ITT prove that you're not a commie and say one nice thing about this country.
ITT prove that you're not a commie and say one nice thing about this country
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im not a commie, im a nazi and that is a mongrelized country, has even more niggers than south america
It has a lot of tempting young boys
Thanks to this country I live a pretty damn fine life without having to earn/make a significant amount of cash AND I take no government handouts.
t- army vet
Texas will rise again, fuck Americuck globalists kikes.
>best history
>best founding
>best culture (until the late 60's)
>best military
best country of all time
When we get together, we’re best pals.
Also smokehouse bbq is great.
Good leave. Make our country whiter Pedro.
unironically the most cucked country in the world
It was a nice kid until its teenage years when it got uppity, blamed its dad for all its problems and moved out. Now it's living in a shitty motel, with three mongrel kids, no husband and nursing an opiate addiction. Sad.
Show your flag
First in flight, we split the atom, landed on the moon, we rule the waves, our economy is competitive with the entire continent of Europe, we're pretty much the new Rome in every way and the center of Western Civilization (sorry Europe you guys are important too).
Food is cheap & delicious,did i mention its cheap & delicious?
T.argie Burger who hasn't eaten in 3 days
We have an absolutely phenomenal Interstate system.
>funded the shit out of the soviet union
>anti communist
oy antisemite
Which is why the communists want to destroy it right?
I said show your flag
least number of communists per square inch
wrong branch, right idea. hooyah shipmate
Last place on earth you can't be jailed for speaking unpopular words
Still have some gun rights left outside of NY and CA
America is best country
Bill of Rights
it's 56% white
protects free speech
Bad post . yer a commie
It's only 48% white, thanks Allah
Very progressive attitudes toward race mixing, only 52% white
America is the sewer of the world.
There, that's pretty nice :)
It's falling fast!
All these meme flagers are afraid to show their real flags - Either ashamed of their countries or American traitors
This is a good post
I'm Chilean.
You killed Allende.
America is the original traitor.
Remember the Suez Canal, where you went against European interests and doomed the continent?
let's go
You manage to constantly reinvent yourself, unfortunately this time you invented the down syndrome version of a fascist kleptomanic idiocracy.
2nd amendment
In that case brits are traitors as well for WW2
All political freedom around the globe flows from America's inspirational bravery and success. God bless America; I will die to protect this republic, for my children, and for the people of this great land.
kek, as if Merkel isn't exactly the same thing
might as well give it a shot
I can discern a certain ingenuity and intelligence in the constitutional design of the US political system, which manifested the zenith of the Anglo-Saxon liberal tradition.
i have a great life, its not always easy but its worth it. i have so many opportunities living in a place like america that i just wouldn't have anywhere else.
i can do whatever i want, say whatever i want, go anywhere i want, do practically whatever my heart desires with no one to stop me as long as it falls within the law of the land. i love this country and most of its people wouldn't trade it for anything.
It's a pretty decent backup Australia
We drop 2,000 pound bombs on single individuals
No one cares
1st amendment+ 2nd amendment= happy burger
we have the best diners and all you can eat buffets
It used to be an actual free country based on rationality and open discourse.
>delicious food, even if it kills
>First and second amendments, such freedom is almost unheard of elsewhere
>White wimminz, Asian wimminz, Latina wimminz
>Most powerful military in history
Too bad it's controlled by Jews.
The American people finally woke up, and will finally purge the evil assholes that have been ruining our country and its reputation for decades.
I was gonna say good movies, but then I remembered that you guys also produce a shit ton of bad movies, not to forget the pedophilia.
Seriously America I hope China fucks you over.
There's nothing inherently wrong with eating in mcdonalds.
>as if
Praise KEK
It at least tries to be the good guy.
I love you Americans! Stay safe today, i hope your cops are bad-ass today!
How do I get my gf to fart In my mouth?
> But where, say some, is the King of America? I’ll tell you, friend, he reigns above, and doth not make havoc of mankind like the Royal Brute of Great Britain. Yet that we may not appear to be defective even in earthly honours, let a day be solemnly set apart for proclaiming the Charter; let it be brought forth placed on the Divine Law, the Word of God; let a crown be placed thereon, by which the world may know, that so far as we approve of monarchy, that in America the law is king. For as in absolute governments the King is law, so in free countries the law ought to be king; and there ought to be no other.
They've got it all backwards and it's beautiful.