Which country has the most ideal, marriage women to start a family and propagate the white race?
I vote Russia. Russian women are gorgeous (can't walk out in public in Russia without a boner), loyal, great at cooking, generally Christian and firmly believe in Western values, having heard from their parents the horrors of communism.
What say you, Sup Forums, which women would you chose?
reminder that rape is the only way to make a woman orgasm
James Reed
Russia has the highest rates of HIV in the western world from sharing heroin needles you might want to reconsider.
Zachary Gonzalez
russian women are completely insane.
Ayden Young
>Russian women ideal wives >forgetting the societal anal epicdemic in Russia >implying Russian women are loyal you really get all of your info about Russian women from the "russian qt" threads on Sup Forums huh
Matthew Richardson
My friend you are SO wrong.
Worst whores ever, only care about money.
Bentley Russell
I unironically believe that every European Country -- minus England -- has beautiful and good women It all comes down to whether you want to look for them or not
Lucas Foster
No, definitly not czech republic.
We are shithole. Do not come
Hunter Hall
If you want to have a woman from a country such as Russia, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria you need to only say a few nice words and you'll have her. You have to be a foreigner, of course. The "men" (cucks really) from those nationalities make compliments and say that their women are the most beautiful in the world and how proud they are of this all the time, believe me, but most women still think those man are uncivilized, lazy and poor, unlike the great, civilized and rich foreigners
Ian White
Fucking liar, you just want your women for yourselves.
Wyatt Ortiz
Listen, I've worked with smoking babes from England over the summer. They can be hot.
Jayden Wright
Does this work if I'm Asian?
Justin Lee
one thing is sure, I would not marry a Japanese woman
Carson Williams
Ayden Carter
>Russian women >Loyal
Kevin Watson
Czech women are whores, they literally have STD Clinics every couple of blocks so they can get tested frequently because Czech girls fuck around so much.
James Johnson
Guys you might have not heard but please check out Georgia (country, not state). We are white, absolutely non muslims, have beautiful women and 90 percent are right wingers.
Brody Diaz
Russian women are traditional virgin Aryan women who are proud to be stay at home mothers and have many children. Simply the best women on earth.
Brayden Walker
Oh man. I work for a Japanese company and travel over there regularly, and my Japanese colleagues are obsessed with the idea of marrying me off to a Japanese girl. I don't think I could do it, they're just too damn different, great to look at but it'd be like marrying an alien.
Julian Foster
I fapped to this pic (((op))) hope they weren't traps
Leo Anderson
Danish most likely.
If Slav then Croatian, Western Ukranian, or Belarussian.
Kevin Scott
Ayden Cooper
>fake boobs >fake lips >trophy wife no thanks.
Noah Martin
>talks about family >posts whores Why are germans such dumbfucks? Leave it to germans to be massive faggots and cucks.
Michael King
you forgot to mention your writing looks elvish
Ryan Lopez
Where can I find women like this. . . Raven hair, pale skin, light sprinkling of freckles, and light eyes. Ahhhhhhnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng. GIB YENEFFER GF.
Carson Lewis
You are thinking with your dick, OP
Hudson Russell
>Croatian On what basis? Looks?
Chase Baker
Russian and Ukrainian women are simply God sent.
Jacob Morales
-nope -nope -and nope fake ass and liberal bitches are found mostly in Europe/USA. But if you want ideal women and good marriage i recommend Georgia, Russia, Ukraine, Poland maybe
Julian James
Jaxson Clark
How's that a plus?
Sebastian Sanders
Japanese girls sound like sobbing children when they fuck
I just cant do it...
Christian Harris
Jonathan Phillips
oh ye i forgot. if you like lord of the rings writing you will feel welcomed here!
Jaxson Garcia
In a post feminist world, good luck. It is cheaper to hire an escort.
Sebastian Martinez
Oh man, I you only knew...
Parker Harris
Not all of them.
Michael Robinson
>If fix
Carter Wood
I swear this cultural enrichment enforced to them made their people so retarded.
Austin Turner
You'll need to be rich or at least attractive tho
Elijah Foster
It's true. That is why there are so many eastern coal burner's. They are used to getting beaten for talking in their little shitty village, so as soon as someone compliments her or treats her even remotely well she swoons over him.
Gavin Taylor
Goddamn, I need to go Russia
Austin Russell
Anywhere but my home country of England. Girls here are as ugly as they are trashy & dumb
Juan Ross
Do go on ruski, enlighten us pls
John Ramirez
>women >loyal
Aiden Rodriguez
Literally how I look, but male.
Evan Williams
Is this bait i see before me?
Jaxson Gomez
It's common sense, how can you be so naive? Slav women are professional gold diggers.
Ethan Cook
If you figure it out, let us all know? You just described my perfect looking woman. Although I'll add, slim waist & big fuck off titties
Sebastian Stewart
>I vote Russia.
oh my sweet summer child. Russian women are materialistic, drink a lot and are very dominant and no, they are not innocent girls who stay at home. youtube.com/watch?v=HOBfZgivf18
Chances are also high she'll dump you after she got her green card
Leo Jones
Russian woman, or any woman for that matter, will jump dick if better opportunity presents, Russian or any Eastern Europe woman will do so, why do you think there are so many Polish, Lithuanian whores in UK? Russian women immigrate to USA or Dubai or some shit, cause they are gold diggers to the bone
Zachary Campbell
Andrew Cooper
Purely this. Also, not being Serbian.
Mason Wright
Fantasizing about women from other ethnic groups = cuckoldry
Here's a magic life pro tip: women from other countries aren't substantially different, and if you acquire one you now have a whole bunch of language, cultural and legal barriers to get through
James Sanchez
His post even suggests that you're so innocent user.
Jace Ramirez
Hummmm ...
You must go in the south of France to find that. Paris young inhabitants are just a bunch of degenerates, quite like in ny or any big western cities
Benjamin Adams
K. Why is the birth rate so low?
Benjamin Sanchez
with that attitude we can finalize that there are no good women and end the thread. Still i think russian, ukranian, georgian, polish are pretty good choice
Robert Campbell
small test size but NOT loyal at all, only crave attention
Lucas Parker
Ahh yes France, would have to look out in the country though.... Oh I can also look in Quebec. I've also seen some Russian girls that fit the bill
Patrician taste my friend.
Adam Martin
Russian women are attractive but hardly traditional, this is why Vlad punches the woman. Unless you find some decent ass in their mountainous regions, they seem overwhelmingly traditional.
Nathan Diaz
If they look anything like that eurovision singer Nina then I'm coming.
David Cook
Russian fertility stats say different.
Landon Brown
Right butt is best butt.
Austin Jenkins
Hamanna Hamanna!
Nicholas Gomez
You speak the truth.
Henry Jones
that guy looks more hot than plastic bitch would bang/10
Asher Peterson
Also very true. We always think that people in other countries are very different from ourselves. However we're really all the same overall. There is about the same types of people. It is more generational than anything else.
Jordan Clark
just get a young german girl from a rural area for fucks sake.
Nathan Rogers
This is part of why I haven't gone for one. I dunno, maybe I'd enjoy it, but in theory it weirds me the fuck out, especially because the language barrier makes it hard to figure out if I'm actually hurting her or not.
Also, I don't like hairy chicks.
Jaxson Price
Russian women are brain-dead. The only halfway decent chicks are Asian Muslims,ecause usually age well, no feminist bs, and sand ensuring virgin.
Nathaniel Morgan
yes and even better. sure not all - there are A LOT of ugly people in suburbs and countries but in capital and big cities you will be surprised how beautiful and even cute they are
Adam Thomas
Russia has been ruined by communism. The commies killed the best of the Russians. The generation of men who fought in WW2 had over 50% fatality rate between starvation, gulags and NAZIs. They have a fatalistic attitude and massive alcoholism
Hudson Murphy
oh not countries i meant villages sorry
Oliver Hernandez
Isaac James
> mfw
Wyatt Long
>russia Litteraly one of the jewish tribes, fuck off and save sweden
Gavin Gonzalez
Or Armenian, which is suddenly less sexy.
Owen Ross
fucking hell avoid armenia at all costs
James Thomas
>Fantasizing about women from other ethnic groups = cuckoldry Absolute truth
Elijah Perez
>We are white
nice try , Gogi
James Harris
This thread is pointless anyway, Sup Forums is searching for magical unicorn, that doesn't fucking exist
Isaiah Robinson
Parker Hall
lol not gogi not everyone is Giorgi or gogi here
Juan Jones
that's why i wrote that comment, everyone should stop searching white angel with pure soul and get down to the fuckin ground and get real
Isaac Taylor
Let's end this bullshit thread here
Wyatt Clark
but we both know that 90% of modern day georgians looks almost like turks and have shitty churka behavior
Levi Gutierrez
Just look at Finland.
Adrian Mitchell
this also ukrop whores are the same
Christopher Flores
Lincoln Moore
I agree that the butthurt belt between Germany and Russia has the most beautiful women on the planet, but many are poor and thus insane/evil, beautiful though they may be. That won’t stop me, but still.
Josiah Smith
Most slavic women are whores unfortunatly
>Russian >Aryan
choose one
Jackson Foster
Ok retard
Gabriel Jackson
It's not like they offer anything else.
Brody Nelson
if you are saying that georgians look like turks, i won't agree but i acknowledge the fact that those fuckers are too many here DEPORT!
Jack Davis
Russia is a good pick desu. That and Germany (before they got completely cucked)
Carter Martin
i mean that for me there is literally no difference between you and chechens or dagestani , beside christianity
Wyatt Howard
Ukranian and russian women are the pinnacle of Gods creation