Stop having children, peasants.
Stop having children, peasants
> says stop having children
> cue 20 years later
> only english people listened to him and now the country is predominantly pakistani and muslim
> gets killed in public and replaced with a sultan
It's not as if all first world countries have negative population growth or anything. He must be talking about Africa.
There are too many though. We'd be good with like, 3 million.
Anyone have some sources for
> too many people
Too many British people, he means. Plenty of room for Africans and Muslims, though, not to mention Pajeets. Note that he doesn’t want to decrease their numbers.
He is not wrong tho
At this rate we will have over 3 times more people than we have today in just 100 years
The show Utopia mirrors a lot of what the "elite" drone on about.
Also, Willie can't say jack shit. He's got two kids of his own and his grandma regularly kills teen girls in her estates.
doesn't he have three kids
then he should help out and kill himself
How long until the muzzies take out the royal family?
No, only white people who love their race have three or more kids. Two or fewer means one wants to wipe out whites, because two or fewer is below actual replacement levels. He has two kids.
>two more than most of Sup Forums
To many monarchs and royals not pulling their own weight. Off with their heads!
He's right but what these ppl dont say is the whole truth.
Theres too many ppl... in fucking africa most especially.
No shit. Chinese stop breeding, but Indians niggers and sand niggers are third worlders who cannot even read a fucking article.
Nice try, Willuminati
Lizard royalty talking about overpopulation just as a Plague epidemic hits Africa, huh?
Is anyone else feeling sleepy? I think we should all rest. Aren't your goyim eyes getting heavy? You've had a long morning so far, why not just lie down and allow yourself some relaxation.
Well it is an issue.
his wife is pregnant with the third
We need to get rid of poor people. That way in the future, everyone will be rich.
It is an issue that can be dealt with by contraception programs for non whites, not by wiping out the living.
Take back India and Pakistan and kill them.
Actually. I will be more specific. Contraception for African 3rd worlders.
>stop having children
>we need to import people from MENA because our population is declining
Nuke Africa and Middle-East then.
When Willy is ready to go out and kill millions of shit skins, I'll listen.
Thank God at least one white family out there has three kids. I take it back, Anglos, your prince is okay. Be like him and have at least three British children.
I agree with his statement in general but they aren't going to stop then we sure as fuck shouldn't stop.
Rich, considering I can't check out at the grocery store without being confronted by racks of tabloids gushing about his children.
>the eternal anglo strikes again
the perfidious albion needs to be stopped
There are too many people, but you can never have too many Anglos
>There's too many people in the world stop having kids
>But there's not enough people bring in all the immigrants!
Which is it you genocidal fucks
False. Every fucking couple years people drone on about overpopulation meme. 100 years ago they said our pop levels today would be impossible. Huge issue with this shit, like a lot of economic models, they totally forget or dismiss technological improvements. Scarcity and need is the mother of innovation. Hell we could produce even more food today then we do, if we alotted the right amount of resources to it. Think about how much of the population actually works in the agriculture industry. Not many compared to previous generations.
Basically this whole "overpopulation/carrying capacity" shit is a meme. And if it were a problem there are a few simple solutions: genocide, sterilization/contraception for Africa/India/China, or another world war to deplete our surplus
literally who
Because Africa. But it's racist to ask them to keep it the fuck under control, so white people need to disappear.
>there are too many non-whites in the world
the want you dead
It makes just so much sense to ask the most creative and transformative civilization in human history to self-immolate to preserve the existence of everyone else. Madness.
Also this x 10,000 people need to bring it up every god damned time someone mentions """overpopulation""".
i think the british government should push natives to have 5+ kids.
go back to the good ol fdays. big families. big community. lots of patriotism.
To be fair to him, he's not a vocal supporter of mass immigration.
Fuck them. They did nothing while their country was conquered.
Here Bill Ryerson is making an important point. The fertility rates in the most populous country, Nigeria is 5.7. The average desired amount of children among nigerian women is 7, the average desired amount of children among nigerian men is 9. Because they are limited by poverty in their home country to achieve their desires, they are driven to Europe and USA to achieve that desire further fueling mass immigration.
Stop having children Niggers
It's pretty rich to see a royal complain about others being a burden on resources.
The annual upkeep on the immediate royal family alone is enough to feed millions across the world. It's like 200 mil a year for just the queen. Oh, and the royals don't even pay for that - British taxpayer foots that bill.
ya but africans chinese and indians have to pay attention to this problem
not us.
I agree but it should be more selective breeding. For example, no hairlets like Prince William.
Tell that to the muslims and africans, Prince William
He could kill himself, put his money where his mouth is
>stop having kids
>we need immigrants because you stopped having kids
>stop having kids white people we already have more than enough
>just kidding, we actually need more people, but seeing how you stopped having children we need to import more brown people
Tell that to the brown people.
White people are having less kids anyway.
Is that why he is cool with ISIS threatening his son? If I were him I would start deporting Muslims starting with the mayor after that. The royal family does realize that when the Muslims take over they’re not going to be royal anymore right? And it’s not like Canada is not going to be taken over by muslims. So they can’t go there to be royals. America never will have royals so we won’t adopt them even if we manage to not be taken over. Autrailia isn’t likely to adopt them as royals either. What is their endgame? Just let their people be ran off or killed before their eyes and then what?
Oh, how about he starts by topping himself? Guy is on welfare for crysake
Yet, he is still popping out kids with his whore wife.
He's not talking about white people.
He's talking about africans and the impact they are having on wildlife. He's been listening to his grandfather Prince Philip.
Oh, I agree... I was just asking for the timeline
I agree with this douche on this topic. We need to stop having as many kids. Westerns are doing this already - but we fuck our selves by importing third world backwards retards in to make up for it. It's lose lose for Western civilization, and lose lose lose lose lose for planet earth. Let the third world either fix itself, or die from disease.
Yeah, what a fucking retard. ffs
>niggers and muslims increasing
>whites decreasing
>he says there are too many "people" in the world.
Is the Prince our guy
The problem is that they have to wrap it into an anti-white package and say that the problem is not population growth in poor countries, its the population in white countries, because their carbon footprint is larger.
Even if they want to say that the billions of poor people will never be able to reach our standard of living because it would destroy the earth, they still paint white people as devils. Even though they have been the only ones who has practiced conservative population growth in order to afford a higher standard of living. White people, who have the IQ to predict the future consequences and structure our society to accommodate for available resources are being shamed because we have afforded ourselves a higher standard compared to the useless fucking niggers who kept shitting out more niggers without a second thought.
Even completely woke racist can be heard blaming white people for their "carbon footprint". I know they are doing it because they want to get the discussion going but it will never work, they will only attract the money and interest from anti-white people and organisations who will use their arguments and research to further undermine white society.
The royals have no power numbnuts. When the muslims take over they'll rape his children and make him watch.
>Huge population spikes across all Africa, India and China
>Declining native population in Europe
>White people are still somehow a factor in the "earth is too crowded" argument
Never gets old.
If you listen to what he said. He explicitly called out Africa whose population is set to double to 2.4bn and is currently on an average monthly growth of 3mn new babies.
In comparison right now the European(white) population worldwide is a little over 9% of world population.
In 1950 the worlds population was 2.6bn and the races were equal in numbers near enough. Now its too far thanks to idiotic misguided leftists and their obsession with (((foreign aid))) and (((charities))).
He did call out Africa.
He’s actually referring to niggers but he said it in a cucky way.
The correct way to say it is “There are too many monkeys in this world”
if it was Prince Phillip he wouldn't mince words
"All you black bastards need to be sterilised".
So stop sending aid to Africa, Bongland
Yes please
Tell your geriatric dumb cunt grandma to do something about the niggers then.
Not true. How many UK polticians kiss ass to have a one on one conversation with the Queen or a prince?
How about stop sending aid to Africa then?
It's not wypipo's fault though, it's the niggers, island gooks, and indians doing all the fucking.
THEY are the ones who need to stop.
To many people - with small hands.....
>Stop having children, peasants.
I have better proposition: let's kill all celebrities who liberal and over 40-50 y.o, childfree, liberals, LGBQEODJS...Z, feminazi, and maybe couple of others. I bet the Earth will become a better place after that.
Sounds like he should support restricitive immigration policies.
There are too many africans, indians, south americans, middle easterners and several others, however. They don't care if you tell them to stop having kids regardless if that is a big part of why their societies are so poor and also starvation is a thing, so instead white people who should actually have MORE kids instead of less, they are the only ones who listen and do something they are NOT supposed to do.
He's actually right if he excludes white people who need to have more. But shitskins don't care.
>there are too many people in the world
>but european countries and japan are facing a dangerous population shrinkage
>you better let a ton of migrants flood into your country to reproduce and solve this crisis
I'm getting real tired of this blatant contradictory shit.
This is the thing with these comments, instead of saying it like that, why don't he grow some balls and call out the very specific nations and areas where this is a problem. He damn well know where it is, but he says it in such a way that people think he implies that europeans and westerners should have less children. This is not true. He doesn't have the stones to tell the shitskins and niggers to tone it down for their own good.
I disagree. We need to send more aids to africa.
the fertility rate is below replacement rate, what a dumb imbred moron
why are u dickheads staying up so late
All your solutions are inhumane and not pr friendly.
The only thing we know that works it's what we did with whites, high standards of living and visual culture.
There are too many Royals & Royalists in the world. Let's end that shit for good. 21st century & there's still monarchies. KEK
>He said to the demographic with already declined birth rates instead of the demographics that breed like animals.
Well, Why not one child policy Africa and Asia.
>Well, Why not one child policy Africa and Asia.
Should have been a thing long ago, including in middle east and south america for that matter.
>Africa, bangladesh, India, and China producing 19 kids for every one 1 kids in Europe and North America
>Europe and North Americans need to have less kids
Sure, we are asshole and elbows here in the wide vast lands of montana.
Just sterilize every male with a tone of 125-160 using this chart as a reference.
Problem solved.
He's talking about Africa, Middle East, Asia et cetera. The west already have an aging population.
answer me bitch
These "too many people in the world" types should lead the way by becoming sterilized and joining the war effort to reduce populations in the third world since they breed like rabbits.
he's right though, we should wipe out africa
He would convert to Islam ahead of time and then happily accept the demands of the Muslims to return to absolute monarchy.
British royals are playing the long game.
Shut up faggot. I'm here every night. You're only here tonight because your mum let you stay up because no school tomorrow.
Is he a royal any longer if he mates with normal people?