This thread is for the discussion of italian politics and the organization of Italian political movements.
le 1\16384 italian-american welcome.
/IPG/ Ita-pol general - Speakish english edition
Hijacking your thread for a minute, how do I take over the world?
Volantino da stampare/riprodurre con i pennarelli se siete poveri, stasera o domani sera se vi sta più comodo.
We're gonna plaster theese things around Italian highschools, it reads: "be careful of [comunist teachers]'s lies! we have the right ef existing we have the duty of defending ourselves"
You don't
as i proposed in the former thread, why don't we arrange a discord? (i for one am still kinda old-school and i prefer to use irc, but whatever)
also, does any of you still use diochan?
Sisde niggers tracking this thread
Your navy exists EXCLUSIVELY to rescue Africans trying to migrate to Europe. Why?
Prima volta che faccio un discord, suggerimenti accetti, state anonimi mi raccomando.
because sweden pays us bick bucks if we ship the dindus to them in order to satisfy their women
neat, i'm gonna join as soon as i'm done eating my spaghetti
Daily reminder that he's coming back
Our navy started bringing niggers back to north africa, much to the tears of commies NGOs.
>top cuck coming back
joking aside, there's literally a soros Open Society Foundation in sicily that is currently being investigated by the chief prosecutor of Catania for promoting illegal immigration.
kek, can you imagine how a meeting between him and trump would look like? it'd be glorious
Trump, Silvio and Putin
it's happening
Otherwise, he's gonna be the "right-coalition" leader
sono deficente
discord punto gg/
So, you think the Lega Nord can successfully break up Italy? I was in the Veneto a couple of months ago, and there were separatist graffiti and posters everywhere. One of the guys I was with was a filthy communist from Tuscany who was really triggered every time he saw the Lion of St. Mark stenciled on a bridge or wall.
Did the Veneto and Lombardy autonomy referndums do anything?
No, they would need the terroni's vote to win and unless they are braindead (higly probable) they won't vote against their own interests
Who gains the most from the current electoral law? does the right have a chance?
the left is done for desu. Besrlusconi has the most chances to win the next election if he does the appropriate alliances
This nigga is just a soc who hate niggers
>separatisti veneti
Nah, they are just a bunch of special kids. No one takes them seriously.
Maybe they get the special status, like sicily or sardegna, but it's very unlikely.
nah, they're not relevant at all. don't take russia today's word at face value when they compare catalonia to the northern italian's separatist movement
the Government will finally negotiate with them to trigger the third comma article 116 (only region who had negotiations was Emilia Romagna a few days prior of the referendum, but only because it's a centre-left region and to prove the referendum was useless; meanwhile Veneto had asked it multiple times to no avail in the past)
Toscan commie triggered by symbols of an history that lasted 1100 years
Not surprised desu
there's already one iirc
>implying there's any doubt his good goy party will win
>implying the elections won't be rigged anyway
join the discord Italianons
discord PUNTO gg / WVtSBR (senza spazi in mezzo)
So will Italy become a looser confederation, or a unified republic with autonomous regions?
nothing is going to happen anytime soon
"the instant invite is invalid or has expired"
the latter
This one will never expire
What do you guys want for Italy in the future and what do you think will happen?
>what do you want for Italy in the future
to hang all the (((politicians))) and for the country to unfuck itself
>what do you think will happen
nothing, our Stasi is actually competent and nothing short of a extremely big SHTF event is going to make people do shit
What region you from?
Sorry familia, wont happen unless you convince the regions north of you to do the same.
the secessione train is already gone.
we can only hope for more autonomy
get rid of the fucking maghrebis, bologna is infested
one day...
Spero che abbiate tutti fatto il vostro dovere di Italiani ovvero ascoltare almeno un'opera di Giuseppe Verdi alla settimana.
Le 1/16384 Italian-American checking in from none other than Neeew Yooork. Should i come back to the homeland and acquire a nice qt pure bred Sicilian?
aggiungi l' url di Sup Forums alla fine
reminder that siciians are borderline niggers and should be treated as such
Kys you mut
But I'm not sicilian
>pure bred sicilians
good luck buddy
wtf perché ho quella bandiera se sto phonepostando col wifi?
Honest question:
Why do you guys hate Southern Italians so much?
>inb4 half Arabs
Why didnt you protect your brethren from their savage invasions then?
sicilianon here
the situation is way worse here than there,northern italianons
>hurr durr arabs
>forgetting that the normans pretty much killed all the arabs
>forgetting that they only managed to occupy the bigger cities (Catania,Palermo,Siracusa) and not advance into inner sicily
You know how american hapas hate white people?
Same thing. 99% of terroni-hating northerners are at least half southern themselves.
I'm living on Sardinia for some years. Italian politics is a disaster. Only thing that saves italy is its wonderful people. I love you guys.
I don't, They are are usually somewhat mixed, the sicilians and calabrians, the rest of soutehrn italy is more pure. They are all really friednly and good people to be around though, naples aside.
How do you call Pepperoni in Italy?
Salame Piccante
If for whatever unbelievable or improbable reason, Italian-Americans (one's that held onto tradition and didn't conform) are going to get genocided, would you welcome us back to the homeland?
>white genocide in the US
But yeah, I think most would accept, as long as you don't force American rhetoric on us.
becasue southerns are for the vast majority parasites whom only aim in life is to be sustained by the state with statal jobs that they don't risk to lose even if they were to stay at home for a month straight with a proven fake medical paper
Sicilians are fine ,but Naples is pure garbage.
I had a remote uncle come visit and ti was the best thing ever. You'll be welcome
Don't feed him, Italy must always remain united.
Do you think we'd get to chose where to go like where our families were from or just dumped into one place all together?
No fuck off, anything but american mass immigration, we don't want your "white guilt" shit over here.
keep crying
How mixed are the Italians of Apulia, especially Manfredonia?
There's only one kind of people here in Italy, italians.
I am united with whoever isn't a lazy asshole living of other's people work. These parasites are even north, i don't deny it, but their number is nothing compared to Sicily or Calabria
>pure bred Sicilian
nigger lover
I blame the mafia for that.
The truth is that most southerners are honest folk being oppressed by a parasitic minority. Instead of blaming them all, I'd be more in favour for a holocaust of the Mafia and all politicians close to it
I don't give a fuck about nationality, you can even be a nigger but if you work and play the taxes without breaking the law I'd welcome you gladly but if you are a lazy fuck then I don't care if you are 100% italian, you lose your job until you change your attitude
>White guilt
Pick one
desu the mafia transferred its power to being street-based as in the lead years to being more politics-based
also most of the mafia got away from sicily,simply because its stupid to steal from who is already poor
Me too, Mafia has the great part in south problems but still no one can deny that many people have accepted Mafia as a reality and don't even try to fight it anymore, they just pay what they must and try to exploit it as much as they can
literal albanians
You're still gonna bring that concept here because it's part of ther american culture, white or not. So fuck off and die on some corner in a dark alley in New Jersey.
Are our Mafias really connected?
Is the NY mob subservient to the Italy
Because when people really tried to fight it, the rest did nothing. The one who really tried to exterminate these parasites was Mussolini, and I'm not saying it because "DORMIRE A PORTE APERTE" or shit like that, he truly was a bane for the mafia at that time.
Italian-American culture is completely different from the traditional WASP culture
They started out as sicilian refugees, now they are their own thing. Infact mafia in 50s America was so good that they killed niggers for breakfast and they used them as slaves for gang wars.
>build whole villages abusively on beaches, then demand that the state uses the taxpayer's money to bring aqueduct and sewer infrastructures because "it's their right"
>hones folk
Silly amerimutt, you're the WASPs or the WOPS or how the fuck you call them. You're a disgrace to Italy and a bunch of cucks LARPing as Italians, true Italians wouldn't let USA become such a leftist and cucked shithole where people threaten Columbus statues.
Mafiosi shouldn't have human rights, people who melt kids in acid shouldn't be consider human
Sad how we are literally nothing now. All our territories are run by niggers or spics. Fucking FBI lets them do their thing but not let ours stay. The niggers have no concept of honor either.
I would like to melt them in acid, fucking parasites are a reason of why Italians don't trust each other.
Niggers have no finesse and organization, back then the Mafia mocked them because they were disorganized and fought each other like monkeys.
Wop is a racial slur against Italians
WASP is white-Anglo-saxon-protestant
This. They still haven't changed
I see.
I see where you're coming from. Nowadays most Italian-Americans aren't as interested in upholding traditions and supporting our Mob. The Mob was responsible for not letting us get trampled on. Now they're so disorganized and split into small groups competing for power, no one group has enough resources or power to stop this plague. Also the exodus of Italians from the city to the Mountains upstate doesnt help. All the old mobsters retired up there
>first generation italian
>i'll never be a proper italian
>i'll never have a proper culture, dating back thousands of years
>i'll never have any proper pride in not only my ethnicity but homeland that's justifiable and with reason aside from fabricated "american patriotism"
why'd they leave
fucking shoot me
Yes... I heard the same. Instead of fight the corruption, everyone tries to exploit it himself.
I heard that few years ago our mayor was buying votes for 100 euro each. Everyone were happy to trade their freedom off.
Learn Italian, de-colonize your mind from American propaganda (read: white guilt), find a job here. If you're a hard worker you'll be fine.