Can you post some of the comments>?
*faites un bump*
Lock up. You think going outside. fuckk the lunch box. Cocking tajine.
why is France such a cucked country?
French men are dead in Russia with Napoleon
why are french prison full of arabs?
Modern german prisons have even swimming pools. I’m not kidding
why are french prison full of muslims?
Why does politician want more Arab and Muslim if it to put them in prison
>german prisons have even swimming pools
Isnt that the best way to keep niggers in?
its gone
not a single french atom / cell / dna in france ruling class
Sauce?? Dat ass jiggle is simply delish
>French men are dead in Russia with Napoleon
In fact 50% of the troops in Russia weren't french, exactly like the troops of Hitler
This, can't see OP video
>if it to put them in prison
France is doing its best keep them out of prison, out of Africa, out of Asia and IN France.
France for the entire world, except the french.
Sad truth