It’s Not Ok to be White

Anyone have more proofs that whites are under assault? The more high profile the better.

‘White nuclear family’ perpetuates racism, CUNY prof argues

ACLU admits to ‘white supremacy’ after tweeting photo of white baby with U.S. flag

Is it racist to have a preference in whom you date? (Yes)

EXCLUSIVE: DNC Official Says She Doesn't Want To Recruit 'Cisgender Straight White Males'

An Open Letter To Gay, White Men: No, You’re Not Allowed To Have A Racial Preference

Other urls found in this thread:

I heard there was someone online saying it is not ok to be white. OP for example.

So some context. The argument goes “given the current political climate, no one has ever suggested it’s “not” ok to be white, therefore, saying it is, is racist”.

Look at the OP topic, he is literally saying it.

How fucking new are you?

You stand there and are not outraged when someone brings this kind of hatred to /pol!?

we should honestly make a data base of all the anti white propoganda we can find. it might be important one day and its a good red pill i collected all these in a couple of hours a year ago. theres tons more if you can be bothered exposing yourself to it

Dudes, I can't wait for the levees to break when everyone just starts spouting racist shit to each other. I can't wait for all of the sneaky rat games and factor trickery to end.

>well actually, reverse rac-
>racism = power + whatever

I used to be pretty centrist, but I just want to see something burn. I need another pewdiepie nigger outburst or something. I need to be satiated before I lose my mind.

I need something from the public conscience showing it’s not ok to be white. The argument is, it’s an uncontested statement, therefore racist. Not getting into the logic of that argument, I just want to show the statement “it’s ok to be white” is contested.

just go on tumblr or twitter and you can find a million tweets exclaiming its not

Was just a matter of time until the jews started throwing that if you don't date blacks only you are racist

Gotta give it to then,they can manipulate people so easily

Yer. I need something more public. MSM sourcing. YouTube personalities and tunblrinas sperging on twatter and fb don’t cut it.

I'll dump a bunch of images I guess, but I don't think people care much to look through them all

They already do that though

Why were Americans so eager to bring in Jews during the 20th century, unlike other Anglo nations? Why didn't Americans send the black slaves back to Africa? All of your racial problems are your own fault.

look in that the_donald link i posted

theres like 80 anti white news articles from mostly msm

On the other hand, if the americans had sent the blacks back to africa, I think it's almost a guarantee that they would've accepted the guncucking that the europeans did.





we need to make an anti white propaganda data base

im promise you one day we will need this information


I’ll go through it again. Perhaps I don’t know how to read it.

Thanks m8. Perfect.



i think it might have been shadow banned because someone else said that they couldnt see any of the pics either

ill post them here anyway


Sup Forums doesn't have shadowbans




wh*tiods trying to justify their shit

its on imgur



good ole days.




Remember that integration was forced upon the white populace, and deceptively through the 1960's immigration acts. None of which were offered to voters on a campaign ballot - all the promises, ideas and plans regarding this were lied about too. No one was informed that this shift in US policy would result in massive demographic changes and, all of the problems with immigration the US has today. These same people forced intergration into the schools. (They mostly failed.) They tried to forcefully integrate your neighborhoods through the busing system - they don't bus whites into black neighborhoods, they bus blacks into white one's. Crime rates have sky rocketed especially interracial crime since the Segregation era - on study after study, people are recording themselves as less happy then ever. This goes from men to women. White's want community - community being the thing thrusted into the laps of every race and creed - unless you're a White Christian. Then your community is to be the background token White in every other races community. Remember the Knock Out Game, Remember the High school Race Riots, Remember the Prison Race Riots - Prisons also by and large experiencing forced integration when it's said to be dangerous for them..

SO having said all of that - where does this diversity actually work, outside of half smiles walking across the street from one another. Or the occasional interference we get with one another in public. Otherwise the majority of the world is a self segregating entity.

The forced and state funded interruption of this Natural Order - this is the biggest attack on Whites.



Female incel "chose" to not reproduce

When they say 'white' they really mean (((white)))



>No one was informed that this shift in US policy would result in massive demographic changes
Oh it's worse than that. People were very directly and flatly told that it wouldn't.

Flagrantly lied to, and now you're a racist if you oppose it.





Open borders it's the way to they get rid of people, it's grade A real state shark policies.


>white people do something
Kek. We did.




Wait, which crowd runs around wearing chicks apparel while playing revolutionary with hair ties on their dicks?



>all this casual reddit talk

>junior lecturer



>The aversion to dating some minority groups that seems to be the issue here though. Why is it that the name “Mohammed” got the most negative response from a list of potential date names? Again, time didn’t allow for this to be properly explored.

From OP article on dating being racist. I rarely post but this got a genuine gut laugh holy shit ahahahha

this is my favourite one

Lets look at the UN definition of genocide.
>Killing members of the group
>Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group
>Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part
>Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group
You can find ample evidence for all of that.

I had a look and sadly could not find the quote from some kike about how genocide the white race was so unobjectionable that he could not understand why anyone would not want it stopped. If anyone has it please post.



white genocide is real and it's clear to anyone who can open their fucking eyes for ten seconds and actually look at what's happening


It already was ugly though....

>no one has ever suggested it’s “not” ok to be white

The "overt racism" was refusing to go to the back because she was white.




affirmative action
the progressive stack

when you actually look through this shit its hilarious how many jews are the authors



given the current anti white climate lol


Is OP racist and hurting our sensibility?


did he really say 'sumarai' or was it someone else in the transmission chain who was completely illiterate?

I do hope this thread helps a few people watching from the sidelines come to the realization that no, this won't stop

not until you and your children are dead

The ACLU thing was clearly trolling, OP you stupid nigger.


These screen caps always make me so angry.





