You can choose to born in 98% homogeneous nation(Japan) as Japanese or born in 56% le diverse nation(murika) as amurikan(race or ethnic group info is unclear).
which one would you choose?
I pick up amurikan
You can choose to born in 98% homogeneous nation(Japan) as Japanese or born in 56% le diverse nation(murika) as amurikan(race or ethnic group info is unclear).
which one would you choose?
I pick up amurikan
Yep, the US. Diversity is strength and the US is just so much better to live in. Its why more people want to come here than Sushiland.
Pls japanon,it has reached a point where I can ignore your catartic sepukku here. I saw your thread on thursday,monday and the one about black hair. I was training at honbu dojo a few years ago, your country is wonderfull,america is wonderfull ,spain is wonderfull.
The problem is the people. Yours is alienated with cheap capital populism,america with individualism ,mine with a weird mixture of both with nihilism and a selfcentered interest that is near the absurd.
Do sport,do books,socialize, end your superior studies and look for a job.
It is hard, has little rewards and half of the people will abandon you in near death intoxications addictions,bad choices or no return ways of life as a third class worker just to regrett it at their forties.
Wake up japanon,enjoy your cultural heritage and despise the new era of consumism
Japan,seeing negros 24/7 smoking crack is not my kind of thing,plus the transgenders,obese,faggots,feminists,potheads,dykes,mexicans,haitians,muslims etc etc
Btw I live in a rapeheritage race country, and I am danish/iberian/italic. The only rewards I got is a tendency to alcoholism,blue eyes and a 3 inches thumor that got removed this summer.
Enjoy your life not your genetics,they are object of your experience ,a mere inmutable tool for your life.
If you don't like it go home.
This fucking cunt has been shitposting here for 3 years...
Why do you make these threads over and over again?
Is that you
because I hate it with passion
David has permanently settled there and intend to shitpost till his last breath.
>44% chance of being a mudskin
Would rather be a jap, even with the tiny penis.
Yeah that is me. In the bibliotheque, as finals are in less two months and I want to be able to spend a decent christmas
Why do you hate it? How is your life?
fuck you
being american is best priviledge
Check your priviledge.
I choose Burger.
Being a white American is pretty great, yes. I'm not chancing the alternative.
how is this even a question
I pick somewhere were I am not shot by a nigger or blown up by a muslim, Japan it is!
I like your eyes. You're handsome. No homo. Good luck on your finals
But you can success in society even if you are black or hispanic or lesbian.
GOd America is such greate nation
come here moron. Just taste living in shithole where most of people are ignorant sheep retards
Nonwhites and other defectives will always be barred from the companies you actually want to work for and can afford to start a family with. Even the programmer azns around here get slaved 60+ hours a week for noncompetitive pay.
Thanks a lot ! Will do my best!
You really think ameritards are not ignorant retards on average??
>pick somewhere were I am not shot by a nigger or blown up by a muslim
India would meet that requirement, but if given choice I would rather live in US than this shithole.
americans have fucked up their country for sure. It used to be that certain behaviors were frowned upon. Now we live in a country without shame, where everything has a price. Our system worked all too well.
In my country a whole leftist wannabe million people supported a right wing secesionist unilateral independence movement.
But I have to recognize that it was fucked up to ask people what did they think about Shinzo Abe and see how they started doing uoooo? Kaku shinzo??? Who isu dat manu? Only people above 40 seemed to care about politics .
You are in a classist system,get achievements until you can move to another class. Thats what we do in Spain at least. I live in a refugee bridge country where drugs,gangs,and mob government do as they please(not México tier but maybe Chiraq without guns tier)
Throw enough cash at science and you get results.
and I wonder why your nation able to do such things. freedom and free-market. I guess these are strongly NEEDED in Japan!
>In 2014 there were just six gun deaths, compared to 33,599 in the US. What is the secret?
Your 40k tuition goes partly toward industrial research for the profit of a few fatcats. Not going commie here, but the little guy pays the price.
t. Chinese migrant
Your reasons are shit. You haven't lived in a country where your neighbors are foreign and hate you. To have that cohesiveness is worth it.
or N.Korean
We wuz spix
whites in America are being outclassed by their newly immigrated peers.
They are going the way of the Indians, and they're crying about it.
Why do japs hate themselves so much? Remember your native ainu people are mixed europeans so you're not all part of the yellow peril
>outclassing whites
Murica-splaining cancer.
I would rather be born in an african trash can than in Japan. Even niggers are individuals, sometimes.
I don't know who's more pathetic your larping dedication or obongo leaf's life in general
english teacher, you don't even know how the real pain looks like
Iwate, Japan
This is shariablue slide thread. OP is just japanese proxy.
Pic related is the QR code for this vid:
>You can choose to born in 98% homogeneous nation
This one. Don't even need to read any further.
What's stopping you from immigrating to the US then?
I prefer living in a beautiful stable countries with a high living standard.
Have you been to the US before?
t. butthurt english teacher
Probably a nigger too.
THIS. If being homogeneous is SOOO good ,and superior, why does everyone want to live in the US instead?
Can you give a TL;DR of why they create such crummy threads?