Who is the Soros from your country?
Who is the Soros from your country?
Donald J. Trump
The one and on ly Guido Girardi, if something it's leftists and has money he is involved, he's a senator, but his real enterprise it's charging money to big corporations to bury scandals or create scandals on rivals.
Check my flag...
Hard to answer.
All the rich motherfuckers over here are communists.
Marian Hanzhekovich, a wealthy lawyer and 33rd degree freemason (source: freemasonry-croatia.org)
John Oliver
The Rothschild dynasty, like in every other civilised part of the world.
Look at this evil ugly bastard.
He goes to every bilderberg metting and owns one of the biggest TV channels in portugal so spread propaganda, he was also in prime minister a few years after the revolution of 74 and a few years before Portugal joined the UE
I think he drinks baby blood to stay alive
Peter Sutherland the former attorney General and Goldman Sachs executive.
Everything had sense when I realized he was jewish.
>who is the Soros from your country?
Is he in your country too?
He's a monster!!
>Why isn't Chile a first world country?
The Bonnier family
The Rockefellers.
They manage the Rothschild's US holdings.
Just like Soros is a covert employee of Rothschild.
You didn't think Soros could manipulate Rothschild's global currency markets without Rothschild's blessing, did you?
Soros is just a cog in the Rothschild global control matrix. As long as they control the wealth, they control you. That has always been their strategy; world control.
who the fuck knows anymore
what's his name portubro?
Kek in a Spanish program they mention him as someone who maybe is spreading the Kalergi plan
>what's his name portubro?
Francisco Pinto Balsemão
>He is also a member of Steering Committee of the Bilderberg Group, and as such has attracted some controversy. He participated in more than 30 Bilderberg-Conferences since 1981.
He absolutely is and is a very sinister man.
All of them.
Old party line.
where is his neck?
maybe a citizens court and jail because our courts are a mockery of themselves
We don't have one because everybody lives poorly or modestly here
does he pays subversive groups to make chaos?
Why do you ask me this, when you already have CRO flag?
this cunt's one of them
Tony Miranda Blair
and this cunt (Russell Howard)'s brainwashing our kids with libtard shit
Brexit happened because of stupid people *laughter*
Trump happened because of stupid people *laughter*
>after US mass shooting
whyyyyyyyyyyyyy have they still got guns *concerned holier than thou face* Does impression of redneck with a gun *laughter*