera
whats up with shareblue faggotry + kermit the frog? i mean, besides instantly signalling to everybody here that you are a flaming dumpster of shit...
Zachary Wright
Andrew Adams
still waiting on that answer. do you believe this. do you think people actually believe this?
Leo Butler
>CBS News
Matthew Parker
OP, are you high?
Christopher Watson
i regret voting for him twice
Robert James
I like how GOP shills like Hannity bring up Podesta constanty anyway because their audience is too stupid to differentiate the two Podestas. His name is now a buzzword like "Uranium One" and "Leaked emails," Benghazi, etc.
Connor Adams
wtf i love skippy now
Zachary Nguyen
>specifically looking into the oversea works that Tony Podesta did for Paul Manafort and Rick Gates. You mean like way before Manafort had any association with Trump?
Owen Taylor
Let me give you a little hint but there are many. Trump actually interviewed Mueller to be his FBI director. It was impossible for Mueller to be his FBI director because Mueller has served 12 years prior as one. He's over the term limits. The MSM actually mocked Trump for this, they said Trump didn't even know the damn term limits how stupid. How stupid indeed. Mueller wasn't there to interview as FBI director.
I'll even give you another hint. Manafort worked for Trump for a while. When Trump won the RNC candidate he gained access to privileged information only available to potential presidents, i.e he was 1 of 2, Hilary was the other one. 2 days after this security briefing, Manafort resigned. The FBI told Trump that Manafort was being investigated. Manafort being investigated was what gave swamp access to get a FISA warrant for Trump.
Think to yourself very carefully. Everyone says Mueller is investigating Russian collusion, but does anyone actually have any evidence of that? Except purportedly the MSM, who's been lying and accepting any leaker they can who wandered in off the street? Trump promised he would instruct his DOJ to hire a special prosecutor to look into the election. He's appointed a special prosecutor to look into the election, hasn't he? What did he say all election about strategy? YOU DONT BROADCAST TO YOUR ENEMIES WHAT YOU ARE DOING. Let me ask you something. Seen anyone like Hilary or Podesta or Clapper or any of the actual cabal tweet anything positive about Mueller's investigation today? No they are dead cold silent because they just fucking figured out what is going on.
Even Trump's angry tweets about Sessions were a ruse. The tweets about "Do something!" have been a ruse. The whole fucking thing has been a ruse so Mueller could investigate the swamp in peace.
Logan Smith
Everyone in this thread have fucking Amnesia.
It wasn't just Manafort who was indicted, it was three different Trump officials, and one of them plead guilty already
Gabriel Jenkins
Nolan Parker
indicted for things pre 2016. its almost like he knew they were guilty and convinced them to flip/work for him o.O
Carter Ortiz
>Tony Podesta had no connection to the Hillary Clinton campaign. ha haha ahahahahahahaha
>Nor did John Podesta appear to have any connection to Tony’s overseas work HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAH
Gavin Price
Do you fuckers read? Stop responding. This is an obvious shill thread. Fuck you fags are getting denser and denser.
David Hill
poopoodoopooloos was clearly a plant. This will become only more apparent as his past dealings are uncovered.
Henry Ward
Gates and Manafort are indicted for things that happened between 2006~2016, including when Manafort and Gates were a part of Trump's Campaign.
Papadopoulos is indicted specifically on what he has done during the campaign - the russian literally offered to send him to give the Trump campaign dirt on Clinton, and Papadopoulos lied about it to the investigators and now he admitted he was lying
Connor Sanchez
It's like this:
If news broke that Sarah Huckabee Sanders was being investigated, that wouldn't mean her dad, Mike Huckabee was in trouble. It would mean her employer, Donald Trump was in trouble.
Brayden Rivera
>to be clear
sure sign of a disinfo agent
Ryder Diaz
"he’ll have to give up Donald Trump". No op, I think you have to give up your irrational and unjustifiable logic.
Alexander King
Complete conjecture. OP is a faggot
Grayson Rivera
They think that because we use Pepe and Kek, that they can use a frog too and hide in here.
Jayden Brown
You know not what you say.
Check this out>
Adam Long
Manafort is already indicted you retard. There’s nothing to flip on...
Yep... an indicted Tony Podesta is easily the most reliable witness in a court room right?
If Tony gets indicted, taking into account his relationship with John and the HRCC, nothing he says is going to be used in court lmao.
Brody James
>everybody attacking shriveled orange is a shill
Hudson Fisher
“The Russians”
>the campaign eventually agreed to meet with an unnamed female >unnamed >female >female unnamed >med ale >fem unn
I fucking think you mean “DNC lobbyist and fusion GPS employee Alexandra Veselenitskyia” was talking to young pop.
Luis Lopez
Pizzagate tho
Blake Peterson
>hillaries campaign managers have nothing to do with hillary clinton at all
Connor Sullivan
>Tony Podesta is Trump's worst nightmare
Adam Thompson
You are clueless user. Manafort received millions via hidden channels in Ukraine and Cypries close to Putin. Flynn received money via Turkey, the new emerging axis Turkey-Russia is as real as it gets. (You) are constantly played by your lack of basic understanding and only being able to think in categories of either / or and your own doctrine of 'enemy's enemy is a friend'. You are too dumb / arrogant to even realize. Think about it: >dems sold uranium to russia / WTF we can suck Putins cock now guys! >dems want investigation into collusion / WTF Putin is /ourguy/ now guys! The aim is to make the US contain and isolate itself (call it america first) and divide the american populous. Remember: Putin was training with his KGB buddies while your bipolar diva was shaving wrestlers, no quantum chess for you anytime soon.
Oliver Reed
It's a red herring. Don't you see how you push the idea of russian meddling further away each day? You think Russia is asleep and you fuckbuddy now? Putin won't forget how you humiliated Russia, it is all going according to plan. You monkeys even cancelled TTIP which handed you the EU on a silver platter, now we do business with the chinese instead. I love you you retards are getting played, it's textbook.
Evan Howard
Holy fuck you’re rambling.
Flynn was a sacrificial pawn to get the special counsel appointed you ignoramous.
The collusion we have any fucking evidence of is from the DNC. YOU CANT EVEN FUCKING TELL ME WHAT TRUMP GOT FROM “COLLUDING” YOU MORON.
The DNC collided with the Russians and abused our own countries security services for the own political and financial gain.
Did you know FBI agents are conducting fieldwork for muellers investigation? Do you know what that means you shill?
Henry Gonzalez
She isn't president you know and he still works for the govt.
Grayson Smith
2 days ago >lol podesta? fuck off drumpflets why would he go after podesta? lmao drumpflets deflecting so hard today >ok so alright hes going after podesta but this is still bad for drumpf, trust me
Logan Peterson
Ok I wills tart slow: Who says Trump is not blackmailed? First thing. What he gets is power / handing over money to his rich buddies / family / the military industrial complex and goldman sachs. Does Trump own gold? I bet so, it will rise once the second phase of their plan is set into motion. Russian meddling has even been kind of admitted by a source close to Kremlin, russian bots and targeting audience via social media is as real as it can only be denied by guys like you who are asleep. The US is meddling with the whole world for decades now, Russia is actively destabilizing western countries as a doctrine, e.g. they financially support rightists and leftists in Europe. Do you think this suddenly stops and he is your best buddy now, you naive child? You crippled Russia, you deterred them from the EU market, you made the rest of the world sanction them. Just because you decide to suck Putin's dick now doesn't mean he want to suck yours, dumbo.
Eli Sanders
Mueller better watch himself. Once he calls people to the stand, and they tell the simple truth - that Mueller threatened them with jail time unless they repeated the scripts he had written for them, Mueller will be arrested, and be unable to carry through on his threats.. It could very well result in his execution.
Cameron Diaz
vote for merkel or whatever cum guzzling leftist retard and hang yourselves, dumbass cuckold shills
Noah Morgan
If trump pardons manafort that leads to a constitutional crisis....would you like it if trump pardons every person he's friends with based on loyalty--this isn't Ancient Rome faggot
Evan Johnson
>would you like it if trump pardons every person he's friends with based on loyalty-
if it means hanging people like you, yes
Jaxson Myers
>t. american intellectual >only capable of either / or You just confirmed what I said, tyrone. You are getting played and I acutally admit Russia / China for it. You are a naive dumbo my friend, get in line with the rest of your fellow mouthbreathing burgers.
Matthew Campbell
You are a traitor without even realizing user. Your country reached rock-bottom with guys like you. >divide & conquer is real.
Lincoln Turner
dude if you dont want to murder people like merkel your opinion is literally irrelevant because you have no idea whats going on in even your own country
Jace James
>murder people >complain about people murdering >rule of law is irrelevant I know you are under 25 you illiterate fag, you should wonder how I know.
Charles Russell
>what are traitors >what is the death penalty
just kys you massive pussy neo-liberal shitstain
Lucas Stewart
>Forgetting Manafort was cosy with the Clintons and Dems in general
Or are you just disinformation shills?
Samuel Reed
>The aim is to make the US contain and isolate itself (call it america first) and divide the american populous. whys this bad for me
Kevin Thompson
So,you are under 25 then? lelelel You know nothing about real-world 2.0, manage puberty and report back, tyrone.
Justin Foster
>we must stick together while replacing ourselves and our culture with foreigners that hate us! That'll show that evil putin whos boss!
Tyler White
Are you retarded?
Nathaniel Reed
>we should only visit the next village to pillage / rape Ask somalia. Once you are contained phase two is initiated: Destroy the one thing keeping you going - digital infrastructure for financials. It's lovely seeing it unfold right before your eyes, burgers.
Austin Ramirez
Hahha deerp nice try shill they are intertwined like antifa and gay sex
Benjamin Russell
>he’ll have to give up Donald Trump. give up what? what did donald trump do that was illegal?
Wyatt Nelson
>Tony Podesta had no connection to the Hillary Clinton campaign
All you do is lie
Kevin Bennett
U nervous shareblue retard? Sage
Hudson Young
You are changing nothing user. You let in people based on a lottery for years, 48% of your population isn't WASP no more, what are you even talking about? It's too late to think in childish categories of race / gender / religion, this would have worked out 100 years ago, but is now destined to fail. It's a delusion to think the world is actually b/w.
Nolan Anderson
>Long term Clinton insider and the lobbying firm he and his brother, Hillary's last campaign manager, had no connection to the Hillary Clinton campaign. Kekd
Liam Brooks
>In political science, a constitutional crisis is a crisis of government administration, which the political constitution (or other basic principle of operation) of a legal system appears unable to resolve. The crisis usually interferes with the orderly operation of government. In general, a constitutional crisis results when factions within a government ideologically disagree about the extent to which each faction holds sovereignty to legally exercise administrative power. Specifically, a constitutional crisis results from internal conflict among the branches of government (executive, legislative, judiciary) or, in a federal system, between the state and federal levels of government.
And when your girlfriend fucks Tyreece she does it out of love for you right?
Angel Miller
Sage goes in the options field.
Matthew Ward
Dumb fuck theory. Manafort was working with / for the Podesta Group. They already have Manafort. Why would they need to flip Tony to get Paul when they already have Paul? This IS all about connections to Russia. The Podesta Group is a libtard lobbying group. You need to be afraid of all the names attached to that group and their connections to the Democrat party.
Leo Gomez
well this is true and probably inevitable whats your point? that we wont have kikes and mega rich people ruling from the top anymore? there are plenty of the basic necessary resources here and im happy to see the country balkanized into poorer territories i hate this bureaucratized inhuman civilization i see that youre convinced of the superiority of centralization but i want out
Hudson Rodriguez
>ok first thing! >wild unprovable speculation follows. Fuck off shill
Aiden Stewart
>warlords incoming The world outside will find a balance between globalism and buying your eggs from your neighbor while your country will drift into the abyss. With that many guns in your country and people being this divided you will have shred each other into pieces before you can live your self-containing meme life user, don't be naive.
Caleb Nguyen
B-bububut it was supposed to be Podesta!!!!! The...t-t-the non-existent child sex dens! The shitty detective image macros! WHY CAN WE NEVER WINNNNN
Henry White
>shill shill cuck cuck You are too naive to even understand my post, burgerus mongrellus. I said there are millions of reasons, among these the possibility of being blackmailed. Do you know if he owns gold? Unironic question. Is anything known about the assets that Trump holds?
Chase Hughes
alright if you say so pretty sure if what youre describing happens ill just find a nice state of white people and we will live happily ever after
Jacob Sanders
Actually it could be a good thing for all of us, don't forget to take your 800+ military bases with you.
Grayson Myers
agreed. no more imperialism. all the white americans come from ancestors who embraced anarchy. we will thrive.
Justin Thompson
>Tony Podesta doesn't have connection to John Podesta Go to and then come back.
Mason Wood
muh nuclear fusion, duh
Juan Cook
Blake Ross
>spends years as a dem operative >gets indicted only for behavior during those years >trump in ruins?
Connor Hill
Christopher Fisher
Says the Hillcunt
Robert Carter
Silly boy. Do your homework.
Go to, check the Podesta names (all of them) for max contributions to Hillary. Money laundering from the international cash prize!
Go to Wikileaks, look up Tony Podesta asking John to take a meeting for India vs. Sierra Club on behalf of Podesta Group. per IRS laws, that pierces the shield between the LLC and the individual. Go to US House of Rep archives, look up lobbying LD1 and LD2 files, Registrant PODESTA, client URANIUM ONE. Read it.
And weep.
Jordan Hernandez
Colton Scott
Benjamin Young
Uranium 1 is the new Pizzagate
Russian trolls must love it that they actually can get Republican Congressmen to believe their trolling
Jason Perez
Colton Young
>Tony Podesta had no connection to the Hillary Clinton campaign. >tfw leaf and even i know this is bullshit