Here's the part Brazile conveniently forgot to mention in her "courageous" article (publicity stunt designed to generate Bernie Bro outrage and boost sales):
>However, the memo also made clear that the arrangement pertained to only the general election, not the primary season, and it left open the possibility that it would sign similar agreements with other candidates.
>the left is this desperate to discredit last years news
Eli Miller
Let is go Hillshills. Your bitch is crocked.
Brody Fisher
>The memo's explicitly stated that DNC funds were used to buy a Russian Golden showers report about Trump
Wtf the DNC spent taxpayer money on a fake dossier?
Matthew Cox
Shills4Hill in damage control mode
Jayden Russell
>Wtf the DNC spent taxpayer money on a fake dossier?
No. Political parties in the US aren't publicly funded. The DNC is a private organisation.
Leo Allen
t. rural and suburban retard
John Hall
well considering Sup Forums literally made that dossier because it talks about tendies and telling ivanka her mother will die in her sleep.
Chase Harris
Donna Brazile is black though. This is a blatantly racist piece by NBC meant to disparage all blacks. We simply cannot stand for this in current year.
Evan Torres
Page? I'm calling bullshit.
Colton King
At least your mom will be fine.
Luke Thompson
both major parties receive hundreds of thousands of tax dollars from the federal government during a presidential election moron
Owen Bell
Hail Hillary! Clintons, Obama, democrats do no wrong! Y'all rayciss
Jordan Torres
Christian Moore
Lol this is good, keep it up
Evan Anderson
Jackson Brooks
I assumed hillary would go to jail and they were trying to save DNC, guess I was wrong
William Roberts
My mom is out shopping right now
Jackson Morris
no, Donna Brazile is trying to sell her shitty book so she made up lies
Isaiah Thomas
Damn it
Connor Morgan
The absolute state of democrats.
Cooper Barnes
Trump is setting the country on fire. He's a traitor working for the Russians. He's preparing to fire Robert Mueller and Republicans are going to let him get away with it. Nazis are marching in the street preparing for a race war. The country is on the verge of collapse.
If you can't stop your fucking bitching about Hillary Clinton for one goddamn second because she hurt your precious fucking feelings you're not a progressive fighting for a better tomorrow, you're a fucking spoiled brat throwing a temper tantrum because you didn't get the new iPhone for Christmas. You are garbage.
Adrian Rogers
I also agree that this has been an unusually successful 12 months.
Cooper Hill
recognizable shuffle... compete honestly when things were already predetermined. Plus the intimidation, etc... seen before, perpetuated by the same while being scapegoated others (advantages of being outside of the box).
The MSNBC article clearly states: "Still, it clearly allowed the Clinton campaign to influence DNC decisions made during an active primary, even if intended for preparations later."
Jace Gomez
>Nazis are marching in the street preparing for a race war. The country is on the verge of collapse.
Robert Morales
hillary had all the superdelegtes, the DNC cut the number of debates from like 20 to 3 and put them on nights when no one would watch
the media was in her pocket, DNC emails show people colluding against bernie
Jose Allen
I guess they don't care about the Bernie Bro or Crazy Grandma votes. It'll be 2016 all over again
Jayden Gonzalez
Easton White
Oh fuck you
Jace Peterson
Oh no. The left is eating itself. How terrible.
Luis Garcia
Why are so many libshit so desperate to save Shillary? Throw that bitch under the bus and try to save your collapsing party.
Christopher Parker
Do you actually believe what you type or are you being paid for it?
Jack Johnson
Donna Brazille is /our girl/.
Josiah Morris
Don't let the 2016 election give you amnesia. Trump was still a clintonista as late as 2013:
People forget how close Trump was to the Clintons because Americans have the memory of a goldfish
John Torres
Eli Howard
You can make more money as a lot tech than a shill you know. It's about 2 dollars above minimum wage.
Adam Scott
We should revisit wikileaks dnc emails. Current talking points from dnc using conflation with less credible guccifer/dcleaks sourced crap. Donna brazille was involved in the hfa takeover of dnc from inception, fully aware and complicit. Just a bowling pin trying to will itself out of whats coming. Introduce discussions about former dnc head being offered vp to stand down and get replaced by dws, a clinton loyalist. Tie back to awan and other specific corruptions. Dws resignation over wikileaks, donna brazille was interim head. Bitch knows everything. Dont forget.
Adam Garcia
DNC and HIlldawg waited too long to get a comment out. The fact that Pocahontas et al got out in front of them means that no one's buying the spin this time. F
Liam Kelly
I find it impressive how the media is SO eager to please Clinton. She lost the election but she probably has more power than Trump does. Sad!
Luke Gutierrez
The only lie she told is one of omission - she's pretending that she had nothing to do with the rigging of the primary.
Jordan Russell
Nice try OP but you seem to have conveniently forgotten some shit. >pic related
Nathan Taylor
>Hillshills this buttblasted
tippy top kek, the last pathetic scramblings of Queen Hill's army to salvage things as her former allies all stab her in the back
Xavier Rivera
Pretty good pasta, thanks. Saved.
Jaxon Adams
Shill thread, they dont respond to reason. Cant believe i typed that out, but seeing your lack of (You)s got my jimmies rustled. Its like trying to talk ti faggots on dailykos, they ignore you if they cant wordgame your point.
Alexander Gray
>Here’s a memo saying we pinky swear with the DNC not to influence the primary >Influence the primary, head of DNC steps down because of it >But we swear we didn’t >Give clear examples of corruption (press releases to Brooklyn, draining of state funds to Hill)
Anyone who fucking believes this is the dumbest nigger alive. Of course Hill tipped the scale in her favor, this is well known. If anything, the memo clearly shows the attempt to.
Grayson Butler
Is this it or not?
Oliver Taylor
Democrat civil war?
Blake Martin
its fake and gay
Isaac Butler
This is some low quality damage control
Kayden Jones
Lincoln Gray
I wonder if there are any progressives reading this starting to understand why everyone on the right hates the fucking media
Matthew Wright
or the fact that we had wikileaks emails proving this for a year and a half
David Allen
More Democrat projection from Killary a few days ago hinted at it.
Now they start attacking her and discrediting everything. classic
Zachary Edwards
kinda wish this dropped before her book tour but I'm also leaning toward them kneecapping her because she just doesn't know how to shut the fuck up.
Daniel Turner
Chase Murphy
What skin you got in this game, LEAF? Fucking fix your own cucked country. Hillary is THROUGH.
Jacob Bennett
Also, in the atmosphere of honesty, please remember that Trump was never called a racist until he ran for president. Besides, he not have had all the dirt on her at that point. At some point, he was informed and I think most people here know by whom.
Brody Bennett
>in the atmosphere of honesty, please remember that Trump was never called a racist until he ran for president. THIS
Ethan Adams
Of course, you dumb TRS mentally retarded drooling faggot. Trump himself IN HIS CAMPAIGN RALLIES talked about how he gave money to the Clintons to get what he wanted done in government. Your ignorance of even this is just typical of a jawless pinheaded Spencer-cocksucking pussyboy.
Ryan Harris
It's little wonder Assange has to hide in an embassy. He must be on so many hit lists.
Jack Gonzalez
Apologize for what? The only thing illegal I've seen at first glance- was the embezzling of money from state funds- to the DNC, then back to Hillary.
Dylan Morales
>Trump was never called a racist until he ran for president >mfw i get called a nazi over here for pointing this out
Lincoln Evans
lol butthurt shill thread
Kevin Morgan
What was racist about him?
He had jew friends, black friends, he was never racist in his show, except for that bitch amarossa or something, but she deserved it.
Point it's that this was all a smear campaign and it was working until...
Owen Wilson
Didn't she literally admit to leaking the debate questions to Hillary?
Caleb Price
Because the party essentially signed a death-pact with her.
Jonathan Brooks
She was fired from CNN for it, but was able to overcome by being promoted to chair of the DNC after DWS resigned in disgrace
Daniel Baker
How in the hell are any democrats ok with that?
Julian Parker
They'll be in jail by the second term, who cares.
Jackson King
because republicans bad!
Jeremiah Williams
Nah, it's worse than that, they spend the funds to buy it, and also laundered the money through multiple Democrat law firms so they could abuse attorney-client privilege rights to try to conceal their breaking of campaign finance laws.
Charles Edwards
fuck you
Angel Gonzalez
This kind of shit should be a bannable offense.
Landon Perez
bump (you)
Josiah Thomas
>the nigger that fed hildawg debate questions during the primaries >OH I FORGOT IT WASN'T RIGGED AFTER ALL are leftists really this fucking dumb?
Logan Clark
Dominic Phillips
This whole NBC spin piece can be nullified by asking a simple question.
Were Bernie or Jim Webb offered the same agreement?
Cameron Hill
So let me see if I have this time line right, >Obama left the DNC 20 million in debt because he was like, whatever i'm the president now I don't care. >Hillary came in with her big sacks of cash from the Clinton Fund to help out but only if they agreed to let her basically be in charge of the DNC and all of it's finances. > Hillary then tries to get around donor cap laws by funneling donations from state parties through her various accounts >this makes the cap go from like $10 000 per donation to like $350 000 per donation >She saves the DNC financially but in doing so now holds the DNC accountable in making sure she wins the primaries against Bernie >They kill Seth Rich >Hillary loses anyway. >DWS goes to trial over this and the judge rules that because the DNC is a privately owned company it's not illegal to choose which candidate wins. >Donna Brazille admits Hillary rigged the primaries and was money laundering so Donna can sell more books even though Donna Brazille was actively involved in the scheme.
Those are all the details I have figured out, what did I get wrong?
Lucas Wright
>or the fact that we had wikileaks emails proving this for a year and a half
You know as well as I do that these people don’t admit any legitimacy with regard to Wikileaks. They have to hear it from the mouth hole of their own robot oppressors.
Landon Reyes
>these people don’t admit any legitimacy with regard to Wikileaks They already did, though.
They dodge culpability by ignoring all of the content and attacking the source. They all loved the WikiLeaks fags when they could be perceived as undermining Dubya Bush, but now that they are pointing out the damage that the corrupt leaders of what they claim to be their party are doing to them, they are tied up in knots.
Nathaniel Ross
>The primary wasn't rigged you guys! Sure, we signed a binding agreement with Hillary's campaign to support her in the general election months before the primaries ever started, but that doesn't prove anything!
Oliver Ross
>this is your brain on not getting bullied enough
Levi Hughes
Story is out. This is damage control and distraction technic
Camden Adams
Lol, they call everyone a liar...
Kevin Gonzalez
If you want proof of media collusion look no farther than the response to Jim Webb during and after the first debate. The debate moderators spent an entire night skipping Webb, O'Malley, and Chafee and then the entire WEEK after running 24/7 hitpieces on Webb painting him as some kind of deranged, war-mongering, white privileged, nazi until his campaign collapsed and he withdrew from the race before the first primary vote was ever cast.
The only reason the DNC and the MSM allowed Sanders to even stay in the race as long as they did was to create the illusion of an actual primary race, when in reality it was a coronation from all the way before the first caucus.
Ryder Sanchez
Except she discovered the arrangement was dated August 2015, and was effective IMMEDIATELY.
Stop your fucking lieing. DNC screwed over the primary participants HARD CORE mode cause Hillary didn't dare to have another Obama come up and take her place--- again--- like in 2008.
Angel Smith
Niggers being niggers what's new?
Jordan Murphy
>it left open the possibility that it would sign similar agreements with other candidates.
There was never any possibility that a candidate other than Hillary was going to be allowed to win the nomination though.
Jace Lee
>even Israel has turned on Clinton
Suicide in one month
Thomas Nelson
Im afraid she might suddenly get depressed and shoot herself in the back of the head twice
Chase Ramirez
A very real possibility. Hopefully her Secret Service detail are working very hard to prevent that.
But I have a question--- if somehow Hillary goes to jail for any of her now documented tens of thousands of felonious crimes, will her Secret Service detail go with her as well, to make sure she doesn't get shanked in the ladies shower?