There is literally no reason for H1B Visas to have a cap as many Americans are unqualified to work in high level positions.
There is literally no reason for H1B Visas to have a cap as many Americans are unqualified to work in high level...
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Qualifications have been inflated by the academia complex pumping out overqualified retards
What about the sentence structure or grammar in original post required the use of the word "litetally"?
Goddamn, you millenials and your meme flags piss me off
As a generation you were utterly failed by our edumacation system
Also 1 post by this ID
sage in all fields, literally including "I'm not a robot"
You sound like a nigger.
you smell like a nigger, pajeet
Sounds like someone went to college for gender studies degree.
bored enough & with time to kill, sanjeev
Show your fuckin flag & I'll engage you
Still saged, and curried
Show that flag brown boy
You still sound like a nigger.
Are Indians the new Jews?
>Because wages stagnate, U.S. workers do
not try to move to fill the gap in the U.S. labor supply, and foreign workers
continually fill many U.S. jobs
Page 299
Learn to move if you want a job.
More like Super Mexicans. There are more educated people in India and China than people in the US.
Supply and demand idiot. When you put supply up infinitely high and set their wages well below market rate you push out the native workers.
And additionally you have to deal with qualification disparity. You get Indians with PhD's competing for entry level jobs WAY below market rate for the green card. Why as a business would you not take them over some white guy just out of university?
This effect pushes the American out of the field long term and you get a vicious cycle in which the field becomes made up of entirely Indians very quickly. All these points are covered in the article for those interested.
Well first of all, H1B's generally don't work "high level" jobs. It's a technical visa, so they work jobs that require (or more often, "require") a PhD. These are generally STEM jobs. Also, the work force is totally capable of being supported by 100% American labor (see pic). The people pushing for more H1B's generally lie about American workers' capabilities because they want to lower wages.
In short, fuck off Pajeet, we're full.
To be honest, white Englishmen like myself shouldn't even need a H1B, the whole fucking country was founded by Englishmen.
Huh well i guess the oversaturated college degree supply will become more valueable now that less foreigners will work here and maybe you wont need a college degree dor certain jobs
What a nightmare
it's not about being unqualified
it's about cost
h1b undercuts local workers with the same experience level about 30/40%, for at least 1-3 years, if not longer (depending on the visa renewal, or transitions to other kinds)
>There is literally no reason for H1B Visas to have a cap
There is literally no reason for H1B Visas.