Well? Does it?
Does porn damage society?
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its jew degeneracy
Why do people keep linking porn with Jewish influence?
The west was Christian, it didn't naturally evolve into a porn obsessed racemixing hellhole. Jewish intellectuals are behind it, like the ones that promoted the degeneracy in the weimar republic that lead to the reactionary Nazis forming. They actively promote anything that subverts what they consider threats to jews. Nations, values, religions, identities in the hand of anyone but jews are threats to be eliminated.
>do jews damage society
Yea but is there any solid proof that Jews are the main influence in the porn industry?
You can look up names of porn producers, it's all very coincidental but they aren't the ones who made this ok. It's the intellectuals that justify moral degeneracy that are to blame, "experts" who somehow always get exposure in the media explaining how morals and values are just tools of white supremacists to oppress the poor jew victims. Remember the very large number goy.
Porn drains you of your testosterone and turns you into a beta cuck. Think about it: the strongest alpha male gets the mate and all you can do is jerk off all over yourself as he inseminates her.
Its fine in doses with people who have self control. Just like alcohol, weed, drugs, etc. If you become a spaghetti-armed beta from jerking it you probably have more deep seeded issues.
t. an alcoholic, drug-addled, sex addict
Do we want to live in a world where spirituality is replaced with ass?
kek, why should i waste time when i can easy masturbate. Masturbation cures me from THICC WOMEN, ASS AND PUSSY addiction. Takes only 10-15 minutes and no STD's
>pro tip you can't
>no threat of sexbots
Porn is so empowering! Hugh Heffner a saint.
>sexbot threat on the horizon
We need to do something about porn.
I know your angle, bitch, and you won't get a sympathetic ear from me.
>lowers test
>raises estr
>contributes to male baldness
>takes away drive
>rewires reward centers
forget the edgy jewish conspiratards mate and just watch stephen molyneuxs video about it. that's all the reason you need to stop.
anyone got some good links or advice to beat porn/masturbation addiction?
Yes. Very much. Look at westerners before and after Hugh Hefner
No it prevents rapes
Porn can and will fuck up your sex life if you start from an early age.
I can't ejaculate from sex, unless I don't masturbate for at least a few weeks.
Yes porn is the single worst thing that happened to men in general and white men in particular.
Porn is nothing but a giant psyop to degrade men and especially white men (see the myriads of "interracial" porn when it's 99% black men on white women).
Why do you think that millenial men have less sex? It's not because they're more conservative in regards to sexuality but because they'd rather sit at home and fap for hours instead of having healthy social relationships towards females.
Hefner returned to the capitals a power they have lost when the church felt.
The Sexual revolution never succeded.
it's been said a million times but limiting your internet, pray/meditate more, workout, go outside, etc.
Basically it requires you to be self aware and improve your will power.
enjoy your aids
That's probably your antidepressants causing that. ~1.5x a day for 20 years (porn more often than not) has not affected my libido in the slightest. Still capable of masturbating to fantasy. Still need to cum once before putting it in vagoo to prevent premature ejaculation. Still get unintentional, inconvenient boners. Still able to enjoy soft porn despite the occasional dip into something more hardcore.
We've been living in a world like that since King Nigger was first elected.
Not saying you're wrong, but can you link me to any info about the Weimar Jews. I've heard of them before but I want to learn about it properly
Most porn, much like most movies from hollywood, is produced by jews
FUN fact: everything damaged society because society (and the universe) is in a constant state of collapse and breakdown ala the inescapable laws of entropy.
All your efforts to fix things will be futile and you should always prepare for things to get worse and worse.
How masturbation is connected with baldness?
It's the loss of sperm that removes a tonne of zinc from your body which is essential for normal hair growth.
Absolutely, this isn't even up for debate. In any healthy society porn would be illegal.
It’s a supply and demand issue to a large extent however
>up until very recently the U.K. and Ireland had pretty strict laws on hardcore phonography. Adults couldn’t even purchase it.
Now due to the internet, all levels of prom are freely available to all ages, unlimited and unrestricted.
I cannot imagine this hasn’t had a significant effect on the millennial generation, as they are the first to be born into this mess.
I have not bothered looking up sex offending rates but would be curious to see if there has been a significant rise in them over the last 15-20 years.
IMO millennials, in general, seem to be sociopaths. They have low levels of social skills, due to relying on text messaging and playing video games all day etc. The porn is mostly dehumanizing also.
Fucking pornography even
Read up on the effect of DHT, which the is main contributor of baldness. This is released when you ejaculate and rests in your hair follicles.
No way. Ancient societes were far more degenerated. Even in 1800 pedophilia was something normal.
That's weird However there is still 0 proof because i have masturbated more than 5000 times in my life and my hair still is strong as ever. I think it's more genetics faggots than masturbation.
>27 healthy young men with strong hair grow and thickness
Yeah but DHT is also responsible for beards
Yet you get guys with both thick heads of hair and thick beards.
Where as I’d say it’s even more common for feeble looking guys who can’t grow a beard and are bald, typically at a very early age.
Your anecdote doesn't really negate any proof out there bud
Well, being that I started from a very young age (11 or 12) I graduated from softcore to hardcore shit very young. Masturbating 4 or 5 times a day almost daily up until the past few years didn't help either.
Also I don't take antidepressants.
Sounds like a thyroid problem.
>4-5 times a day
I started off heavy like this at around 9. Sometimes much more especially around 13 years old. lol but I think that's common. I'm in my 30s now and it's levelled out with age. Most erections are summoned manually.
I agree porn has a mostly negative effect on society. I also agree it needs to be discussed. But I think it needs to somehow be approached honestly, without jewish interests or jealous fems influencing studies. A similar example of why it needs to be handled honestly: the progression of anti-marijuana propaganda throughout the last half century
My hair is very thick, has to be thinned at every haircut, and is straight/fine hair.But my beard is kind of whispy and patchy so I don't grow it.
The relationship is much more complex than we currently understand. Beard hair is much more resistant to DHT.
At age 34, I can still go fuck my wife multiple times in one day. The notion that porn drains testoterone...... If you are under 40 and fuck more than once a day, then you need to go see a doctor, eat healthier as in eat actual animal fat along with animal meat, don't eat soy, intermittent fast, exercise in morning to help boost testosterone. Blaming porn for you not wanting to fuck, just stop please.
*If you are under 40 and CAN'T fuck more than once a day,*
There fixed my mistake.
I have a lil cousin whom i m really close with. he's pretty redpilled but not on porn and since he's like 16 and virgin I don't know if I should inform him on the effects.
lel, nobody is saying porn drains test, people are saying chronic masturbation that comes with porn drains test
time to brush up on your reading comprehension you old retard
It does effect you in a negative way and it can get to such a point where it's the main reason that you're suffering.
Quit being a narcissist, your personal anecdote doesn't really mean anything in this conversation.
10-15 minutes? Jesus Christ your dick is as slow as your brain.
Stay away from hookers and roasties and you're fine user.
You only say "enjoy your AIDS" to justify your inadequacy when it comes to forming relationships with women.
Embrace the fact you are a beta fag who is a failure and that your parent regret having you. Only then can you improve yourself.
Whats funny everyone's pissed at cuck porn, but It's put so many blacks in prison for rape it's not even funny. May not be my cup of tea but it as long as jamal thinks it's real life he'll be off the streets in prison or dead.
So it has it's purpose in weird ways.
All forms of sexual excess are bad. The more you ejaculate, the more testosterone is converted to DHT because (orgasm releases oxytocin which signals the conversion).
I bet you're balding.
You're just so perverted that you traded your masturbation addiction for a sex addiction.
Ever heard of legalporno?
Another thing I've noticed in circles where censored porn was more prevalent, people were more open to things I'd never even think of touching like futa and even gayer shit.
So I'm more concerned about anything you can't tell whats really going on.
Both religion and spirituality are the biggest memes ever created. They both memed themselves into existence over thousands of years, through nothing but repetition and the herd mentality.
I have more respect for porn than I do for religion or spirituality. At least with porn people know it's fake.
Don't watch porn.
Nofap is redpill.
I’m stopping to starting today. Wish me luck,
part 2
part 3
Enjoy, user.
and also this