If all the white women disappeared would you rather breed with chinks or pajeetes to have offspring's?
If all the white women disappeared would you rather breed with chinks or pajeetes to have offspring's?
upper caste pajeets because at least they're caucasoid
Yea, your kids will probably look closer to actual whites
Higher caste pajeet > Japanese > Lower caste pajeet > other chinks
I'd rather breed with latina qts.
chinks 100% they are redpilled af, if you've ever been close friends with one or a family of them, you instantly realize as soon as they accept you into their circle how much they despise minorities and have very strong opinions on liberalism.
>>Pleb tier choice
That's what I been thinking siting in Nepal looking at the woman.
pajeets, then the kids would still be aryan
I'll breed with the Finnish.
Shekels women>Upper class poointheloos>chingchong>Iranians
Also do you count kazakhs as whites? If so I'd probably go for that too, I know one she looks spanish with green eyes
but if we are being realistic it would be syrians, i dont want green eyes to die out
Why would anyone breed with poos or gooks when there are thousands of fertile burritos just begging to be stuffed?
Looks are futile, the jewish strategy of breeding with the most intelligent is the best strategy.
So yeah I'd rather have a 109 iq son than a 90iq one
>women disappeared
What's the problem, there's still girls, innit? The women disappearing is good.
Chinks all the way. They aren't tainted with nigger genes.
Obviously I'd go breed Jewish
based gook
cant handle a real woman user?
Because the are the mist likely to have low iq kids and to become obese before 40.
Pajeetes to backbreed true whites because poos are our close genetic cousins whereas chinks are actually seperated by at least 30.000 years of evolution (which is still closer than the 80.000 years that seperates us from niggers though).
I'd have a baby with mummy and save some milkies for myself.
Both because why the fuck not ?
But if im forced to choose one with whcih i'll have children than i'll go with northern pajeetes since they are related with aryans and much hotter than their southern counterparts who have nigger genes
I would pick Sikh Pajeeta
I am not into degenerate anime, so I did not fall for the anime/pedo/jap prepubescent looking female jew trap
Hear me out: Anime was created because Japanese men don't know how to handle women, so the next best thing is make an entire generation of fags go pedo....
It is a fact that only faggots can't pick up women or bitch about them cause they can't get pussy....but the jew knows that you insecure anime faggots will be comfy with child love
Chinks obviously
North India is a shit place though, all the best upper caste people moved to the South
The one on the right looks like an angel. The one on the left looks like a thot.
> not auto picking levant women
The one on the right does not even have eyelids
The one on the left was raised in a culture that does not see sex as dirty.
keep breeding with middle easterners
Sikh for sure.
What timeline do we live in where Niger gets an opinion?
pajeet is cuter
hapas are subhuman so I'd rather have a pajeet halfbreed
my first gf was indian so i have an insatiable pajeeta fetish already
> Iraqi tries to sell his women to superior whites
You forget your meme flag Abdul
Top high caste Indians look like whites.
t. brahmin
Sadly the one in where Nazis lost
this breed with ben shapiros sister child will rule in the future greater israel being a jew and all
If only pol knew how lovely India can be.
But as everybody here drinks poison for breakfast, I expect them to focus only on the negative aspects of everything
By that logic might as well breed with Jewish women
>sell his women
i'm speaking for myself
no woman from here would marry subhuman wh*te snow nigger with the masculinity of a 4 year old girl
and i never use meme flags
And you know what, it´s not even like we have to be ashamed of this family member. Yes I know, muh based, red pilled gook etc. but what is Indus culture, what is based Sikh what is Hindu nationalism? Poos are that poor, dirty cousin with a good heart and some actual potential. Stop the chink whorship. I respect them but when push comes to shove they are the enemy, they will try to destroy us. Poos on the other hand can maybe be swayed to be on our side. Just a bit of defleaing, a bit of potty training and that south asian street dog turns into a good mannered pet.
Either, really. At this point, I just want a wife and children. I wasted my youth in academics and grad school, got a doctorate, and am now too old to be attractive to fertile women. I’ll never have children at this point, and I was my family’s only child, so our genes are now dead. A chink or pajeet willing to bear me children is more than I dare hope.
Ya well, South America did the noble act of taking in hundreds of top Nazi brass....and of course the Jewnited States coalition keeps us down for doing that.
perhaps you should goy one
What regions can you find them?
Chinks. Dark skin is gross.
Maybe you tend to overlook decent women in your own race. Like how I don't care about decent women in my own race.
Her hair is covering a huge and ugly forehead. She'll be bald around 50 yo.
Open Khazars
Everyone knows latina mixed with chink is the patricians choice
Latinas are essentially whites (~60-80%) with amerindian (mostly) or nigger admixture (sometimes). It doesn´t count. You can´t say if there aren´t any white girls left I´d mix with mostly white girls. Latinas are already the result of exactly that question. European conquistadors (overwhelmingly men) arrived on the shores of Central and South America and chose to breed with the locals.
To be fair, that is like tiny % nice in a sea of billion+ ton of poo.
That is also disappearing because of the liberalism and inter-caste marriages.
example: I'm a brahmin, but my gf is from low caste :(
Not particular to regions, mostly spread in small communities in North and Central India. South also has some but with bit more dravidian mix.
nudes pls.
hummmm noice curly hair would fuck like olders gods with nymphomane
Dammit, do not tempt me with these succubus.
It's like choosing which kind of poison you want, but I'd say chinks.
i lean toward chinks but i once saw a 10/10 poo in the gym i would breed so hard our kids would be King Poos
The world is 90% trash, but you still have a solid 10% wonder and beauty...I prefer to look through the 10%...life is too fucking short...
Who cares about caste if you have a loyal woman who treats you like a man deserves?
You guys love photoshoped ugly girls, don't you?
Also this. Best choice would be non-muslim levants/semites like Yezidi, Arab Christians, Druze, Zaroastrians, Kurdish Agnostics etc. Like it or hate it, they are actually our closest genetic family members. I would even go as far and say that it is mostly cultural traits that makes us classify them as non-white. Many semites are visually indistinguishable from european meds.
Chinks, theyre objectively top tier.
i just had a waking dream of you and your indian wife
on top of a tree eating banana
her sticking her ass and taking a huge shit on some tourists
you hug her and tell her she'll be your bhabhi forever
so romantic
I didn't want to breed with a woman to begin with so I will just die a pure virgin soul.
Careful. They hit goblin mode at level 30 resulting in a -10 charisma and a +3 strength and intimidate buff.
t. Samir
then i choose asians.
there are some pretty Japan-ladies out there
Chinks because they have lighter skin and they know how to use the toilet plus hapas can be quite beautiful
how about you stick to your designated wife
you'll be the best couple ever
she'll get to shit not in a toilet
and you'll get your scat german fetish
stupid fuck
those minorities despise you more than muslims
I'd rather nuke the planet because I no longer have a vested interest in its future.
Nice dream bro
But you left out the part of the dream where you fuck a goat violently (the sight of shit makes you randy) and then call it a fag and throw it off a building after you cum
The Muslim dog seems angry, whats the matter abdul?did ur goat run off with another man?
They are filthy kafir.
Butthurt much?
What about Pachinks?
goats are more human than brazilians
you already used your real flag to reply earlier you stinky curry diaspora
why meme flag now
i know user, i'm trying to explain it to them
no, not the slightest
>Iraq is salty that he lost his womin to white race
chinks have no souls
pajeets have souls and make good wives if you educate them
poo in loo is only the lower underclasses
>example: I'm a brahmin, but my gf is from low caste :(
In India there are more men than women, so i would expect upper cast men, looking down castewise for wifes, while many lower cast men might end up alone or migrating to africa for a black wife.
Well i had this turned on from another larp thread u faggot pedo worshipper
>germancuck talks about women getting stolen
Confirmed goat fucker...I knew it
Goats be human and shiiiitttttt fuck it and shittttt
Go order another bucket of KFC from your condo in your sand shithole. Have your mom go pick up your moumou at the cleaners and here is some bungee cord so you can fasten the dishcloth around your head
this coming from German flag baka
i didn't lose shit
especially not to emasculated snow niggers
All things considering I'm sure there are plenty Iraqi women who would marry a german, if he converted. Women are women,
remember when you faggots ran away from ISIS? Do you wonder why your women are going for kafir instead of Mudslime """""men"""""?
I can recommen a kazakhstan women. They are nice, taller than other asians and already mixed with slavs.