Is there a picture exampling a numale transforming into a male? Is such thing even possible?
Is there hope for the Numale?
Is there a picture exampling a numale transforming into a male? Is such thing even possible?
Is there hope for the Numale?
I hate to admit it, but when I was 15/16, all I wanted to do was play World of Warcraft, when I was going to be done with school, I wanted a minimum wage job, enough to pay for a shit apartment and for internet/bills. Nothing more. No kids, no wife, no family, no future.
In the span of a year, when I was 16 I found God, the red-pill, brietbart. I started to question my education.
I learned about white genocide, the JQ, the holocaust.
Things began to make a lot more sense to me. I'm now working my hardest to secure an existence for my family and people, I work out daily and have a red-pilled christian girlfriend too.
I was once a beta nu-male degenerate, no longer. Never again.
Check it
this. I was a nu-male before I got red pilled. then within a few years I kept working out, reading more, fixing my attitude, went through a lot of changes. it was crazy because my entire facial structure changed and demeanor.
yes a nu-male can change, but it takes hard work to get out of your slump and of course, the mindset that life is a constant struggle. once you stop being the victim you would be surprised how many chicks start naturally being attracted to you.
The only cure for a numale is to become a qt314 trap.
>Things began to make a lot more sense to me. I'm now working my hardest to secure an existence for my family and people, I work out daily and have a red-pilled christian girlfriend too.
congrats, but dont dare to have sex before marriage with that girl. stay redpilled to the end. God bless!
A former Sup Forumstard, I did it
>Obsessive WoW player
>4 year Vegan
>Poor Health
>Go Bernie Go!
Red Pills start slipping in
>Self Responsibility
>Go Trump!
>Primal diet, brain turns on again
>Ditch TV and all videogames
>Train Jiu Jitsu
>Meet girl, get married
>Near future plans to have children
Feels Good Man
Can you post a blurred picture
Yes, unlike bitches that are beyond saving once they gave their virginity to anyone other than their husbands, Numales usually can come around with a redpill and a kick in the ass (or two). If you mean by Numale homos, bi-sex or trans-something then no, those are mental and have aids or rabbis and should die with fire.
>went from faggot-nigger to rural and suburban retard
There really is no hope.
Gives me hope for the rest of you faggots
It probably took a lot of testosterone injections.
sauce for that trap?
>have aids or rabbis
top kek, my man
>my entire facial structure changed
How is that even possible?
Holy shit, this. Specifically, the facial structure thing. I would attribute it mostly to exercise and diet, but I do think that my change in ways of thinking had an effect too. the shit is wild. I'm nearly 30 and my face went from beta as fuck to dripping of alpha. This shit occurred over just a couple of years.
>Learn new valuable skills
>Follow God
Do these things and the results you'll see after just a few short months will blow your mind.
Yeah. I was a nu-male sjw and while I didn’t believe in all of it and kinda rolled my eyes at some of the stuff I did generally support and agree with everything and I pretty much worshipped the ground women walked on.
After I got on female hormones though I didn’t really need any of that to make me feel good about myself and it made me completley unattracted to women so now I think they’re pretty shit and don’t really care for their opinions. And once I stopped believing in some of that the rest came down with it.
Not op, but see my post
Dude it sounds nuts, but I'm telling you it happened. It's little things that make the difference. Sharper jawline is probably what sticks out the most.
Testosterone is responsible for permanent skeletal changes, take a look at the jawline of women whk take roids
>he doesn’t know about mewing
Never gonna make it
Maybe your vegan diet was shit M8, there’s chad vegans and even more incoming
Do you mean like this?
does mewing actually work?
If your test is low, it's low. What is wrong with solving the problem?
Just sounds like you turned into a different type of retard. I hope this is satire.
wew lad, a fucking leaf
No, no there's not
>I hate to admit it, but when I was 15/16, all I wanted to do was play World of Warcraft
Why would you hate to admit this? This is exactly what someone that age should be doing! Everyone develops at their own pace, this is true - but 16 is a bit too young to be considering a family and settling down. I played WoW for almost 7 years and now I'm a game developer making great money and having a great time. Don't be so hard on yourselves.
I was a half hearted but sincere Obongobot in college. After my daughter was born in 2011 I wised up pretty quick and realized my Dad was right about almost everything.
There is hope.
Smart phones were a mistake.
We're all going to make it
Stay strong brothers
Be focused and resilient
maybe this one guy fro the Jonas Brothers Nick Jonas. He switched from no sex before marriage to Chad.
But I dont know if he was a nu male, he was a boygroup male.
Never posted from a smart phone faggot
I wasn't full on numale but I was definitely pretty liberal, most likely packed with estrogen from being 70 lbs overweight, voted for onigger, dated a girl who was a women's studies major, smoked weed and drank way too much.. it was bad.
You can start by putting on muscle mass, stick to water and very little sugary drinks (dilute everything with 2/3's coke zero if you have to), NO ALCOHOL, NO DRUGS, NO SMOKE gets to go in your body. Just high protein, veggies, and some carbs every now and then are ok.
stay away from obvious propaganda in shows, movies, and radio stations. puff your chest out, stand up straight, shave your disgusting unkempt hadji beard, especially when you lose the double chin. take a concealed carry class, buy a gun and start carrying it. maintain situational awareness, look people in the eye, spread out your body when you're sitting down. don't keep your legs and arms together like a bitch trying to hide the smell from her pussy. spread out your arms and legs a little like the chair is your own. walk with some purpose, speak with some conviction. stand up when you shake someone's hand, it's all pretty basic.
a lot of it is in your body language. people, especially women pick up on it. interviewers look at these things.