Write it on money you fools
Sounds like a retarded way to make this old even faster
>1 dollar bill
t. poorfag
Is for Niggers
euronigger with a superior dollar billl
>tfw you will never catch a USA chad with a euro.
that's because more than half of this country thinks the eu uses the U.S. bill
t. ignorant smuggy
have you ever talked to a nigger? or anyone in public school?
Niggers are incredibly ignorant. But they are not half the country.
White people understand that other countries have different money. Don't believe the media Jew constantly belittling non-cuckolded Americans.
Don't write anything on money because they can technically considered counterfeited and lost their value.
Just look at the disgusting aesthetics of a 100 europoor bill
Not really, once they end up at a bank they are just switched out with a new bill.
I worked in currency exchange. You would be extremely surprised at how many American boomers expect europeans to accept US currency.
True but we have secret society shit all over our money so we can't really talk.
Audit the Fed
They fucking should
>The weak should fear the strong
Actually a good idea
das rite!
Isnt defacing currency illegal?
That's not the same thing. If you go to Cambodia or something like that you are expected to use Dollars. I was in Russia in the early 2000s and they wanted us to use Dollars. And it was basically the case in a lot of post war Europe too.
They don't think euros use Dollars as they speculate euros will take dollars because USA number 1.
And even this would be a relatively small group I believe. If they're going to Europe, they'll have at least read up on it a little bit
Nobody uses it anyway. Even the 500€ bill is more common than the 100€
500€ is being phased out.
Nigger, I had to compared the largest equivalent bills, since americhad money only goes up to 100dollars
>American boomers
Say no more
Yeah crime is a good idea right fellas?
t.not a falseflagger
like I said, you would be surprised at the lack of basic knowledge, such as euro being worth more than the dollar. This is not the case with the younger generation but the boomers.
Look at the bitter hillbilly with his dollar haha
What cucks don't understand is that photos like the kek flag one are good. It shows the appeal of trump to even some of the beta males that would normally be low hanging fruit for virtue signalling groups. It's not just Chads who can vote.
write on a 50 dollar bill your poor trash
Haha, brilliant, our £5 & £10 notes are polymer, might wipe off, I'll try it. £20's will work though
Euro and Pound worth more than the dollar, yeah I believe that one probably does surprise a few people
are you a nigger or a spic?
Agreed, fuck the Euro and fuck the EU :^)
You realize when you say "seekrit society shit" you sound like a 14 year old right? If you know what you're talking about, name it specifically.
>calling anyone else but a Brazilian poortrash
Top kek
It's okay to pretend that you're a victim
Everytime I go to an euro country I have to get small bills because they don't accept 100€ bills and when I use 50€ bills they have to check it before accepting it lol
But you didn't use it anyways.
Wondering if someone write it on £50 note, and those looks from cashier. KeK
They wouldn't be very seekrit if he could, now would they?
Because no one trusts mountain niggers, when americhads go to Europe using 100dollars is easy and no one asks any questions, they even give us change back in dollars.
i miss the Italian Lire, it was the most aesthetic currency
You should realise that you sound like a nigger ignorant newfag.
Eye of Horus, owls, etc.
>inb4 "oy vey conspiracies don't happen"
Just wondering, what penalty is for counterfeiting money in yours countries?
In Poland, it's usualy 25yrs. KeK, it's longer that rape, cp, eventually murder ( 25 to life)
In USA, the secret service gets involved and you’re probably getting life in prison in a federal prison if it’s serious.
>Its on our money
Franc maçon sigh all over the money , how American can be proud of that ?
Lol wich country , not in France at least
Here the only bill that is checked is the 1000 one, it's not rare to pay with a 200 bill. You're cute with your tiny 100bill even though no one accepts usd in europe
It's ON our money and it IS our for profit, interest bearing fiat currency producing central bank.
This is the most impressive deception of them all: teaching dumb people to casually shit on the truth when they hear it, and believe that they just proved themselves the intelligent one by doing so.
Final lesson for the day newfag: the truth is crazy. Maybe read up on the origins of the federal reserve; Jekyll Island
>But the secret conspiracy of international bankers was for our own good! We need to "keep the currency stable"
I don't think that would be well received.
NIce status shaming attempt, faggot.
Dollar bills are the most used currency. anyone can do this, and it's anonymous.
Let that sink in. You can't ever stop us. Ever.
Defacing money is a crime. If a crime is racially motivated, it can get hate charges tacked on and can become a felony.
here in afrancistan they even check the 10€ bills in most supermarkets now....
and i put sunglasses on george
Extremely illegal, but it's legal for us to do it, because we're journalists
>vandalizing goverment property
Enjoy your fine.
I have it as my emblem in cod: WW2. I made the kill vid at the end of a match, so everyone in the lobby was forced to see our message.
It sounds dumb, but it shows people it's okay to be white
get back into the mines boi.
eh i will just keep rubbing dollars on my dick then spend them
you dont even have a one dollar bill just cuck coins
If a currency was a LSD-trip, it would be Honk Kong dollars
forgot pic
Genius, doing this right now!
WTF are you retarded user?
I agree, but so would Swiss francs
(On mobile but just look it up)
Writing on money is not the same as counterfeiting you morons
Are you saying you dopes run around with 500 dollar bills in your pocket after letting in hordes of feral refugees?
If counterfeiting was so easy kek.
United States Code: Title 18 Part 1 Chapter 17, Section 333
Whoever mutilates, cuts, defaces, disfigures, or perforates, or unites or cements together, or does any other thing to any bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence of debt issued by any national banking association, or Federal Reserve bank, or the Federal Reserve System, with intent to render such bank bill, draft, note, or other evidence of debt unfit to be reissued, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than six months, or both.
Superior non-eu currency.
Small bills are the best choice because they are returned to the customers as change and are rarely deposited into the bank. You only get back 20s as change when you pay with a 50 or 100, and almost all ATMs dispense 20s so that's what most people are paying with. If you do this to 20s they will end up deposited in the bank and potentially removed from circulation quicker.
Also maybe don't spend the marked bills at the same place over and over.