Developments Nov 3 >Deir Ezzor has been officially declared completely liberated as last IS hold outs are cleared >Iraqi forces announce liberation of Al-Qa'im >IDF issue statement Friday today declaring it will intervene militarily at Druze town in Golan under attack by Nusra, heavy artillery strikes conducted >SAA uncovers another large weapons depot in DeZ while clearing several neighborhoods >Russian deminers clear 275 explosive devices in Deir ez-Zor in the last 24 hours >Talks to improve humanitarian situation held with reps of settlements in Quneitra province controlled by opposition, major hwy opened >Ru Officials; Actions by US military near al-Tanf may be considered war crime, where they refused to assist refugees injured in skirmish near al-Rukban camp >N. Sinai; Egyptian AF conducts multiple successful airstrikes on IS positions >Ansar al-Islam claims responsibility for attack in Egypt that killed several policemen last month in a statement on Friday >Palestinian militant group said Friday 5 members killed earlier in week when Israel blew up tunnel being dug by militants from Gaza Strip
fuck leave this one on stand by while we use the other one, also first for hezbollah
Ethan Ward
Bentley Barnes
Thanks for baking, LankaBro.
Justin Hernandez
np but since the threads are slow we should let this one slide and die i will bake again np
Benjamin Myers
I like this thread better, bumping
Jace Wilson
there's nothing here. though op is higher qual
Brody Kelly
We should keep bumping and use it when the other thread reaches its bump limit.
Anthony Bell
yah no I won't, if it still lives when other bread ends I'll migrate though
Logan Gray
fugg in the end i bump
Ryder Carter
bump, this thread will survive!
Alexander Evans
...your flag shows your nation is a British rapebaby and the most noteworthy which comes up on Sup Forums about Australia is that it loses wars against Emus...I don't think you have a leg to stand on
Alexander Gomez
wrong thread but correct poster I#d guess
Jason Hall
Jason Morgan
Samuel Reed
Jack Stewart
Discord when? ;^(
Aiden White
Owen Turner
Who war nerd here
Ayden Powell
Wha the hell is a war nerd tho
Samuel Collins
Best type of autism.
Lincoln Ramirez
Carson Nguyen
It's the best noncomedy podcast on the internet. Not free, though.
I'll upload the episode where they talk about the Hezbollah Israel War for /sg/, just give me a few minutes.
Reminder to report and sage these threads for off-topic spam
Christopher Walker
basically everybody waving my flag is
Brody White
Discord is cancer. Join us on #syriancivilwar on snoonet IRC.
Elijah Brooks
Zachary Bennett
more buildup in lebanon
Cooper Green
Why not make a Facebook page? That'd be swell!
Nathan Rodriguez
Hillary is the legimitate president of USA drumpf is a failure antifa is legit organization that fights against the evil George Soros is a philantrophist, honest and succesfull businessman Jews are based Blacks are superior Whites are subhumans It’s not okay to be white.
Dont lewd megumin try to ignore them lad its just the reddit
Ryder Miller
Too late now. This is going to be ded soon.
Daniel Morgan
Jaxson Barnes
Angel Jones
leave the baiting to the big guys you uninspired little shit
Isaac Collins
Hudson Bennett
It's tasteful lewding.
Grayson Long
>try to ignore them lad >its just the reddit Ignoring cancer doesn't work, unfortunately.
Adrian Mitchell
she will never be real user, so stop feeding into my (our) pain
James Rogers
We call it Khormalu (خرمالو) and i think it's disgusting and unsavory.
Austin Fisher
>she will never be real user, SInce the mods are spineless faggots we have to deal with them
Brandon Hill
Everytime you post that you edit it a little dont you?? or am i going insane i know you do
Wyatt Harris
>Tugging at the strings on her bikini
Evan Edwards
I haven't edited it, i think you are just obsessed with me.
Christian Russell
So anynews from the SDF about the PMU at the border?
Cooper Campbell
Don't worry lad I'm German as you can get.
If we would do it right we could actually do it right. The issue with it is more the german lower classes are rotten to the core and actually you won't recognize any difference between german lower class and a refugee. The issue is way deeper than you think. The assimilation of refugees turks and so on simply fails because they think its alright to behave like this because we wenr over the critical mass long ago. ~90's And you notice a big difference between turks that came before the 90's and after. The ones before behave as as a german in general most of them are not religious at all and allso eat pork.
After the 90's germany wasn't that good anymore people the lower class started to grow rapidly. Amd with it came anti social behavior.
The point still is to have moral is you have to treat everyone equality. And measure the same. This makes us better then the American or jew "it's only good if i do it"
What wat germany currently is doing is they measure just from the other direction. This means refugees get more support then some others that might need it more. And this is the failure and not taking rafugees in general
Parker Cox
>its okay to flood your country with niggers if they assimilate
John Thomas
the assassination attempt is most likely a story fabricated by saudi to make the resignation happen
Gavin Myers
>she will never be real user only one way to find out lads. if i die, i might encounter a blue haired goddess, but their is only one problem: how will i get isekaid if i am not from japan?
Julian Rivera
If they would assimilate they would be better germans then a lot actually germans.
Would you like to have a family with a smart shitskin or a retarded german?
Luke Garcia
I'm hearing shooting near the sabra area
Kayden White
David Davis
>smart shitskin
Hudson Moore
Hannible is pepperoni Riperoni
Caleb Harris
its gone now i shat my pants when I heard it at first will keep near the window with my phone for further developments
Blake Young
>mfw i cant awnser this with out being a cuck
Adrian Wright
go to the ruhrgebiet or berlin and enjoy the beautiful immigration ghettos filled with 3rd generation turks that can't speak one german sentence. The only reason why we don't have larger ghettos like france, britain and sweden is that we haven't let in so many 3rd worlders. Yet.
Jason Cox
you explained it very well. we reached critical mass of immigrants a long time ago. they are to many to succesfully adapt and they are so many that our german heritage will be diluted keep in mind that our genes are recessive. a tiny amount of shitskin blood can fuck up several generations i´d rather live in a homogenous society and gladly leave out on the positive aspects of multikulti. just look at japan, they are doing fine and they have enough problems with hikkineets and dense population. why take in more problems? i think we can agree on this one. just for the record: do you care about your race?
syrian rebels: al nusra druze: pro-assad israel: hates assad
the druze-minority is also present in israel.
Nicholas Butler
and to have concrete reason to attack hezbo?
Luis Gonzalez
Don't fall for this meme bro. Not arguing the average. But I doubt you can compete with my dentist (Iranian). I would rather hav kids with her then a lot german human waste in my neighborhood
Michael Jenkins
Charles Butler
So now that isis has been rekt how long do you think the kurdish free state is going to last?
Nathaniel Stewart
Individuals != populations, Hans. Talking mass-migration in terms of singular persons is ANTIFA-tier dumb.
Levi Evans
Isaac Reyes
>smart shitskin or a retarded german retarded german. even the most reaterded germans are still able to take a roll in society. they maybe dump as hell, but they still have some kind of drive to go out and work. an intelligent shitskin will still be able to destroy the german phenotype with his genes
Sebastian Lopez
a society doesn't take on the characteristics of outliers. I'm all for juding each individuum based on his/her merits, that doesn't mean i can't make generalizations that uncontrolled immigration from areas with sub standard education/incompatible cultural values is bad.
And if you only let in the intelligent ones you get problems like brain drain.
Grayson Moore
I mean you are not wrong but there is a limit you dont want to live in a germany where only every other person is a native, just because a person assimilates doesn't make him a native. this thinking while good, is short sighted its just a slower method of replacement
Andrew Evans
I thought they captured both the Samalka and Zakho(?) border crossing. I could be wrong. I can't confirm anything until I can find an article on the matter... I wanted to cite wikipedia, but their map has not been updated. Al-Qaim is still slated as being under Islamic State control on wikipedia, which is why I don't reference them.
Wyatt Collins
1. germany has a general downward trend in the birth rate among german couples 2. the gen pool is already exhausted (strange disases etc.) 3. german kartoffels will anyway be erased
Henry Richardson
>just because a person assimilates doesn't make him a native. this thinking while good, is short sighted >its just a slower method of replacement aqua-sama, please gift these beautiful user with wonderfull blessings
Lucas Murphy
>german kartoffels will anyway be erased
>the black plague >30 years of war >several wars between random Fürstentümer >two world wars in 40 years >still a comeback i strongly disagree
Connor Wright
>germans are still able to take a roll in society.
Noah Perry
But during the 40 year wars 40% of the german population died out and they still recovered population slumps are EXTERMLY common in history its just that now people value money over their own people a population will start to grow after a slump look at russia for eg
Jose Turner
I live in berlin dude. Depends on where you are going. Ether you face full blown german retadation in marzahn Hellersdorf. Or you ho to the neukôln gettos.
Other than that you find yourself mostly hipsters of all sorts german and shitskins in Kreuzberg Prenzlauer Berg or mitte
Allso i mentioned the hiw the first wave is just normal and everything after is retaded.
If you want to save Germans as a smart population the selection of breeding partners are very limited.
And people tend to fuck anything as long it has a cunt. This is not a issue of immigration. F you look close enough you see academics dont tend to breed with subhumans. But german subhumans breed with subhumans. I don't see a los at this point
Jayden Foster
the fella you posted won´t do any more harm than drinking to much alcohol ans stealing from time to time. this person is not even able to kick someone down the stairs on the train station (at least not with that leg)
Daniel Garcia
you never will understand it because you life in the past. plus you arent german nor the germans here at Sup Forums are representativ for the modern german society.
Blake James
Immigration =/= refugees I stated this and i believe its retaded to not send them back.
Justin Rodriguez
>1.5 million Turks
Germany NO! Get rid of them!
Ryan Nelson
If anything, refugees are more likely to be trouble.
Asher Ramirez
the first wave isn't "normal". Significant parts of their 3rd generation still don't speak our language and they created their own subcultures/ghettos wherever possible. The only first generation immigrants that integrated well were italians and greek.
Luke Jackson
>academics dont tend to breed with subhumans. male academics do.
Christian Gutierrez
>baby first shooting Aw, cute!
Dylan Barnes
now you know why germans bully greeks
Jonathan Clark
>But I doubt you can compete with my dentist (Iranian). unfortunately for your anecdote but i probably can Shame that for every dentist or whatever you get 20 mouthbreathing retards
Nathan Diaz
Levi Gutierrez
not really they happen frequently where I live what scared me is the context if a shooting were to start now you'd think its the start of a civil war
Tyler Lewis
you are doging my point populations slump and grow why replace your own for short term econmoic gain
Luis Morgan
What did Italians brought us? You think its bad if a polak is shoplifting?
Wait till you figured out how big the Italian mafia is involved in construction working especially in berlin.
Charles Robinson
Hezbo Bradleys when?
Ethan Jones
>If you want to save Germans as a smart population the selection of breeding partners are very limited. you seem to confuse intelligence and education. the biggest indicator for intelligence is how the kid got raised. if the parents aren´t academics, they are less likely to tea h the child how to pursue an academic career. the same child can be raised in an elitist family and will do very well in terms of education and therefor intelligence. of course, about 10% of the population are above average with some super talents mixed in, but the "lower class" you are talking about is part of my environment. they aren´t really interested in science as much as i am, but they have several talents i don´t posses.
Brayden Edwards
Are you telling me every belgian is capable of being a dentist?
Hunter Jenkins
Evening lads! doing full OP update...
John Reyes
Real assassination when?
Brayden Martinez
>Germany NO! Get rid of them! doing my part (i look really angry at them if i pass them)