>US woman faces up to 20 years in jail in Zimbabwe 'after branding Robert Mugabe a selfish and sick man on Twitter' - as #FreeMartha campaign gets underway >Martha O'Donovan, who works for Magamba TV, was picked up in a dawn raid >She has been charged with subversion for allegedly branding President Robert Mugabe on Twitter as a 'sick man' - an offence which carries up to 20 years in jail >It is the first arrest made since Mugabe appointed a minister for cybersecurity
Lookalike she have outstanding ticket for burning coal. It about to be paid.
Michael Bennett
That's what I was thinking.
Joshua Flores
>Be a dumb cunt >Live in the country of a mad black genocidal anti-white dictator >Insult the mad black genocidal anti-white dictator on social media >Seem a little confused when the fucking black stasi come to take you away
Any white people who still live in Rhodesia are fucking stupid, any white people who insult the black Stalin while in Rhodesia absolutely deserve to die horribly in a shit filled cell.
Nathaniel Moore
>20 years in jail >for name calling on Twitter Wew lads,the fuck is wrong with people? Grow some thicker skin
Levi Rodriguez
>travel to africa to burn coal >act as liberal sjw like in the US safe space on social media >reality check, the african country you are in is a dictatorship and it isn't so smart to trigger the leader I hope she gets the full 20 years
Adrian Phillips
>It about to be paid >Go to Zimboombay to get blacked >insult leader of primitives >get blacked further in prison Yep she failed the emissions test.
Parker White
Rhodesia is not a country lmao. The white losers got buttraped because they were busy having sex with dogs and horses when the black soldiers rolled in and wiped them up.
Its like the anti-American confederates that got crushed. Its over. You lost. Get a grip.
Levi Lewis
>>She has been charged with speaking her mind
Someone forgot to tell her she isn't in the US any more.
David Lewis
White slut has it coming tbqh. 20 years will give her time to grow and develop and reform into a modest, meek, and timid dogfucker.
William Wilson
Race traitor slut, who cares.
Landon Nelson
This, what a great reality check for that blacked whore
Noah Turner
Fuck off black prick, this is a Jewish board.
Liam Myers
This, i hope she will pay a lot :)
Logan Edwards
He's shitposting you fucktard, don't feed him (You)s
Daniel Thomas
thats what you get for going to coon town bitch
Blake Ramirez
>Minister of Cyber Security Is the only requirement for that job being the only nigger on Zimbabwe who knows how to use the internet?
Julian Richardson
I think she is about to see levels of BLACKED that shouldnt even be possible.
Angel Sullivan
Most of the white people I knew from South Africa was straight up SJWs. They had stories of almost getting killed due to their race, but would go on SJW rants at the same time. It was surreal. Most of the black South Africans were pretty cool though, the women were pretty hot too.
Not sure about zimbabwe, but the smart people must have all left. You might have some people that have a deathwish and others that just don't know how to take the initiative and gtfo.
Cameron Young
>sleep with soft 3 inch white dick for entire life >deal with manlet that rants about sjw shit >be free
>get plowed by a 7 inch cock every night >be protected by a tall african warrior that treats you like a woman and acts like man >possibility of jail for 20 years
I think she made the obvious choice, hate all you want
Michael Jackson
Stop trying to save those dumb niggers.
The only way to help them is to burn the whole country to the ground.
>>be protected by a tall african warrior that treats you like a woman and acts like man
Jordan Campbell
>3 inch white dick
My 3 inch warrior has higher standards, thank you very much.
Logan Sanders
Maybe it's just MI6 trying to create a controversy for content and white slave beating story so we all squawk... HJow do we know it's real or just some bullshit? If it is real? thats what you get for going to coon town bitch
Carter Myers
>Mugabe punishing coalburners
Is he /ournigger/ after all?
Robert Williams
russian propoganda
the fact is she would take 20 years in jail over you, deal with it
John Williams
Yes, I have been to Harare and Vic falls, also several trips to SA, completely agree with your analysis, the blacks that I met were all sound as fuck, many of the whites were too, but a lot of them were fucking SJW cunts.
Among the worst people I met were Afrikaans, they were fucking wankers, basically trailer park trash with their own farms lol, they hated everyone, blacks, coloureds, non-Afrikaan whites and seemed oblivious to the reality that they were alone, isolated in a fucking black mans land, surrounded by people who hated them too and couldn't wait to start the genocide, even now as they are being picked off by scrawny black gangs with machetes they remain in denial, clinging on to their ex-pat lifestyle in what is soon to become hell on earth for them. Fools and I cannot wait for the day of the rope that's coming there, and the ropes will be wielded by black hands.
SJW's are bad, Afrikaans are worse but Afrikaan SJW's set the fucking bar for me.
Jace Campbell
paid that toll
Liam Adams
>Africans >tall
You do realize whites are the tallest race, right? All the tallest countries on earth are European. Netherlands+ Scandinavia+ Iceland. That's it. Go home, Tyrone.
Christian Jackson
>Hurdehur I can't wait for niggers genocide whites Like the UK is far behind.
William Rivera
You forget the part where all niggers and her die of starvation because niggers can't do shit.
Dominic Murphy
>tall african
Europeans are taller than africans
Adam Parker
USA should protect their citizens.
Ian Roberts
This bitch will live her dream of being raped by African monkeys for the rest of her life. Disgusting!
Owen Diaz
>being this mad women aren't satisfied by your pathetic soy fed cock that you start quoting empty statistics
The situation speaks for itself, she wanted that chocolate dick
Angel Edwards
That's the beauty of it, Britain is definitely done.
But I'm of polish heritage, my grandfather came to Britain in 1939 and joined the RAF, as a direct descendant I have polish citizenship, but it gets better, he was shot down over France, met and fell in love with an American Nurse, after the war they moved to the states, so I have an American father and American citizenship too.
So I have plenty of options, for now Britain is great, I'm earning good money and bought property for cheap during the crash of 1997, I will sell both sometime in the next couple of years and will invest in property in Poland and the US.
I'm that cunt who saw all this coming, had a few decent cards dealt to me and knew precisely how to play my hand.
Grayson Nguyen
Go suck a donkey you roach pig. I know its you.
Jason Morales
> Chikurubi Prison is a maximum security male prison in Zimbabwe. Located on the outskirts of the country's capital, Harare, the prison is known for its overcrowding and poor sanitary conditions. Cells typically measure 9 metres (30 ft) by 4 metres (13 ft), and there can be as many as 25 prisoners housed in each cell. They spend much of the day locked up and have few recreational opportunities. Literally rated the worst of all prisons in Africa
Brayden Johnson
I'm starting to think white Sjws are super virulent racists because closed doors and the sjw stuff is just the mask they wear in public.
Nicholas Hill
>empty statistics
If they are empty it's not statistic you dumb Tyrone
So you're also a lucky richfag. America will be majority nonwhite soon though.
William Reed
"if you gon' act a nigger...." "you gon' live like a nigger."
Jason Rodriguez
> Implying they aren't just plain crazy cunts Antifa Chick Goes to Turkey With Muslim Loverboy, Gets Raped and Beaten archive.is/ChdMb
Ryder Hernandez
That is amazing
Who else also gets a smile when they hear about some Afrikaner coalburners in South Africa getting raped to death by their own kids? That country is almost gone though, nearing junk status and complete collapse, it's not longer just a meme. It's almost time for them to pay the toll, it is the law of nature.
Hunter Gonzalez
I think you're right about America
But they do have the 1st and 2nd amendments, Americans have the right to defend themselves and the right to speak their minds, two very important factors that give them a fighting chance, compare them to Britain where the populace is both unarmed and unable to speak about their own destruction.
Poland has the best chance of all though, I believe that is where I'll settle for my old age.
Nathaniel Morris
White SJWs aren't racist or anti racist. Nothing is sacred to them and they will do whatever works in their self interest at the moment. If they can hurl racial slurs to get ahead with no repercussions they will do it, if they can out someone as racist they will do that too.
Whites living in Africa that are SJWs are another level of crazy though. It's like said, they are just fucking nuts. They have some kind of suicidal mentality that can't be reasoned with. I would think they were kind people to a fault if they weren't also vicious towards other white people.
Sebastian Kelly
on another note, jewish faces are pretty easy to spot
Leo Bennett
Robert Mitchell
>Having anything to do with the coal >pay the toll
No sympathy. She should be helping her own people, but instead she played the harlot and God punishes women who play the harlot.
This is why white women's wombs are literally rotting with cysts in the West.
Evan Peterson
Niggers will be left to their own devices, you know what that means don't you jamal
Adrian Stewart
toll paid. move along.
Anthony Sanchez
I feel bad for her but at the same time you're not wrong
Luke Morales
Hudson Wilson
Mother of God rapr truly is their fantasy: >MacAuley continues to push for left-wing totalitarianism here in the U.S. because her being arrested in Turkey wasn’t a wake up call. At least she is consistent and lives up to the reputation liberals have of being mentally ill.
White South Africans have no excuse for not being full-blown racists. If they haven't learned by now, they never will. youtube.com/watch?v=MngMpoMRu8o
Blake Cook
africa for africans
Blake Sanders
>They spend much of the day locked up and have few recreational opportunities.
well Martha is about to move in and they'll have many new recreational opportunities, if you know what I mean
Jace Thomas
Whites GTFO of Africa, only should go as guests, tourists or on business, you have no right to live there at all.
It is not and has never been your fucking homeland, it's the black mans homeland.
Brayden Flores
When will Africans and Middle Easterners and Pakistanis etc return to their countries?
Nicholas Garcia
I love it when white cunts think they can act like in the west while abroad
Cooper Adams
When white people stop inviting them and making empty promises of a better life?
Seriously though, SJW whites do that shit then bask in all the conflict they cause and simultaneously mediate. I don't direct my anger towards immigrants in any of this.
Carson Wright
Jaxon Taylor
Unironically this. I feel bad for the whites in Africa, but they need to come home. If they still want to have happy funtime nigger adventures they can come to the US.
Isaac Smith
RIP Rot in pestilence
Studies have shown that almost 100% of female white aid workers and tourists in africa are sex tourists.
Noah Russell
whites should lead by example.
Every white South African should sell up and leave, send a message, say loud and clear, Africa for the Africans, Asia for the Asians, Europe for the Europeans and America for the Native Americans.
Leo Murphy
Then it goes to shit within 30 days lol
William Scott
So be it
Ayden Morris
Death, taxes, tolls. All have to be paid.
Xavier Hill
Where should south africans go and through what process? If they apply for citizenship or refugee status and show that they're persecuted, they get convicted for "racism" because the act of highlighting facts showing blacks in a poor light is racism by definition.
Ayden Mitchell
zimbabwean warrants for user shit posting about mugabe when
Eli Phillips
....and Australasia for the Abo's
Liam Green
dumb cuck poster
Adrian Richardson
unfortunately most cannot do so, because they lack the funds to travel. And unlike Dindus and Sandniggers, White Afrikaners have it quite hard to get accepted in Europe (not sure how it is with the US). Even if the local Government was after them (aside from the blacks that are obviously going to try and kill all Afrikaners in the near future), our cucked EU Nations still would ignore their application for Asylum purely based on the fact that they are not "minorities" in EU Nations.
Oliver Garcia
Right now hundreds of thousands of Africans are entering Europe every month, and none are being sent back.
Joseph James
I wouldn't say this about any other "race" but abbos are literally just wildlife.
Grayson Williams
LAMO if you knew anything you dumb nigger you'd know that the Rhodesians curbstomped the niggers in every battle, it was the economic sanctions that finally made them capitulate.
Bentley Williams
Just kill it please Mugabe
Julian Kelly
Fucking hell, I cant stop looking at that creature, bitch has a train wreck for a face kek
Justin Hill
I publicly called Robert Mugabe a nigger. Most people didn’t even know who I was talking about. The one person who did was the old honkey you shook his head in agreement and approached me later in the night and told me I was being too nice when describing him.
Josiah Barnes
>be white >go to country that has committed genocide against its white population >a communist country with a dictator >an African dictator >known for making people disappear >work in his propaganda apparatus >insult him publicly >be surprised that you are arrested
There's no way this bitch isn't a left wing extremist herself, and I'm glad this piece of shit won't be able to assist in the demolishing of Western society the coming few years.
Brayden Campbell
play with fire get burnt
why would you voluntarily go live in a nigger country?
coal burning virtue signaler detected
Julian Anderson
*black Africans
Dylan Morris
Only if all niggers and sandniggers leave Europe first.
Owen Garcia
Stop occupying Ireland Nigel
Jace Cruz
but i am stronk womyn these vibrant people of color will let me do want i want
Xavier Turner
Oliver Campbell
go to foreign country, think it's just like america. get thrown in jail forever our get beheaded.
James Rodriguez
Female uni lecturers / professors too, I've had one openly admit to me that BBC was the reason she got into the Africa line of 'research'. One slut managed to bag funding for a 1-month research project on African bad boys turned good (found religion, stable marriage, philanthropic work etc. after formerly being psychotic criminals). I'm sure even the funding committee knew full well she was going to get triple penetrated but they approved it anyway.
Nolan Martinez
FUN FACT: Robert Mugabe is a Roman Catholic.
Xavier Garcia
Purge the traitors.
Getting public money towards that is treason. PURGE.
Ryan Murphy
So is the pope and i still hate his nigger ass.
Jonathan Cox
*as long as they're not huwite
Austin Hill
There are 4.5 million people there. The government refuses to let them leave, and our governments refuse to let them in because they're white.
They have nowhere to go. When will you Marxism enablers get that through your thick skulls?
Xavier Price
Seriously, how stupid are you?
Hudson Smith
The death of whites is the goal user, there's no 'getting it through their thick skulls'.
Carter James
She looks like a coal burner to me. Toll has to be paid
Jaxon Watson
Maybe they'll lock her up in an all-male prison, then she can be a fulltime coal power plant