1) This started either before Trump announced his run for President, or soon thereafter. Someone who knew what happened told him.

2) SOMEONE in the IC, likely military intel, sat Trump down & laid out the entire #UraniumOne bribery scheme.

3) How all across the breadth of the Obama Administration people in high offices took massive bribes to facilitate sell of uranium to Russia

4) It involved so many people, it compromised so many agencies, the people who did it counted on it never being exposed or prosecuted.

5) The lengths to which they corrupted our government offices to enrich themselves by selling out our country virtually ENSURED they'd walk.

6) People knew but nobody could talk, the people involved in the scheme were at the HIGHEST levels of the American government.

7) So patriots in our gov't had their hands tied. There was nothing they could do to stop the sale.

8) Even after SOME of the dirty facts behind #UraniumOne became known in 2015, it was easily buried, ignored, passed by.

9) Somebody took a chance on Trump. They sat him down, walked him through what happened.

Ponder the impossible task being revealed.

10) Even if he WINS the election, he'd be taking over a gov't that had been corrupted & compromised by the previous administration to a

11) degree that was almost unfathomable.

Other urls found in this thread:

HOW do you go about restoring the US gov't to what it should be, instead of what it's become?

12) And Trump and his advisors came up with a plan.

A brilliant plan. An intelligence operation based on DECEPTION.

13) It started during the primaries when Trump began taking every opportunity he could to brag about what GOOD FRIENDS he'd be with Putin.

14) Trump literally could not seem to SHUT UP about how awesomely AWESOME his relationship with Putin was gonna be.

15) It became a running joke, a campaign feature, engendering much hand wringing & concern among Never Trumpers, including me at the time.

16) WHY does Trump keep going out of his way to incessantly BRAG about the sweet, sweet deals he & Putin are gonna do together?

17) But go back and look. During the primaries, during the general election campaign, what happened EVERY TIME Trump did this Putin act?

18) He *literally* trolled all the people who took dirty Russian $ to compromise our nat'l security into ATTACKING HIM FOR IT.

19) And all HE was doing was TALKING ABOUT SOMETHING HE HADN'T DONE YET and would NEVER really do.

20) Literally ever single time Trump talked about his good friend Vladimir, Hillary 'reminded' him Putin is...NOT our ally!

21) Obama condescendingly chided Trump for his friendly talk about Putin. Holder was aghast, Lynch was stunned! etc.

22) They fell right into his trap. He TALKED about doing deals with a guy ALL THESE TRAITORS TOOK BRIBES FROM TO SELL URANIUM TO.

23) He's talking about hypothetical deals with Russia & people who took massive Russian bribes on the U1 deal rushed to ATTACK HIM for it.

24) What possible EXCUSE are they going to have when the truth comes out?

They're not going to have one. He made SURE of that.

25) Everything Trump does is calculated for effect.

So now you know why he showed all that 'Putin-Love' during the campaign.

26) The traitors had no idea what he was really doing & rushed to attack him for merely TALKING about doing deals with Russia.

27) Then Trump won the election. He and Sessions went to work.

Now here's something people overlook or don't understand.

Pay attention

28) All this stuff about #UraniumOne we're now just finding out?
Trump & Sessions knew about ALL OF THIS before they were sworn in.

29) Part of the intelligence operation Trump & Co. are running is you never show what you know, you keep your enemy in the dark.

30) Trump & Sessions knew about ALL the details of #UraniumOne BEFORE the election.

Who got how much, from who, all of it.

31) How much uranium was being shipped to Moscow, who facilitated that shipping, they already KNOW all of this.

32) They just haven't TALKED about until now. They PRETEND they are just now becoming aware of some of this stuff.

33) There was NO WAY they were going to come into office in January & tip all these people off "Yeah hey we're going after #UraniumOne!"

34) Trump & Sessions know what happened with #UraniumOne. All the dark, dirty details. START with that premise, replay the last 9 months.

35) You need to start an investigation where somebody deep dives into #UraniumOne BUT you can't let anybody outside KNOW that.

36) So here's where the second part of the intelligence operation begins.

You convince people it's TRUMP & HIS TEAM being investigated.

37) All the traitors who facilitated the #UraniumOne deal were on high alert after the transfer of power. Will they be sniffed out?

38) Well not to worry. Almost IMMEDIATELY the new President & his team end up being embroiled in a very public scandal.

39) Trump asks Comey to back off of Flynn, then fires Comey, who leaks memos to the NYT's & DEMANDS appointment of a Special Counsel.

40) With a President who bragged about doing deals with Russia, an advisor caught on the phone with the Russian ambassador.....


41) ...everybody AGREES: yeah, great idea! Let's appoint a special counsel to investigate RUSSIAN INTERFERENCE in our election! So be it.

42) Jeff Sessions then recuses himself from the Russian investigation. [But remember: HE ALREADY KNOWS EVERYTHING ANYWAY]

43) Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein then appoints Bob Mueller & tasks him with investigation Russian interference in the 2016 election.

44) MUELLER AND ROSENSTEIN *both* already know that Trump & Sessions BOTH know all the details of #UraniumOne.

Got that?

45) Everybody involved in this ALREADY KNOWS. Everybody was in on this from the start. Trump, Sessions, Mueller & Rosenstein.

47) A lot of scenarios go wrong because they start by assuming Trump was clueless, didn't know any of this, Sessions didn't either or

48) was part of the #UraniumOne coverup. Same with Mueller & Rosenstein, whom many assume to be dirty, trying to HIDE the evidence.

49) An intelligence operation based on deception calls for putting the enemy at EASE because they don't understand what you're REALLY doing.

50) So: what do the #UraniumOne traitors & DNC Media & Democrats THINK has been going on for the last 8 moths?

51) Trump has been STAGGERING on the ropes in desperate trouble trying to avoid a KNOCKOUT BLOW as Mueller relentlessly stalks him!

52) The reality? Mueller has been digging even deeper into #UraniumOne & into #FusionGPS & the Trump dossier.

53) He *has* found Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Do you know what it was?

Shall I tell you?

54) He found a MASSIVE Russian bribery scheme involving 1 of the Presidential candidates in which she compromised US nat'l security.

55) He *also* found this selfsame candidate illegally funding solicitation of info from Russian gov't sources to smear the OTHER candidate.

56) And to compound THAT offense, this candidate also tried to HIDE her funding of this dossier by using a law firm, which is illegal.

57) The investigation is mostly over. Most of the indictments from the grand jury/juries have been made, sealed.

58) You're all about to witness something that was deemed to be an impossibility.

59) A previous administration that was so corrupt across so many agencies with so many people involved, it made it invincible....

60) is about to be rolled up.

Dozens of people are going to prison. And you know most of the names.

61) Not until the hammer actually falls & all the indictments are unsealed will most people figure out what Trump & his team did.

62) DNC Media never had a chance to compromise/thwart the investigation of #UraniumOne & #FusionGPS because they fell for the COVER STORY.

63) It's literally too late at this point to stop what's coming. That window closed weeks ago.

64) Examples will be made out of these people. When Trump & Sessions are done, NO ONE will ever try this kind of treason again.




put me in screencap

So many lines to read between, and there's nothing there.


And in a year Trump won't be president

Include me in the screen cap. Include these too.

I love Trump!

Too good to be true sadly.

This is a high quality post


So when is this stuff supposed to happen?

The best part will be constantly rubbing it in liberal friend and co-workers faces.

Fuck off meme flag

i want to believe


It won't happen. Complete BS. This is what's really going down.


Bump for great summary

Look at her last tweet, like she knows she’s going away. A final statement?

Pretty good rundown; too bad about the reddit spacing.

I hadn't thought before that Trump might have been baiting them during the primaries by talking about how friendly he'd be with Russia. I just thought that was common sense: hasn't that been the goal since the Berlin Wall came down, to get along better with Russia? Remember when that was the rage, doing business with Russia and making up for all those lost years of Cold War friendly trade?

Being friends with one of the world's other major powers is just good sense -- unless you're an evil neocon determined to drag the West back into another World War and that's the best enemy you can come up with.


turned me off with the reddit spacing tbqh


That explains why she's afraid all of a sudden.

i ejaculated...twice. having a break and reading again in 5mins

>Look at this bikini girl
>Don't THINK
Fuck off, shill.


If this turns out to be true (and it's what I've suspected/hoped for as well) then I will, at least in spirit, buy you a drink, OP.

I'd give it a 50/50 chance of being true. It's very well-reasoned and makes sense. I guess we're gonna find out soon enough! Though unfortunately we won't know shit until Monday, most likely. And probably not even that soon.

please fucking happen



You shills are too obvious, pick one or the other

The delusion in these posts is at schizophrenic levels. You’ve surpassed mere autism, user.
Are you from /x/?

They went nuts after Trump simply won. How big will the chimpouts be if Hillary/Obama are cuffed and charged?

Don't worry guys. We got this. ;^)

(also, why don't people get the difference between "Reddit spacing" and bullet points? Good grief. If OP had been written as a wall o' text, I could not have managed it.)

The number of angry shills in this as-yet small thread is quite telling.

Put me in the screencap please. MAGA

Let the hammer fucking drop!

I doubt they are touchable, but if they were? Oh, my, god. It would be epic. EPIC. Like Charleton Heston parting the Red Sea levels of epic. And violent, no doubt. A chimpout of mass proportions.

I'd enjoy it all greatly of course.


Learn to green text faggot

Forgive mine ignorance, but what happened on Friday that indicates a grade ultimate happening on Monday?

Nothing, those Russian bots from twitter has to go somewhere I guess it is here.

It will happen when the weather cools..

the uranium one deal looks really fucking inocuous i dont get how it could be a big deal

Whose Twitter did Reddit lift this from?

Reddit will be a palace of tears


So many shills protesting from their basements today

the worst kind of stupidity.

did you deduce this or are you somebody


This man gave Trump all the evidence he needed plus 2016 WH & IC "happenings".

Youh, totally. What's some weapons-grade HEU between friends? We probably don't even keep close track of that stuff. Just back up to the loading dock and tell Fred how many barrels you need for your crafting project -- I hear it gives things a pretty glow.

I don't think Hillary will ever go down. Obama was using that private server she had setup and he'll be protected, nobody wants a president involved now do they. And those who are protecting Obama are indirectly protecting Hillary.

Please be real

I remember threads like this for pizzagate too.
>He's doing it to stop pizzagate and bring justice
Larping is fun. He's surrounded him by the swamp and "accidentally" nominated an AG who does jack shit. Total coincidence!

oh i see its not about that initial company sale anymore

>The NRC never issued an export license to the Russian firm, a fact so engrained in the narrative of the Uranium One controversy that it showed up in The Washington Post’s official fact-checker site this week. “We have noted repeatedly that extracted uranium could not be exported by Russia without a license, which Rosatom does not have,” the Post reported on Monday, linking to the 2011 Barrasso letter.

>Yet NRC memos reviewed by The Hill show that it did approve the shipment of yellowcake uranium — the raw material used to make nuclear fuel and weapons — from the Russian-owned mines in the United States to Canada in 2012 through a third party. Later, the Obama administration approved some of that uranium going all the way to Europe, government documents show.

Nice paste bin copy

Who actually buys into this bullshit? You're full of shit and you know it.

Guys, the antifa rallies start today. This is where we should be focused. Forget this "Russian deals" stuff.


Good shit.


relax antifa is still in bed

I read every word. Capitivated, my penis fully hard as early as assertion #20. I want bodies from ropes.

Looks like pol prophecy is about to come true.

The parts being lightning bolt which is EMP drills

Drumpf BTFO wallah

Very interesting take. Have a bump user.

Would be funny, and fitting, if Obama is indicted and found guilty, and Trump posts a Twitter poll asking "the people" if he should pardon him or leave him out to dry.

hello, shill

>even though they said they did it and it ended up in Europe, they couldn't have done it, because they didn't have a license

This makes my testies tingle, have a bump.

>Antifag rallies

You're a special kind of stupid.

If only user, if only. The deleted Emails are the key. Find them and all will come to light.

laws magically stop stuff


Stay golden faggot

#33a Trump and Sessions weed out anti-American, liberal judges and replace with patriotic judges. Otherwise, they’d kill any chance of indictments.



Simply added "motherfuking uranium" to a Kentucky shipping companies approved materials and took it out the civilian route bunch of fukkers!


What would you like us to do about the antifag rallies? Charge out into the teeth of the police and National Guard who are already in place to deal with them? You wouldn't be trying to bait us into doing something stupid, would you?

It always bothered me that day Trump and obama met in the Oval Office fort he first time. It almost appeared as though Obama had threatened trump on some way. Obama was so happy, at ease, and trump looked uncomfortable, almost anxious. It may have been then that he realized how corrupt Obama’s presidency was.
Then Obama left office and went overseas. Was he concerned trump would do something against him? Did he “flee” the country because he thought Rome would burn? Or was he afraid of what trump could do

>dems sold uranium to the russians / WTF Putin is /ourguy/, we can suck his dick now!
>american logics
Get off the proxy, please.
If there ever was russian shilling on pol it is this lel

I want to believe
I truly want
But I don't
We won't see any of the big ones going to jail

We have more important things to focus on. Forget the Russian shit. It doesn't matter

The funny thing is, for all their thousands of threads here promoting their little revolution and trying to provoke us into reacting stupidly to it, it turns out it's probably not in the Top 10 of important things to think about today. At most, it will provide some context for a whole bunch of more important things. It'll go down in the history books about as significant as if you were reading about the French Revolution and there was a footnote saying a butcher's strike was going on that week so that made people a bit extra edgy.

Im feeling sleepy guys. We should all get some sleep.

You're lying, and you're not hiding your fear well.

Just found this on twatter on some supposed hackers page. Not sure of it's validity but sharing for further investigation.


Possibly. Its way too vague to interpret motive, which is most likely the point. It could be her last moments before being caged, or it could just be your average meaningless quote that lefties love because "it's inspiring."

>SOMEONE in the IC, likely military intel, sat Trump down & laid out the entire #UraniumOne bribery scheme.

Uranium One deal and the millions to the Clinton Foundation "speaking fees" after giving a speech to Russian heads of industry were both public knowledge, of course Trump knew about it.

my entire family is pretty liberal, haven't been home since before i crossed over. I'm hoping this really blows up before thanksgiving so i can laugh at them when i go back