Fuck guys I feel like a race traitor right now. Alright so I'm in my first semester of University at York in Toronto studying poli sci. I never really had any friends cause most are just blue pilled normies, chinks or pajeets. So I just sticked to myself mostly. I noticed this one Arab scarfhead girl and talked to her about mid terms and other school stuff.
She gave me her number and she said we should study together. So I spent a lot of time together studying and stuff. And we really hit it off. We hung out a lot. This girl is actually smarter than me and has conservative and traditional values.
She's also heavily involved in the uni's Muslim prayer group...
What should I do? I'm never going to be able to red pill her into atheism. I feel like I'm a race traitor. I'm pretty red pilled and I feel like a cuck.
>pic related is her
She's not just hot but her personality makes me actually want to hang with her. I fell for her. Should I ask her out? Or should I just cut her out of my life. I'm red pilled on Muslims they are our enemies but if I make an exception for her it'd be a slippery slope.
First task get her to get rid of the scarf....if you can convice her to do that there is hope
Angel Evans
Nudes? Would fucking wife up. She's Lebanese?
Nathan Long
she will only agree for anal sex though, before marriage. if that's your thing.
Jeremiah Allen
You do realize that women who cover themselves are usually better wives? Women in Europe covered their hair with scarfs until (((progress))) came
Gavin Barnes
she looks like a girl i know
Ian Flores
If you have sex with her make sure to move to the other side of the country within a few hours, or else you can fully expect all of her brothers, uncles and cousins to find you and lynch you.
t. had arab co-workers and asked them what happens in Arab society in such cases
Michael Powell
What's going on with her eyes?
Ur kids will look like they have fetal alcohol syndrome if you fugg her with ur benis
Robert Bell
dont listen to these virgin fags here, she is caucasian at least, better than all the japs these guys fall for
Evan Ward
>hanging out with a girl you havent banged more than an hour
OP you pedastalize this big nose hb6. You have oneitis. Kys
Anthony Cruz
Try to red pill her into more radical movements on the right. meanwhile, learn about Islam like you are interested in it while making full-fledged arguments against it. Once you have a strong base, start pointing out the problems with it during your talks on Islam.
She's hot and white. However, I don't see you having much of a chance rn, maybe give it a year. try to normalize what the progs call "Islamophobia" and then you can move her into atheism or Christianity or Hinduism or something.
Brayden Flores
She's not a true muslima, she will burn in hellfire for exposing her awrah to non-mahrams and also talking to a stranger man without the presence of a third party.
Advise her to seek forgiveness from Allah for straying from the path.
Brayden Hill
Fpbp Breed her. Give her at least three children. Pass on those Canadian genes of yours. Make the leaf yield fruit. Fill her beaver pelt with your maple syrup and give the Queen some new subjects.
Andrew Gomez
>Should I ask her out? if shes hardcore, she will say no.
since shes A FUCKING LEAF, she might be one of the liberal ones. If so, pump and dump because youll have to convert to mudslime if you want to marry the hoe.
Jeremiah Sanders
How many goats have you fucked so far today?
Evan Jones
Go for it,but that nose tho,your kids will be very jew looking
Christian Hernandez
The real redpill in Orthodox Christianity.
Logan Torres
>girl is smarter than me Kill yourself
Chase Kelly
>I'm never going to be able to red pill her into atheism Wew lad
Why are her eyes closer to her ears than they are to each other
Jayden Myers
Canada YES!!!!
Colton Jones
You're both kafir that should die.
Daniel Evans
but... she lives in the UK... oh wait, A FUCKING LEAF sure, why not
Elijah Hall
Atheism is almost always a bluepill relative to where people are at, Christianity is a redpill relative to Islam.
Nathaniel Barnes
Fuck off, you copy and pasting retard
Ryder Wood
>Arab are white This is the dumbest meme Sup Forums has come up with
Justin Nelson
I bet youre that one sicilian faggot who loves turks
Andrew Phillips
You really just put up her picture on Sup Forums so nonchalantly?
James Hill
>redpilled >atheist/autist >wut do you do you boo boo
Michael Peterson
>thinks atheism is a redpill You have to go back.
Sebastian Hughes
You're a beta atheist. You'll be driving a truck of peace for her by the end of the year.
Hudson James
>that thing is hot >that thing is smarter than you just kill yourself, you dont have intelligence nor taste so you are just a burden for the rest of us
Leo Long
not really SJW.
Seems pretty moderate muslim to me. Doesn't like Quran as word of god. Doesn't like insistance of Hajib.
Wife that bitch OP.
Cooper Roberts
Op have some advice. I did this. For. Five. Fucjing. Years.
You are incompatible. Unless you want to abandon your own culture completely don't do it. You'll save yourself a lot of heartache. I wish someone had warned me
Connor Watson
>posting ur waifu on Sup Forums
Michael Young
You'll have to convert to islam and make bomb vests for your babies. If you're into that sort of thing then go for it.
Oliver Hall
>Political science >political >science
Dominic Hughes
breed her and make her Islamofascist
btw stop being atheist (if you are)
Easton Foster
Luis Turner
>tfw White Nationalists just need to hold a cute Muslim girls hand >RACISM BTFO!
But seriously though... >pale skin >green eyes >light brown hair
It could be the instagram filters, but she looks like she could pass as Mediterranean to me. And Islam isn't a race. Bosnian's are Muslim, and they're White: pic related.
Just be honest about your political views and see where things go from there.
Also Atheism isn't redpilled.
Aiden Walker
What's wrong with her lips and eyes?
Aaron Cruz
Apostasy is sentenced by death, kaffir
Nathan Wood
>race traitor
Islam isn't a race.
Brandon Thompson
>Thinks kyke on a stick is a redpill You misunderstand the definition of redpill, burger.
Jace Scott
Why not? If you truly love her that's all that matters. This site ruins peoples lives by making them believe this shit. Take it from me, I'm scared of what I've become.
Jace Butler
God she is fucking ugly.
David Flores
put benis in hre vagene :--DDD
Ian Stewart
burn her
Connor Martin
Aiden Wright
Owen Ward
She doesn't look arabic...more like a lebanese or maybe even armenian. Very Mediterranean looking because I know most arabs are fucking brown, some are even close to having black skin.
Lebanese people technically aren't arabic and I'd consider them to be as white as sicilians. (Just from personal experience)
Jaxon Bennett
> University in Toronto > Studying pol sci > Falls in love with a hijabi
You are a living meme, why didn't you just study English or Women's studies, it would have been equally worthless.
Dylan Russell
First you should have gone to UTSG. Second, unless you are going to convert to a mozzie, give it up. It's not just her you gotta deal with, it's her family too. Next thing you know you'll be hitchhiking in Afghanistan. Though realistically, it's hard to meet a white girl in the GTA these days, especially at a university. Keep trying though.
Brayden Ward
I can’t believe so many of you fags replies to this. Use you head not your emotions. Your acting like bitches.
Oliver Edwards
Fucking cuck her islamic counterparts wtf are you waiting for. Be a colonizer.
Owen Sullivan
easy, convert to Islam, theyre going to win anyways
Ayden Bennett
This. Wife her up, bruh. Lebanese chicks are conservative and traditional AF. She's probably intelligent and clearly has good superficial genetics. Put some babbies in her, user. She will stay at home and raise your children.
Matthew Allen
>looks at flag
It's ok Ahmed, muslims are supposed to like muslim chicks.
Lincoln Bennett
muslims are not your enemy you retard, be good friends with her and understand and appreciate her. ask her out when it feels right, who knows she may like you. but if you ask her out and it turns out she just wants to be good friends for whatever reason or another DO NOT BE A KEK AND HATE MUSLIMS EVEN MORE just cuz you got rejected. youre only a traitor if you fuck a horse not a person with different ideas then you >inb4 we are all people haha yes that means everyone
Henry Butler
muzzies are scum and deserve it
Ayden Miller
Right before you bust, yell Allahuackabr!
Easton Butler
Ayden Diaz
first year of university and all I got were sandniggers. No white guys showed any interest in me, they were only interested in asian and indians. yet I will never give up my beliefs for some dick like you emotional retards will for pussy. this is why men can't be trusted to lead anything
Caleb Garcia
I was fucking an Iranian girl for a few months. She liked to be choked by her hijab while I hit it from the back. During college I was on and off fuck buddies with this pakistani girl. Total crazy whore. Years later I see she ended up marrying some mohammed pajeet from Pakistan. I felt bad for the dude, if he only knew what a dirty skank he was getting. Muslim girls turn into total whores in the west and when they go back home nobody has a clue.
Carson Powell
Christopher Davis
You’re retarded and she’s ugly. Enjoy having a female with one of the stinkiest pussies in the gender (besides Indian) and the biggest of all egos.
Carter Foster
>OP thinking we don't know how to do a reverse image search.
Says in her twitter bio she is from the UK. Nice larp leaf.
Isaac James
>red pill her into atheism. *bluepill
Mashallah, come back to Islam.
Jaxon Long
I fucked an Iranian virgin girl who was in her 30s because she thought she was a special princess by keeping her virginity.
After I fucked her she cried because she lost her virginity and was scared she was a slut so I told her we would be together forever and then I left her. Lol stupid slut.
Brody Hall
>red pill her into atheism
Sorry, goy, you're not red pilled
Sebastian Jenkins
You can't jew me canuck.
Lucas Nguyen
> I'm never going to be able to red pill her into atheism >atheism >redpill
Ethan Davis
Fucked up, but quite funny user.
Jace Wilson
I've never hated leafs more than today.
Dylan Lewis
It’s a slippery slope my friend. I started off like you and now I’m transsexual and dating another transsexual Muslim.
Noah Perry
Do it, it's not like you're gonna stay together very long.