I can't think of a single person who hates Jews and is not a salty loser
I can't think of a single person who hates Jews and is not a salty loser
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Every Jew I know hates Judaism. Self hating Jews are as American as apple pie. So...
Blanko is such a crafty man. Wish I had his drive and intellect.
Kevin MacDonald
Nixon despied Jews. So did walt disney i believe.
I think the only group were hatred is from being losers is Mexican. Only wrench monkeys hate them since they jump a fence and are better at their job than them.
>t. realize being a retard
That's a first step, duncan!
Hitler hated Jews and he was almost Emperor of Earth. What have you accomplished you sweaty retard?
Jew here. I only hate Hassids and other ultra-orthodox shitheads. Those fucks are as bad as Al Queda.
we don't hate them
we love them
you have to love an enemy that forces you to act, reveals all its plans in writing all over the place, and doesn't have faith in Jesus Christ so they never ever succeed in their ultimate goal, they always fall victim to vanity and pride in correlation with their level of success.
hollywood and the democrats current dilemmas are a good example of this.
Your personal experience doesn't reflect reality kike
How about one of the greatest chess players of all time? Also; Henry Ford, Walt Disney, Michael Jackson, Mel Gibson, General Patton, Trumps mentor Roy Cohn, Cicero, Cornelius Tacitus, Thomas Aquinas, Martin Luther, Christopher Marlowe, Voltaire, Richard Wagner, Kaiser Wilhem II, Richard Nixon...the list goes on and on and on.
yeah and why would people reject someone for being anti semitic? probably because the jew is in their head. stating that all society is on a downward trajectory because of jewish ideology creates a confrontation that always ends in the claimant being socially ostracised.
would make anyone salty if you became a loser from calling a spade a spade.
>everyone who hates Jews is a salty loser
Almost everyone who isn't a salty loser is blissfully unaware as they take in all the worldliness and Jewish propaganda
You have to reject modern society before you can even grasp the JQ
Fucking jewtube
>implying jews are winning the game
We are. But rubbing it in their faces does nothing to help with public relations. Not sure if Jewish or crypto Stormfag.
Reformed Jews don't even keep kosher. You're not Jews at all. Israeli people say the orthodox are bad as well. That they're too "jewy" or they're the "too jewy Jews" you're like every other Jewish kid I grew up with. Went to Hebrew school for brainwashing, had your bar mitzvah, stopped being religious. Maybe taglit birthright paid for you to see the holy land as well. Simply speaking Judaism is an ideology, not a Nationality, and that's the most important focus to teach in hebrew schools. True Torah Jews, great resource for factual information about Judaism. You've been trained to call them crazy, so I know you won't take them seriously, even though they're the only Jews having loads of children and practicing Judaism.
I don’t like the Jewish left but I am for israel
Mel Gibson.
I don't hate them. I just think they hurt society with their moral choices.
I have a successfull career, have enough money to never work a day in my life again.
>I can't think of a single person who hates Jews and is not a salty loser
I think you are a Rothschild colony now, Greece.
begone kike
My name is Nigel.
this slide thread which deserves sage in every field has a point.
Bobby Fischer? Henry Ford?
My home town. Havent been home in a decade. :(
what about henry ford?
Maybe because people with careers, family to feed, mortgage to pay stand to lose too much if they get too outspoken.
Henry Ford published the International Jew.
Hates. Present tense.