There's a fujoshit in my class who is the quietest meekest girl I've met in college.but she voted Trump and hates globalism
Who in your life surprised you the most that was redpilled?
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Chinese woman I practiced Mandarin with knew Jews run the west. But this is a common Chinese opinion.
It's common opinion of any thinking human person.
We already know your Chinese Rui Haung.
my (female) hairdresser, thinks that women shouldnt be given special treatment and knows that the wage gap is bullshit
I have yet to meet a redpilled person.
I suppose thats what I get for living in London.
Girl who like yaoi
My mom and dad.
I remember when my mom started talking about how blacks are not humans when I was 17. WTF?
Jean Claude Van Damme
so why did she voted for trump if she had globalism?
a kurdish muslim whom told me there are already too many muslims in the uk and it should always remain majority christian or it will be ruined.
My priest hates Jews and believes that Israel should be a Catholic sanctioned state.
Oh! And my professor is friends with Gorka
>Catholic sanctioned state.
So a crusader state.
My wife and her cousin. They really dislike brown and black people and they're from up north.
>"red pilled"
>voting for a shabbos goy
You realize of course that not only is Trump heavily kiked, the internet personalities rallying for support for him are also heavily kiked?
Do you think this is a mere (((coincidence)))?
A guy from Cuba
He was very against immigrants, cultural marxism and sjws
Fruk a you
you are so right, hillary was the true nationalist canadate, #notmypresident
He's doing far more good than harm
Yeah it's not like both candidates are controlled or anything. There's always one bad guy and one good guy just like in 2008 when Obama was the change candidate...
We'll see how long that lasts once we've attacked Iran and North Korea and Russia and anyone else who threatens the petrodollar
Hmm. Subtle shill, or just misguided?
cubans are actually "BASED BROWN GUYS WITH A TRUMP HAT " they vote majorly republican
He's doing far more good than *haram.*
Fixed that for you.
>Voting for Trump
>Hating globalism
Pick one.
So... did you fuck her or what?
Should I? She's a fujo and they can be pretty fucking weird. Also I'm a big hairy guy, nowhere near the hairless twinks in the porn she masturbates to.
Let's put it this way. Let's say Trump was just another Republican candidate named Goy Goyson.
Now Goy Goyson's grandkids are all Jewish. Goy Goyson's son in law has sleepovers with the PM of Israel. Goy Goyson fills his cabinet with Goldman-Sachs banksters and says he's going to make Israel a priority. Goyson is also threatening Iran for Israel.
Are you excited about Goy Goyson? No, of course not. They've fooled us with literal commies so we side with the shabbos goy.
>implying she actually wants a hairless twink and doesnt want a beasty man
Womem dont know what they want user
Also fujoshits are bad but expecting women to have good taste in anything is just a waste of time
Go for it
Dude just pump and dump. I'm rooting for you user!
My leftist father, he absolutely hates muslims.
I live in France, CuckistanLand, and I have this Italian girl friend she is fucking bluepilled but she constantly tells me how awful blacks people smells and she is disgusted by them. This is so funny to hear I tell you because she doesn’t have anything to say politically related but somehow, uncounscously she is aware of some stuffs we talked about on Sup Forums. I think it’s about education and genetic.
stay away from asians, biggest back stabbees i've ever known.