Your WELCOME, rest of the world
- US of fucking A
Your WELCOME, rest of the world
- US of fucking A
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So the merc army of Israel is defeated, I wonder who will do their bidding now?
You created it too, mein burger.
Assad won, you lost.
Russia you mean
Yeah, no, the burgers created ISIS in the first place.
Thanks Russia!
The Kurds and the 4000 American troops in Syria right now.
Stop funding Israel and Saudi Arabia, and terrorism will suddenly end.
What does it change in my day to day life? Nothing.
But in yours it mean that you financed the military complex for a insignificant proxy war.
Your Obongo and Hilldawg funded ISIS. Russians were the ones fighting all the rebels in Syria. Go to /sg/ and ask who is the biggest contributor in fighting rebels and take your answer here.
> The chad
Assad + Rusia + Kurds unholy alliance
> The virgin
ISIS + CIA faggots + Mossad niggers
As usual Amerisharts swoop in at the last minute to shart their burgers everywhere and claim they saved the world.
America literally armed those stupid goat rapist
I wasn't aware that Assad was an American
The Jews created it. We, through great effort, elected a president who cut their lifeline.
Perhaps now you can begin deporting all of those shitskins. Well, not you India.
SAA and Russia just liberated Deir ez zor, what r u on about burger?
Mostly assad and putin
Only thing trump did was put some stop to cianiggers funding isisrael
I suppose americans deserve some credit for rising up against the msm and putting trump into office, but thats about it
>joos did it all!
>we dindu nuthin!
kek, americus burgerous. Russa + Assad did all the work, you did all the bitching.
The friends of the khazars, known as The US of fucking A, Canadian and British military!
*breath in*
you caused that whole shitshow. we should all thank Russia, not that kike and nigger infected shithole USA.
>Washington was against freeing the last major city in iraq
>iraq liberate itself from isis aka usa
>"WE DID IT REDDIT" screamed the american
You are the Jews dipshit
Yeah nice job, funding ISIS and then dragging everyone into a shit fight to get rid of them, then take the credit after the very regime you intended to topple in the first place destroys them as a fighting force.
>Does not realise his country is The Great Satan
Land of the fat and the home of the mentally challenged.
When you finally managed to stop the expansion of a terrorist group you funded after years and hundred of thousands of civilian deaths in the aftermath of a war you created by destabilizing a country and surrounding countries on behalf of your Jewish overlords sacrificing thousands of your own soldiers
we deserve the credit we stopped paying for isis thats the only reason syria was able to win so if its not for us syria would have lost
Think, Pajeet. Without the USA investing the incredible effort to create ISIS, Russia could have never defeated them.
Thank you, USA!
You mean thank Russia?
Does this mean all the refugees go home?
They pulled the plug on Saddam and Gaddafi (aka "brutal regimes") and now rapefugees wreak havoc around the Europe
>Does this mean all the refugees go home?
>Option 1: Stay in West, get two Syrian annual incomes per month just for fucking our women and displacing our culture
>Option 2: Go to a post-war Islamic shithole to rebuild
Yes, they will surely go home now.
>The Jews created it.
ISIS are your allies, your proxy army, along with the other terrorists on your governments payroll (AQ, Al-Nusra etc) in yur war to unseat yet another democratically elected and genuinely popular leader, Assad.
Fuck off USA, you oversized tumour
Too many redpills in this thread, shut it down
Thank you for standing up to the burger terrorist-supporters based Assad!
Unironically kys, amerigoy.
Thanks Russia, you mean.
You ignorant ass. We're more responsible for creating it than destroying it.
Even then look at how two faced we are: Assad fights to take back his city tooth and nail in Aleppo and we scream about how he is bombing civilians, a few months later we "help" our "allies" retake Raqqa and bomb it into an unlivable shithole.
Our recent history in the middle east is absolutely vile. Murdering millions of people for nebulous political gains. Absolutely shameful.
>OP thinks the US is actually fighting ISIS and Al Qaeda
>OP thinks
Where can I sign in to USA?
Also, get our 23 trillion back, with interest.
Like I give a fuck about that desert shithole. It produced nothing of value at its peak; at least now it can serve as a dumping ground for old munitions.
You created this so...
And billions of dollars we could use to improve our failing infrastructure or put into police and fire or give back to middle and lower classes or create jobs or all kinds of things other than kill brown people over a problem we created.
We talk shit about how evil Iran and North Korea are but no one exports death like we do.
Fuck you, you niggers only made things worse.
Having watched the terrorist attacks of 9/11 I have to say that their deaths are delicious.
>created by
Al quada of iraq could arguably predate is
>trained by
Al nusra is not isis dumbass
Jesus, just look at that fucking shell of a city.
It's better to take a little poison now and maybe build up a resistance than to down the bottle when the middle east and north Africa collapse.
But ISIS is operating under American federal organization. It's like you smear feces on someone's face and then offer him a towel.
You are a disgusting retard and there are too many of you here.
I read the article about how USA’s 2 artilley howitzers just burned out and broke from long period of firing intensely.
Shit b8
Yes. Only several thousand civilians drone striked in the process. Also didn't the US create ISIS?
How long can you guys keep affording to do this?
I mean, you can't. How much longer will you?
Also I thought you guys were out of there and Russia was taking over the war in Eastasia
>le "mission accomplished" meme
Yea, we're having a hard enough time finding sleeper cells in major 1st world cities and your tellin me we know 100% that's the last of them in fucking syria??
Propaganda at its finest. Although, I guess it does make sense they aren't there and are instead, IN OUR FUCKING 1ST WORLD CITIES!!!
You care about that scum dying why?
Wow a thread dedicated to Murica-splaining? You don't see that EVERY FUCKING DAY.
he's waaaay too based to be a burger working for Juice
If Russia didn't step in 2 years ago we would have another extremist islamic state.
>ISIS outsted from last major city in Syria
>by another ISIS-like group
Yeah.. thanks. Very stable and kind.
The vast majority are innocent people just like the people who died on 9/11.
You can murder all the ISIS people you want, but when you're killing tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands innocents around them, you can't say you're the good guy anymore.
>Send all your soldiers to Europe
>None of them come back or attack anything because of all the gibs
SAA, Russia and the YPG did all the work. US just bombed the 'Shia militants'
Being the "good guy" is overrated but then I hate them to the point of wanting to murder them whenever I see them. But is that really why you think we should not be involved in the middle east?
>USA deserves praise for no longer sending weapons and cash to ISIS
not really
>fabricate problem
>solve said problem
>not world police
>world IT department
>have you tried turning the middle east off and on again?
>the city in korea, is it glowing? Yeah you need to nuke it on.
I swear it wasn't me, I don't own any 'WELCOME'
lol, just like ww1 and ww2, US comes in at the end and claims to save the day.
russia did 95% of the real work.
>Let's bankrupt our nation and create the entire migrant crisis just to watch sandniggers get rekt
Its not that I don't like bombing durkas, it's just that I'm not willing to pay the current (((rate)))
>USA fought ISIS
>not the ones responsible for 1) enabling ISIS and 2) funding and arming its affiliates prolonging the Civil War
Thank you Russia.
This. Thank you based Russia.
It's sad, but America will really not be remembered well for its role in creating ISIS.
What makes you think that we have not profited enormously from our involvement in the middle east? Also the migrant crisis is a chance to harden the people against the wave of death that is certainly going to engulf the region when climate change and the collapse of oil reach their threshold of tolerance.
In an fairness, it really was Obama and clinton, our generals tried to stop them for doing it too. Americans actually stepped up and recognized them for what they are and got those traitors Out of office. For some reason, McCain and Lindsey Graham are still in office...
There is a variety of reasons. Lets put aside moral ones like murdering innocents and having the right to say who leads other soverign nations and destroying countries.
1. This whole adventure in Iraq, Libya and Syria create ISIS, a whole new headache over Al-Qaeda.
2. The destabilization of these regions and destruction of Libya have a lot to do with Europe's migrant crisis.
3. Our creation of ISIS and failure in Syria has empowered Russia in the region and distanced ourselves more from them.
4. We still can't figure out how to fix Afganastan after almost two decades.
Meanwhile this is all pissing tax money away, for the benefit of a handful of jews and rich guys getting richer.
Wait! Forgot what may be the best one.
5. We're sending our people over there to die or be horribly injured and when they return not taking proper care of them.
You're dragging your allies into these pointless wars that benefit nobody but goat fuckers and people who want to destroy our societies.
>creates isis
>takes credit for destroying it
your 62% are showing nigga
not like you didn't create them in the fist place
>Assad won, jews lost
you mean thanks trump you faggot
Oh, yeah, that is true too, sorry for leaving you guys out Aus-bro.
The migrant crisis can be viewed as a kind of hormesis. Our adventures in Iraq and other countries has brought them into the world system, something they were independent from before. Russia being in the region adds structure and stability to the situation by giving structure to the conflict. We are not trying to fix Afghanistan but use it to our ends.
I'd rather thank the election-hacking Russians!
Russia and Syria you mean?
They'll never truly be gone.
ISIS is just like white supremacists.
You can destroy their public face, but they'll just go dark or go into sleeper mode. They'll be waiting for a new public face (like Trump or Saddam Hussein) to rally them into a frenzy again. They'll never truly be gone.
Also, if you're wondering why I'm comparing white supremacists with ISIS, it's because they're both terrorists agents operating in the United States, only the white supremacists have killed more people on US soil.
>since 9/11
Conveniently leaving out the 3000 dead from that graph.
2/10 solictied a (you).
These wars are not pointless and they benefit everyone. The importation of shit skins is probably being done on purpose in order to galvanize the public against them when the region really collapses. The middle east will be unlivable in the future due to climate change and their economy is going to vanish when our dependency on oil resolves itself one way or another. These things will happen soon and the west must be hardened.
1 post by this Id.
>The Russian defense Ministry said the Tu-22 and submarine «Kolpino» inflicted on the positions of terrorists of the Islamic state* a massive air and missile strike in Eastern Syria. Objects of militants in the town of Abu Kamal were bombed six strategic bombers Tu-22, and six cruise missiles of sea basing «Caliber».
Yeah, your WELCOME.
>The Great Satan
Do ethnic Europeans actually use this phrase unironically or am I replying to Mohammad?
White Americans have a higher average IQ than Europeans.
The West could have been hardened without burning all these lives and money. You just have to keep up fracking and sever the umbilical cord you share with Saudi Arabia. Once the screeching began you could have swung political opinion against Muslims by releasing the f*bomb blaming Saudi Arabia for 9/11.
The point is the powers to be are too entrenched and vested in Muslim countries to sever that relationship. There was no "hardening".
This is not the most recent data and it doesn't account for the number of right wing americans vs the number of muslims in the US
United States helped SDF take Raqqa, but what faction actually finished off ISIS?
I highly suspect not FSA, was it Russia-backed SAA?
Trump finally stopping there arming of FSA is a very good thing indeed, but nothing to gloat about.
It's not about energy independence, we buy more oil from Canada and Mexico by far, but rather it's about the petrodollar and the world system. The middle east is being brought into the greater economy using a combination of soft and hard power from the US and EU. The realization that the region might not remain habitable is a new development.
Oh shit I thought you pooloo Patels ran away because you couldn't handle the poo in the loo superpower bantz
Come back for more abuse eh?
9/11 was 17 years ago
You wanna bring up ancient history? Oklahoma city bombing? Or some of the attacks on US soil during WW2. or the civil war?