Name one famous pooloo who isn't Gandhi

Name one famous pooloo who isn't Gandhi.

Protip, you can't.

Other urls found in this thread:

Sunny Leone



That one chick that shamed her whole family by becoming a tv whore

Haji from Johnny Quest

Why the fuck was his name Haji when he was supposed to be Hindu?

Ravi Shankar.

Apu Nahasapeemapetilon



Leo Varadkar

mia khalifa

cricket players

Daler Mehndi would like a word wwth you.

Your man, BOSE, from BOSE headphones.

He's ace.


ceo of google

Aah Old-school memes

mother theresa

Srinivasa Ramanujan

Frickin' Buddha. Try harder.

the "bitch lasagna" guy is bretty famous

Subhas Chandra Bose, leader of the Azad Hind movement, an ally of Hitler and the Axis in WW2. Hewas the main person the Indian navy rallied around when they tried to over throw the Raj in 1946. The Sailor's Putsch probably had more to do with the 1947 Independence Act than any Mr. Ghandi had done since the 1920s.

the great khali
aziz ansari
apu nahasapenapetalan
russell peters
mindy kaling


Can't believe we have a PooLoo for taoiseach, not even 100 years after Independence

dj khaled

She's a lebbo and thise tits are fake!


Freddy mercury!

He wasn't a pooloo, he was born in Nepal.

>mother theresa

She's from the Balkans you fucking coon.

Mike of Microsoft tech support

Benjamin Netanyahu

Natürlich gibt es viel Degeneracy in Indien, aber Indien ist noch relativ zivilisiert.
Das selbe wird mit Europa passieren, wenn wir die Grenzen nicht schützen.
Dann wird es zivilisierte Europäer wie mich geben und Untermenschen-Ghettos, wo die Affen mitten auf der Straße scheißen.

shoulda been fpbp


Indians immigrants are not that bad
>not Muslims
>work (at 7/11)
>low crime rate
>speak English (badly)



poodoo patel

Been waiting for a "show Bob" thread so I can show my gf all the hilarious memes. There was one but nigger mods just moved it to /bant/.
Post them here please.

Jaharwal Nehru
Indira Gandhi
Rajiv Gandhi
Sachin Tendulkar
Amitabh Bachchan

his family's palestinian not poo



Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar

Apu (a poo)

Freddy Mercury


NAHANDRAS MODI is my brime minister. He is for deignated shitting streets, and probably beaches as well :DD


that guy at 7/11 that will keep the smokes I buy in his hand until I hand over money or my credit card transaction is approved. Also he watches me on the cameras in I ever come in and go get something else. I now not what it is like to be a niggger

I unironically like his music.



>how she slap guy
>jinder Mahal guy
>tunk a tunk a

my fucking sides

Daler Mehndi

Raj Kapoor
Satyajit Ray
PM Nehru (he of the collars)
Deepak Chopra
Gurumayi (Siddha Yoga)
Aishwarya Ray
Indira Gandhi
Rajiv Gandhi
Ravi Shankar
Lata Mangeshkar
Freida Pinto
M. Night Shamawamalan (however you spell it)
Ben Kingsley
Norah Jones (Ravi Shankar's daughter)
Naveen Andrews
Salman Rushdie

C.R. Rao

Is the Taj Mahal a famous pooloo? What's a pooloo? Do Indian buildings count? Rajeesh.

around a 'straya
never look awaya

Oh yeah, I forgot her.

Oh yeah and what was her name--the leader of esoteric Nazism/Hitlerism? Savitra Devi!


So although technical correct, I do know that a bloodline in India (sohisohi) acked as general bodyguards for Huns brother.

How do people here not know who Sachin is? Wtf is wrong with all of you.

good one

AIDS! such many cases. Sad.


Vishy Anand

True, true. She did spend most of her life in India and is heavily identified with India, at least.

Ramachandran, you turbopleb

You literally shit in the street Rajeesh

Plus he gibs many huges.

Sha Jahan
vks iyangar
kapil dev
vvs laxman
sachin tendulkar
ravi shashtri
jawaharlal nehru
tipu sultan
sunil gavaskar
Harbhajan Singh

>tunak tunak tunak tunak
Truly a god among men


from cricket.

Aziz anzari

Fucking thread winner

Mola Ram

She was Eueopean

>This guy isn't famous
If the former President was still President in India I would agree with topic. I have no idea who the previous President was. But Narendra Modi, everyone knows him.

you must be my doctor :^)

Aishwarya rai

How i love Sup Forums


Oh yeah that Bagwan (?) guy, pic related

Kohli is such a dumbfuck

No one in the US knows who they are.

Hysterical and don't forget Sambo either

CLiff richard.

>that pooloo from bing bang theory
>that pooloo from silicon valley
that's 2 mother fucker

The guy from the big bang theory.

Honestly, outside the old Empire nobody would know him. I know in Bombay or Sydney or London, or even South Africa, the Caribbean, Sri Lanka, he will have millions who worhip him but not outside the old British Empire.

This guy

>>that pooloo from bing bang theory
Is his name Rajeesh?

Bob Vagene.

I don't look like a druggie I just think this dude is paranoid because I grab them on the way to work and I work in an area full of sudanese and muslims

Heh. I'd be a terrible doctor. But I've just always liked India for some reason.