And it WILL fall to Islam.
Christianity is Weak and Feminine
White Sharia now.
If Christianity is so weak why do you still fear "the crusaders" coming into your countries?
>christianity so weak its been raping and piliging mudslimes for a 1000 years with little to no consequence
Christianity was designed to be weak and feminine , the idea was to stabilize fertility rates to some 3 sons per family or 4.
Also preventing poligamy which causes excess men which causes war.
The west will fall to islam because estrogen in water not because christianity.
you can attack Christianity all you want but we will still accept you friend Jesus Saves :)
Islam leads many people to Hell, turn to Christ
We turn the other cheek until its Deus Vult time.
Keep pushing.
>muslims invade the U.S. south to kill dirty Christians
>armed women shoot the fuck out of them
>muslims died by a woman's hand
You're a special kinda stupid if you believe Islam would ever "conquer". You couldn't conquer Europe when you were near the same level of military advancement, how can you conquer any armed faggot now?
Islam is WEAK and FEMININE and will fall to Judaism
That was white people sweetie Christianity was just there for the ride dumb nugget fuck
Oh so you admit its white people right? Its not Christianity its white people.
Everyone who dislikes Christianity is Islamic?
God doesn't abandon His children.
You're going to see all the wicked heathens die violently tbqh. It says quite clearly in Revelation how stubborn people are by not repenting.
Fire, sulfur, poison, literal angels killing billions. Should have accepted God.
>christianity is weak and feminine
>posts catholics
catholics are not christian, or human.
(It's not supposed to be, but it is now.)