Can we finally agree on this?
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Says the German
Yeah but im having fun with it
It's a meme, but its a hip and trendy meme though.
Why not? Memes hurt nobody.
Ok by me
>get btfo in two world wars
>become a puppet state of the US
>get btfo so badly Russians rape literally millions of your women
>current leader invites millions of midshits to rape even more of your women while saying "ja, das ist gut"
>be known worldwide for scheiße porn
The US has tons of fucking problems, but don't throw stones when you live in a glass house, Hans.
Yes, all your memes are belong to us.
I never voted Merkel, but even she sees your degeneracy.
The whole world is laughing about you right now for a reason user.
Enjoy your new up and coming Somalian majority
>stuck in ww2
You must be a brit for sure, show your flag.
The US is constantly fucking over the world to keep it cooking for their military industrial complex, nothing new.
Friendly reminder that the booming 60s you want to return to were caused by bombed out Europe having to buy made in america.
Friendly reminder that we could have a friendly climate with Russia if it wasn't for you degenerates.
Friendly reminder that the refugee crisis putting Europe at brink were caused by the US lighting up the ME.
You live a degenerate meme life, you elected a meme president doing meme country?
>WTF dey teach quantum physics at TU now!!
>yuropoor calling anyone degenerate
you subhumans are devil worshiping pigs and for years constantly harassed the backwards americans who wanted wholesome lives. fuck you, you german subhuman russian rape baby. you all need to be exterminated. how fucking dare you
I went to the US. Not a single american was able to understand irony, why is that, tyrone?
>The US is constantly fucking over the world to keep it cooking for their military industrial complex, nothing new.
same with russia. in case you haven't noticed all this is unrest is done with russian weapons
>Friendly reminder that the booming 60s you want to return to were caused by bombed out Europe having to buy made in america.
the usa was already the most prosperous nation in the world before both world wars, before you yuropoors infected us with your international banks
>Friendly reminder that we could have a friendly climate with Russia if it wasn't for you degenerates.
ahh, so you're just a russian subhuman shill
>Friendly reminder that the refugee crisis putting Europe at brink were caused by the US lighting up the ME.
your government can just say no and not let them in. merkel is a literal former stasi agent. also it's far more likely russia is coordinating the flood of muslims into yurop to cause destabilization like they did when the kremlin flooded the usa with cuban criminals
you're a russian subuhman shill and you will be exterminated. your country can't do anything for itself. you even had to send your jewish spies to steal our nuclear technology
you didn't go to the usa you autistic subhuman
you probably used you monotone german voice and it sounded like you were serious. lol
>we constantly harassed the backwards americans wanting to live wholesome lives
Do you unironically believe this?
America infiltrated our whole continent, stationed their nukes over here because muh evil russian, brought us supermarkets full of degenerate american products..burger, please.
>america messed up my continent that has been perpetually warring and killing hundreds of thousands every century for thousands of years
oh poor eurotrash, we so sorry.
>t. american intellectual
Nice logics, bubba.
Same with russia doesn't neglect the argument.
USA was rich because of slave labor and handing down wealth for generations.
No, but I admire Putin for playing you subchimps like that
>dems want investigation / Putin is /ourguy/ now
No we couldn't, we don't have ocean borders like you do, don't play naive please, the ME is a mess because of you.
And yes, I wish we wouldn't have listened to you but Putin instead back then.
We don't force any of that shit on you, you asked for it and actually pay us money for it
>we / you
>killing hundreds of thousands for thousands of years
>US exists for a few hundred years
What's that even for an argument..that's like being the only country who ever nuked other countries telling other countries to not have nukes?
>worked as scients
Sie sind eine fruher Stasi spitzel, Hans.
>'Sie sind ein früherer Stasi-Spitzel, Hans.'
And no, but whatever makes you sleep, Augustyn.
America is everything the German aspired to be: a world superpower. The difference is that America got there by being smart and compassionate while the German sperged out and started killing everybody.
USA has been a meme country at least for 2 years. It's reaching old meme status nowadays.
Good job hans, you dont even know who rules over you.
And im Jaroslav btw
this, he went to israel 2.0
It's great how Euros are completely obsessed with us. Can't stop talking about us, ever. Always on their minds.
rly makes you think
Germany is the biggest meme country, hellbent on destroying and enslaving Europe.
True, greekbro.
And sorry for the retarded austerity, wasn't me.
can confirm
I am the meme
come on
without us, you’d be bored. do we not entertain you
>that awkward moment when you realize the bus driver is a mongoloid and you just can't stop talking about it
I bet we'll be the first thing on your mind when you wake up, and the last thing on your mind before you fall asleep.
>an element of a culture or system of behavior that may be considered to be passed from one individual to another by nongenetic means, especially imitation.
sounds about right
Just promise you won't nuke us while running your shitshow.
Actually yes, because I unironically make money on WS with you mongoloids each day.
Unfortunately it's weekend now.
You constantly think about us because it strokes your ego. If you can divert attention away from the failings of your personal life by posting obsessively about another country, you temporarily feel happier. Keep jacking yourself off, it's really going to make your country a better place.
seems reasonable
No need, you're doing a fine job of destroying yourselves as it is.
You dumb shit, Merkel has no kids and she is just a crazy psycho for power
>Women in politics
Nice meme there user and enjoy your new muslim rape majority. Having anything good to say about that detestable piece of garbage traitor Merkel is truly disgusting
You actually believe this?
My country is a mess, we just didn't reach rock-bottom like you did.
I spent a year in high school there. It's a weird nation
Mein niggar, we're all at new lows.
delusion, we only think about you when talking about the presidence or when we're on Sup Forums
See, every post your inner ego is still latched onto the idea that your personal x is better than someone else's personal y. This makes you feel better. It's like a drug to you, if you couldn't post about it anymore you'd feel a dopamine crash.
At least it's a good meme, your country isn't
Keep telling yourself that to keep your ego feeling superior, your subconscious knows it's a lie
>t. american psychologist intellectual
That's what shitposting is about bubba lel
Deuce Bigalow 2 lost in europe, destroyed my image of your country, I'm sorry.
I'm glad my parents had the foresight to move me out of that shithole country in which you currently reside.
Is this some sort of desperate self defense mechanism? 29% of families with young children in Germany are immigrants. Immigrant families with young children have 3+ more offspring than native Germans. 36% of children under the age of 5 in Germany are immigrants. You're going to spend the rest of your life getting gang raped by Arabs.
Yes bubba!! tell us about minorities lelelel
As long as you know you're doing it to boost your lowly downtrodden sense of self, carry on
>lol im so smart armchair psychologist i read about freud on wikipedia xddddd
genau dies... mein freund... nobody should be allowed to be the head of state if they don't have any kids and understand the struggles of families.
How should I put it..we won't miss you, tyrone?
that should make it the best country
looks like I triggered you with the truth
no nukes will happen
how will our zog masters collect their shekels if the cattle are all dead
lel yes tell us the story about how you got your sis preggus behind that barn again bubba!!!
>tfw when you"re a meme and still better than 3rd world yurocucks
I think they want to reduce the world's population... even Prince William of England said that recently.
Not from your side probably.
They will collect shekels via your bipolar diva in charge
Implying that is a problem Hansen San Mohammad.
>being this triggered
>having that many arguments
hahahahaha whiter than you muhammad!
>projecting this much
oh, they most certainly want to
it’s been planned. and we as a whole are doing wonderfully to make sure this train doesn’t stop
Actual chemist here. Bullshit.
>american psychologist
>works at taco bell
Burger, let them in by lottery lel
>chemist degree from TU
She is a physical chemist, mong sherlock.
Yeah, and Marie Curie discovered radium.
whatever makes you sleep after long shifts at taco bell
Nice image
Your political compass is shit, though.
>Uncle is Electrician
>Left-Leaning Authoritarian
>Father was Truck Driver
>Left-Extreme Anti-Authrotarian
>Uncle 2 is Mechanical Engineer
>Center Anti-Authoritarian
Can we stop using the word "meme" for everything?
You guys are all left-leaning. All the good Germans left Germany and came over here. The only ones who stayed over there were the ones too chickshit to brave the seas to make a new life in the new world.
The few good men you had had left were tossed onto the front lines to fight slav niggers while your "Fuhrer" and his four-eyed cocksucking friend and propaganda minister sat in mansions eating caviar until getting BTFO by Russia. Because they were all leftists too. Shitler, Turkey-man Goebbels, and Mr.Peanut Himmler.
Taco Bell has a great deal going on now.
Cheesy gordita crunch, burrito surpreme, taco, nachos w cheese, and a drink(I up it to a freeze) for $5 and some change. Great eats after some dank.
have you forgotten about pepe? he died for your sins
What you just wrote made literally 0 sense and is based nothing but vague speculations.
You don't know my country, you have never lived here.
Stop identifying a country by how our News our your News potrays them as.
It makes you look stupid.
I have got alot of Right-leaning and even Right-extreme relatives, friends and contacts. You have proven yourself wrong by contradicting yourself:
>Actual chemist here. Bullshit.
>You guys are all left-leaning.
You not only sound extremely ignorant but also idiotic.
"The News doesn't control me" does not apply to you, you are not critical of anything you read that is on your side.
Low goverment Control,autonomous states,just don't even mention ethnics,ghettos etc.
Not a Nation.
Not a State.
Not a Country.
Says the one supplying Somali militias "accidentally" and bombing "military objectives" all other the world, to Keep "peace".
The US,Britain,China and Israel were the ones making Osama bin Laden and Al-Zarqawi become famous and infuencal in the Middle East.
John McCain met up with Abu Bakr Al Bagdadi,who at that time was part of the Anti-Assad Militia,John McCain and Merkel also met up.
If you are a poor and blacked cavemen from Afghanistan,busy fighting for survival and aginst the Burgers,how probabal is it that you will make it alive to Germany or Sweden,when you yourself cannot even afford a horse?
Answer: Only if an Invasion is planned and you are part of it.
You have the largest Jewish Population,40% non-Whites at least,invented the federal bank and fucked up history since Wodrow Wilson "feared an attack from Mexico",having nearly invaded it, thanks to an aggressive Cavalry Brigade in 1912.
Atleast when I complain that my wife is getting blacked, the government can't arrest me for it
I hope so
>All the good Germans.
Most of NSDAP voters supported the KPD just a year earlier.
>All the good men will die in the war is from Hitler
>Call him Shitler
All of the west will end up in a civil war if nothing happens to Change the current Course and nothing is happening at all,allegidely.
People here don't realise the actuality of our demoncracy.
60 Million People in Germany can go vote.
A 1/4 doesn't go vote.
Of the remaining 45 Million,around 25% voted CDU,mostly People who don't care about politics,have no Knowledge of it,Christcucks,old People and those who never voted anything other than that,some workers and some People who think voting anything different will bring nothing,also immigrants who love her and People who thank her for some reason.
That means only 11,25 Million People,all of them beeing migrants,old or absolutely uninformed,making up under 15% of the Population voted for her becoming Chancellor.
She allies with the Bavarian conservatives,Greens and Liberals and somehow can still reign over us and call her Party "a peoples Party".
Bureacrats,idiots and rich People elected her,not the Germans.
As an American you should know, how much voting numbers matter to elections.
Look you bastards, I don't hate you or Germany. I feel bad for you, as I feel anger for the US. You guys don't even have guns. I keep wanting to take a vacation to Germany and go muslim-hunting. I mean, killing a house full of durkas wouldn't be hard to do. And in the worst-case scenario I get caught, Euro prisons are posh compared to ours. I've already done a couple years time here, so whatever.
I just don't have the $$$ to fly over and set up ops. Can't trust any Germans to help me because most of you don't like violence and don't want to kill off the shit infecting your country.
I mean, how is Merklel even still alive? She's such an easy target. Most European "leaders" are.
We have the best memes.