>British holidaymaker, 33, 'faces the death penalty' in Egypt for carrying £23 worth of painkillers in her suitcase after police forced her to sign 38-page confession in Arabic >Laura Plummer was arrested with tramadol tablets after flying to Egyptian resort >The drug is only available with a prescription in the UK but is illegal in Egypt >The 33-year-old claims she was forced to sign a 38-page Arabic confession >Mrs Plummer is said to still be wearing the same clothes she flew out in
Toll will be paid. This is what she gets for traveling to a Muslim nation.
Aaron Green
Good one less white womb to create a white baby.
Brandon Powell
>This is what she gets for traveling to a Muslim nation. check article, she is traveling with her man "Omar" and claims the "painkiller" Tramadol was for him. she wanted enrichment, she got it
Alexander Murphy
Enjoy the beautiful brown culture from inside a fucking Egyptian prison you cunt hahaha
Blake Powell
Based Egypt
Levi Young
carrying opioids "for a friend"........
Jaxon Flores
She knew the risks, and is now paying the price. Otto Warmbier was a stupid fuck that deserved what he got as well. Follow the rules of the country you're visiting, or else.
Isaac Harris
Damn no mercy from the yankees.
Blake Adams
Christopher Kelly
>her man
She married him. Omar himself is who tipped off the authorities to cash in on that sweet sweet life insurance, or gofundme gibs from the internet. This woman's life is a trainwreck, not fit for this world. Seems a mercy is being conducted by removing her from this mortal coil.
James Lewis
How drawl indeed!
Carson Torres
Egypt threatens the death penalty over a wet fart as a negotiating tactic for plea deals. They sentenced a whole fuck ton of Muslim Brotherhood fags to death when the military took over the country again but nothing came of it iirc.
Isaac Jones
at least she touched nobody on the hip..
Logan Gomez
>race traitor >holidaying in a muslim country >shit skin got her to smuggle drugs
Hope they kill her soon.
Thomas Fisher
>She knew the risks, and is now paying the price She probably didn't. Tramadol is a common prescription medicine here, and she likely thought absolutely nothing about packing something the doctor gave her into her hand luggage.
Ignorant yes, but it's hard to blame her.
In fact, she will have had it checked by airport security who will have at least had the information that she was travelling to Egypt, and they let her through regardless.
Gavin Torres
Yeah UK should boycott Egypt. And lets see what will happened if they shut the Suez canal for the british cargo. Damn! I was expecting from the Brits to be smarter.
Nolan Clark
Dumb whores being dumb. Who gives a fuck?
Andrew Davis
>The 33-year-old claims she was forced to sign a 38-page Arabic confession Yeah that doesn't mean the same thing over there luv. All the best.
Jace Torres
>And lets see what will happened if they shut the Suez canal for the british cargo.
Nathaniel Sullivan
bet this is a fake story, pic looks like feminism or whores
Bentley Hall
>And lets see what will happened if they shut the Suez canal Greatest allies will happen.
Lucas Gutierrez
Sedatives in general are outlawed outside of a pre-surgery environment. Her husband is Egyptian and knew the risks, as did she, but they took the risks anyway. He won't stand up for her, or risk his freedom by covering for her. She will rot in jail, he'll make an internet jackpot off sites like facebook and reddit, and marry an Egyptian Muslim half his first wife's age. Mark my words.
Asher Walker
That's why you always carry prescriptions when you travel
Stupid whore
Aaron Martinez
good riddance
Chase Thomas
>No mercy from burger If it's true what the American says here
Then she really must be a bit dim. Why on earth any white western woman would travel to Egypt makes no sense, do they not research where they go to? It's not like Karl Pilkington although the programme title fits her to a tee
Juan Morris
>visiting any shithole thirdworld country
This degeneracy must be paid with your life.
Luis Kelly
It's like watching high schoolers duel in facts
Connor Sullivan
>>And lets see what will happened if they shut the Suez canal for the british cargo.
If i remember correctly the last time you tried something like this, they kicked your ass and you stopped being a superpower.
Ian Hall
How's the basement Harrison?
Ryan Fisher
she will be released,no way a former colony will pull that shit
if they kill her it will kill their tourism,last time there was an attack we ended flights there and there was egyptians all over fb autistically screeching on random news articles from the uk saying egypt is safe and they should complain to the govt to open up tourism flights
egypt NEED our tourism bucks,we are one of the biggest patreons
if we stop their GDP would plumet
Justin Brooks
>going to the middle east >going to the middle east with drugs >going to the middle east as a woman >going to the middle east with drugs as a woman Toll will be paid
Nolan Sanchez
Easy solution: Stay the fuck out of useless degenerate third world shit holes like Egypt, and anywhere else muzzies have infested.
Blake Reed
>they kicked your ass It was [[[international pressure]]] in other words - US.
Joseph Baker
It's actually very easy to blame her when you aren't brainwashed into thinking people shouldn't have to take responsibility for their actions
Adam Russell
Very fishy story. Omar's back pains. So why didn't Omar carry his drugs himself?
Nathan Moore
That was the US's doing. They would not in that situtation.
Jack Wright
true it was one of the cases america shit on an ally for personal gain
i like the yanks but when it comes to money i dont trust them
Anthony Sanders
Fried the kebab, paid the tab
Adrian Williams
>It was [[[international pressure]]] in other words - US. Resignation of Anthony Eden as British Prime Minister, end of Britain's role as a superpower[5][6][7]
That doesn't seem like international pressure, more like Ahmed buttfucked us.
Asher Hall
roastie btfo
Jonathan Taylor
Because he lives in Egypt, she only sees him 4 times a year. It gets better and better
Carter Sullivan
Is oil really worth dealing with one of the most evil countries on earth?
Wyatt Gray
Culturally enriched
Nicholas Nguyen
>OMG I was only smuggling drugs, what did I do wrong?
Hudson Allen
Read more than one paragraph about the Suez Crisis if you are going to shitpost about it.
Lincoln Powell
No, they took control of Suez, but were made to retreat, I read about it a bit, one idea is that US viewed arabs (Egypt too) as potential allies, so they made Israel and bongs to get out. Only after Egypt went to Soviet side did Israel beamed it's "greatest ally".
Robert Bailey
> kekkonen
Aaron Davis
You Greeks aren't very intelligent, are you?
Brody Bell
*became At any rate, do you think they will let her out?
Kayden Bailey
>Tramadol is a common prescription medicine here Is it common? I know it's prescribed to alcoholics who are going through physical withdrawal symptoms
Adrian Cooper
>That was the US's doing. They would not in that situtation.
This is just another reason why you cant bomb them. (except from the defeat back then)
Michael Diaz
>Egypt is blocking one of the main arteries of international trade >US, centre of globalism, is going to let them do that never mind back them in it
It's common enough that people know it by name.
Carter Lopez
>Read more than one paragraph about the Suez Crisis if you are going to shitpost about it.
End of british empire. What else matters?
Juan Turner
woohoo lets take our slutty white asses to a muslim shithole and paaaaaaaaarrrrrrty WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
dumb cunt i hope they execute her
Eli Fisher
>History can be condensed into one sentence I hope you're only pretending.
Mason Price
Posts like these allow me to sleep peacefully at night
Eli Howard
>US viewed arabs (Egypt too) as potential allies They was already allies.
Jacob Butler
Sucked on falafel Rest of her life in a cell
Jacob Rodriguez
>I hope you're only pretending.
1)Suez Crisis: Britain The political and psychological impact of the crisis had a fundamental impact on British politics. Anthony Eden was accused of misleading parliament and resigned from office on 9 January 1957. Eden had barely been prime minister for two years by the time of his resignation, and his unsuccessful handling of the Suez Crisis eclipsed the successes he had achieved in various government and opposition roles over the previous 30 years.[367]
Eden's successor, Harold Macmillan, greatly accelerated the process of decolonisation and sought to recapture the benevolence of the United States.[368] He enjoyed a close friendship with Eisenhower, dating from the North African campaign in the Second World War, where General Eisenhower commanded allied invasion forces and Macmillan provided political liaison with Winston Churchill.[369] Benefiting from his personal popularity and a good economy, Macmillan's government increased its Parliamentary majority in the 1959 general election. The Suez crisis, though a blow to British power in the Near East, did not mark its end. Britain intervened successfully in Jordan to put down riots that threatened the rule of King Hussein in 1958 and in 1961 deployed troops to Kuwait to successfully deter an Iraqi invasion; the latter deployment had been a response to the threats of the Iraqi dictator General Abd al-Karim Qasim that he would invade and annex Kuwait.[370] However, at the same time, though British influence continued in the Middle East, Suez was a blow to British prestige in the Near East from which the country never recovered.[370]
Christian Adams
Tramadol is not an opioid you stupid faggot.
Xavier Moore
2) Suez Crisis
Increasingly, British foreign policy thinking turned away from acting as a great imperial power. During the 1960s there was much speculation that Prime Minister Harold Wilson's continual refusals to send any British troops to Vietnam, even as a token force, despite President Lyndon B. Johnson's persistent requests, was partially due to the Americans failing to support Britain during the Suez Crisis. Edward Heath was dismayed by the US opposition to Britain during the Suez Crisis; as Prime Minister in October 1973 he refused the US permission to use any of the UK's air bases to resupply during the Yom Kippur War,[371] or to allow the Americans to gather intelligence from British bases in Cyprus.[372]
The British relationship with the United States did not suffer lasting consequences from the crisis. "The Anglo-American 'special relationship' was revitalised immediately after the Suez Crisis," writes Risse Kappen.[373] The United States wanted to restore the prestige of its closest ally and thus "The two governments ... engaged in almost ritualistic reassurances that their 'special relationship' would be restored quickly". One example came with Britain's first Hydrogen bomb test Operation Grapple which led to the 1958 US–UK Mutual Defence Agreement.[374] Six years after the crisis, the Americans amazed the British by selling them state-of-the-art missile technology at a moderate cost, which became the UK Polaris programme.[375]
Nolan Green
Its a synthetic opiod that acts on opiod receptors. Just what the fuck were you thinking when you made this post you obese mongoloid?
John Hill
>continues to post the effects rather than the actual situation that hapened, when it happened Address that, or we're done here.
Gabriel Taylor
And there's still some people over here who think they can go there and bomb them, especially now where America needs Egypt.
Isaac Richardson
BASED Egyptians ridding the world of coal-burning roasties
Owen Brown
>married an egyptian >carrying prescription drugs for him without doctors letter (assuming they were prescribed) >didn't ask for embassy staff on detention >signed confession >went to media about it instead of letting embassy do its job
guarantee shes turning tricks for jail staff right now, shes obv. that dumb
Jace Carter
>>continues to post the effects rather than the actual situation that hapened, when it happened
Egypt who fight alone 3 different armies ask for help the America, and America stopped your global dominance with one call.
Nathaniel Murphy
>going to jail for tramadol. At least go down for narcotics grade narcotics.
Jacob Parker
>America stopped your global dominance with one call. One call and a world war, yes. Seriously though, Egypt are not so dumb as to muck about with global trade like that. It would not end well for them.
Chase Williams
Have fun being hung from a crane you stupid race traitor slut.
Colton Sanchez
The coal burner must submit is Egyptian law, I suggest stoning.
Jaxon Lee
Her womb was going to create a tax burden named omar jr
Hudson Garcia
Islam is peace. lol kek. i'm guessing one of those pills she took was a red one
Logan Lee
has something of natural selection doesn't it ?
Ayden Cox
>One call and a world war, yes. Seriously though, Egypt are not so dumb as to muck about with global trade like that. It would not end well for them.
All the oil who keep the American industry alive crossing the Suez canal. So use your brain and think why America choose them. Before the WW2 began, the Americans had plans to invade Canada and stop your global influence. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_Plan_Red
Ryder Long
>roastie >in her 30s >travelling to exotic countries for vacation >exotic boyfriend >tons of painkillers on her
lol gas it
Parker Brooks
>implying she isn't perpetually single
Lincoln Watson
>All the oil who keep the American industry alive crossing the Suez canal Exactly.
>Oh hey USA, we've decided to block one of your NATO allies shipping for some reason and we could do the same to you, is that cool?
I remind you that they triggered Article 5 because of some random goat herders with a plane hitting the world trade centre.
Levi King
lies make you sleep peacefully? pathetic
Asher Morales
>>Oh hey USA, we've decided to block one of your NATO allies shipping for some reason and we could do the same to you, is that cool?
You know that NATO exist back then and America support Egypt? They was ready to use force against you Israel and France.
Oliver Powell
Because you speak the same language that doesn't mean America will do any favor to you. Americans have their own personal interests.
Joshua Ward
>marry a muslim >expect to live a Western lifestyle
Sad. White women are the death of the white race. Look at these whores. Literally a whore marrying a fundamentalist Muslim. I'll never understand it. The only conclusion is that they are addicted to non-white men and want the white race to die. All white women are like this. They'd race be stoned to death by their Muslim husband than to be married to a white man. Muslim men can literally beat their wives and rape them and white feminist women will defend it and want it to happen to all women across the country but if a white man stands up to pee he's a misogynistic woman hating toxic masculinity danger to society.
The real problem is white men not beating white women into submission. You let women do what they want and they destroy civilization for black and brown dick.
Colton Richardson
The situation was different. Killing our empire was a goal of the USA at the time - something something muh freedoms 1776.
Today the USA would not jump in for Egypt, and the UK has, if needed, the ability to wreck them alone.
Caleb Lewis
Thanks, based Egypt!
Wyatt Fisher
God you fags are stupid sometimes. Egypt has many tourist resorts on the Sinai peninsula and they're pretty cheap. Flying down for a week of a sunlight doesn't necessarily mean she's looking for Ahmed's cock. And she might have a prescription for that prescription drug.
Julian Garcia
Indeed they do. Like not letting a rouge nation decide to play stupid games with international, which is vital to American interests, trade.
Robert Campbell
>The real problem is white men not beating white women into submission. Nah, women want men to fight and die over them because then women feel valuable They create problems and want men to solve them, right now they are shitting up stuff as a protest against "old" society
Ethan Martinez
>She might give me pussy if I defend her on the internet >Whiteknight logic
She will be executed you stupid fucking cuck
Julian James
>taking the Newspaper comment section seriously Most of the people are ironically illiterate oldies, barely capable of turning on a computer.
Noah Nguyen
read the article dumbass it says she has an egyptian boyfriend
Samuel Walker
what a faggot this woman is If I'd get a toyboy who could ruin my life I'd make sure that he'd at least be worth it. This one is not even straight looking. He looks like a gay kindergardener from Canada. And arab men are such easy sluts. They give ass to mouth even to 200lbs women they barely know. And if you're male you can stick your cock into them without condom and then they'll suck you off after it. Arabs and North African men have zero decency. I would never invest one cent in an arab male if I'd just using him for an easy lay, nor would I travel with him to his homeland
Christopher Morales
This pirate knows much about plundering booty
Thomas Moore
Dollar store Trudeau
Xavier Ramirez
Don't care desu. I know the type of people who go to third-world Arab countries for their holidays, funnily enough the most degenerate people I know. Only worthless tards holiday in Egypt and the like.
Jackson Howard
aha so it's a bezness story. Those men get girlfriends from Europe and don't let them know that they are not the only one. Then they talk arabic faggot shit like "Habibi" "I miss you" and then their girlfriend visits them whenever she can afford and helps him out when "his father is sick" "his brother is in prison" "I want to start a beach bar" the goal is money and eventually a ticket to Europe