Whose side is Sup Forums on, Yemeni or Saudi Arabia?
Whose side is Sup Forums on, Yemeni or Saudi Arabia?
It does not matter. We just want Muslims to die, so perceptual war or fighting is the actual goal and agenda.
Both sides
Houthis kill and embarrass Saudis
Saudis massacre Yemeni civis
Idk i hate niggers so neither i guess
death to all sandniggers
If I was tje potographer, I would pick up that chunk of concrete to the kid and crush his head with it.
I dont think Saudi has conscription
The islamic world has always been a mess, and always will be, because muslims are violent animals. The only side to pick is the West, and even then only the right wing West. Marxists who worship this scum and fill our nations with them all deserve the bullet.
the one where we nuke em all
Fuck either side.
Side one Iran
Side two Saudi Arabia.
To hell with both.
Kill them all. Stop picking sides that don’t involve your people.
They don't, he's an idiot.
WW3 lineups:
>Satanic Alliance
Al-Qaeda, ISIS, Al-Nusra etc
Saudi, other gulfies, Jordan
Anglosphere, Europe including (((Ukraine)))
India, puppet govt of Afghanistan
Sunni terrorists and fifth columns worldwide
/nu-pol/, /ptg/, t_d, MSM
>Resistance Axis
Russia, China (and the petro-yuan)
North Korea
Philippines under Duterte (they'll try to replace him with a CIA nigger to bring it back to the Satanic Alliance though)
Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, Palis
Venezuela, Cuba, and elements in others like Brasil who want the CIA niggers out
>Slimy bastards who will (probably successfully) play both sides
>Countries Drumpf/USA will also end up bombing as punishment for not wanting to join in (how DARE they not want their cities to get levelled in bullshit wars?!?! Gotta git em, they're either with us or against us!)
South Korea
Oh Iraq also in the resistance axis
They're somehow managed to break the puppet strings despite being invaded and occupied so recently. Resilient as fuck.
Saudi Arabia of course. Also it's the houthis not Yemeni. We support the official government and majority of Yemenis
yemeni of course
Saudis = zionists
>Resistance Axis
What are you resisting ?
Violence from your team
Your alliance is starting all the shit in this world
Anyone with a brain, a heart and a soul, is getting fed up
It never ends
North Korea: Threatens to kill and nuke south korea and US
Russia: Anix parts of Ukraine
Iran: Worked with Al-qeada according to files Osama had in his computer and responsible for direct bombing in Saudi arabia and US since 1979
Syria: Regime that killed the President of Lebanon with help of Hezboallah and the biggest opioid supplier in the middle east. Oh and an ex-commie country
>Venezuela, Cuba, and elements in others like Brasil who want the CIA niggers out
All commies and deserve to die
Also China is commie and deserves to die too
What violence "my team" did exactly that wasn't provoked by you?
I fail to see how any of those things are yemeni fault.
Well, Yemeni situation is that we had an agreement with yemeni people to have a temporary gov under Hadi and they agree to it and signed it. But On 21 March of 2015 the houthies and Saleh(ex- president) took over the capital and revoked the agreement. and that was condemned by the international community. So Saudi arabia led a coalition against them and supported the official gov to take back the country.
Now the saudi backed gov controls south of yemen and about 80% of the country.
Saudi arabia doesn't want an ally of Iran or an unstable country next them.
For the civilian deaths.
1- 50% are caused by houthies
2- houthies use kids and women to protect their weapons and to avoid being attacked
That doesn't sound like any democracy i know, but who I am to judge, don't kill to many people and build some nice hotels when you are done.
I just want a Peoples Republic of Yemen back.
haha this is how you've betrayed that you're a shill
>iran was working with bin laden guise!
again either you're a shill or you're falling for fake news, NK has attacked noone. Who's been bombing and ivading countries for decades, US or NK?
Syria was resisting a jihadi/shariah sunni invasion sponsored by you among others
Crimea chose to leave the installed fascist. puppet govt of Ukraine
China is not commie you dumb shit, do you not know the first thing about economics? And why do you care how other people choose to run their country? I find your monarchy and your culture of wahabi sunnism to be disgusting. poloygamy, clit cutting, honor killings, live burials, sexual repression, separation of the sexes, stuffing yourselves full of sugary shit and getting obese - I find that disgusting. I don't think you should die for it though. I just want to leave you alone.
As for what violence your team has done? Let's see
Mujahadeen in Afghanistan
invading Afghanistan
attempted Sunni takeover of Syria
Attacks on the Palis every ~2 years (yes Israel is your team, you are butt buddies)
Every islamic terror attack in Pakistan since the 90s (your agents there have been using every incident to inflame pak-india tensions, pak-Iran tensions, pak-afghan tensions, weaken the central govt and co-opt it)
Terror attacks throughout the ME, including Turkey and Egypt
Terror attacks all over the West, especially this new intifada starting in 2015
All you and your team
But let me guess
>i-iran did it! Wasn't us, tee hee!
you can't have democracy in poor and weak country
I'm on the side of the bombs and the bullets. I really hope they win this war.
just wait until someone gives it back you lazy faggot.
Saudi Arabia is the worst state in the middle east after Israhell , you know the curse of Yemen right ?
Well they don't involve us directly, but they can ruin western affairs in the region
Most Sunnis don't care about the outside world and don't want to take part in your conflicts. Like you said leave us alone and we will leave you alone.
As for Assad and Iran, they are exporting violent Shia supremacism and trying to take over the entire region. Wouldn't you hate it if some foreign group was trying to take over your whole region?
Commies? So commies are more of a threat than your radical Islamic country?
> let me post a picture without fact checking half the text in it !!
what an idiot
Fuck em both
How exactly is his country a radical Islamic country when it co-operates with America on virtually every issue? Are you just spouting meme shit out?
And yes, it's Communists who are cucking you in the West and opening up your countries to mass immigration, but instead you blindly attack Jews or Muslims. Focus on your domestic affairs and leave the Semites out.
I AM Sup Forums
how much for that creature in the pic??
>again either you're a shill or you're falling for fake news
Bin laden family lives in Iran.
his son's wedding was in Iran.
His computer files showed a strong relationship with Iran.
Multiple voice recordings with him and Iranian officials
In those Files and through satellite imaging the found training camps for afghan and Bin laden used to send his people to train their.
11 out of the 19 hijackers visited and stayed in Iran 1 year before the attack.
All of this is documented.
>China is not commie you dumb shit
Literally then only party they have and one that rules the fucking country is called the COMMUNIST party
>Mujahadeen in Afghanistan
It was the afganies fighting the USSR attack against them or did you forget that ?? the whole world supported them at the time. But they real question is who harbored them and grew them after the war against USSR?? Iran
how is this related to us? the people revolted. the US just acculturated the processes.
>attempted Sunni takeover of Syria
you understand that syria is 90% sunni right?
see this >Every islamic terror attack in Pakistan
This doesn't make any sense....
Pakistan being weakened only benefits Iran and India.
Pakistan is a great ally with saudi arabia and US. The US leans more with Pakistan than india
You are just lying at this point.
>Terror attacks throughout the ME, including Turkey and Egypt
Why would these attack benefit saudi arabia or US?
Saudi arabia suffered over 400 attacks 2001-2009 and same thing for the US...
The real question is how many attacks Iran suffered from 1990 to today? one or two?
>Terror attacks all over the West, especially this new intifada starting in 2015
again who benefits from this other than Iran?
Due to not being an American I don't see the world through the binary lens of "either Team 0 or Team 1 are the good guys or bad guys" but I'd prefer it if the west didn't give shit loads of money to Saudi Arabia so they can spend it on bombing some third worlders.
Yemen houtis
It's the other way around, the Saudis pay a shit ton for your weapons and equipment, which is why Western politicians deal with them.
But I agree, the Saudis need to stand on their own feet and stop being reliant on fickle Western governments.
You don't have agrarian land.
And the south american markets are closed to you, because of the chinese.
I'm not a Saudi. But they can still trade with the rest of the world without having to be totally reliant on Western governments for weapons and armaments.
this, but if my country have some benefits that will change but that doesn't going to happen
Kys Juden
Also, if you are a faggot Commie as I suspect, read up about what Iran did to you pieces of shit. I hate the Iranians but there is one thing they got right, and that was dealing with Communists. They absolutely destroyed you, whipped you, brutalized you, and then killed you en-masse by the thousands. And now you Commie cucks are sucking their dicks because muh anti-imperialism. Guess what, most third worlders are sick of your shit and hate pampered Western Communists who think they should have the right to dictate how we live.
1. Saudi-backed government were not legitimate
2. "International community" as in Saudi-Arabia, Israel and USA you mean
>For the civilian deaths.
>Human shields
Kek, it's the same what Israel says when they terror bomb Gaza'n beaches and kill children. Nobody fucking believe this lie. Just like Israel, you bomb hospitals and schools that we know are not used to hide weapons.
Saudi-Arabians are low-empathy sub-humans.
Who are you to control the sovereignty of another nation? You try to install a puppet government and then expect them to corporate? Gtfo achmed
HAAA you're a funny goat achmed, sunnis want to install wahabi governments in every country in the world, go back to fucking your cousin and abusing your kids
Look dude I'm not the one that called Saudi Arabia radical Islamic, your own government did, doesn't your pig of a prince want to make Saudi more modern Islamic because he's sick of the radical Islamic way? Don't you assholes murder people for not being Muslim or for being Shia? Don't you assholes follow sharia laws? Stop denying what your country really is. I can't wait until I get to see Saudi Arabia suffering the consequences of all their actions.
Again achmed, I find this very ironic, you preach about not wanting anyone to control how you live but at the same time you bomb and slaughter people because they aren't choosing your way of life. Also communists don't have any more power in the west so go find some other scapegoat, Saudis and the Jews are one and the same,
You commies are vermin and you'll one day get fully exterminated. Hopefully Trump wins in 2020.
REKT Many idiots around fail to push anti-US agenda.
>hurr durr Israel
Not an argument.
>muh empathy
Then go ahead and accept refugees from Yemen and Gaza. Your fake outrage is a reflection of your low morals and hypocrisy.
i dont give a shit , they are worse than black ,false hypocrite coward literally the worse race of earth
I am on the "watch sandniggers kill themselves because it pleases me and whoever wins or loses, we still win" side.
Fuck mudslime and may they all die in pain and humiliation.
I wipe my boots on their soul, love and shitslam.
Their prophet gets raped in hell by africans.
All the idiots posting here should be on the side of peace and truce. If this war (and any other war in the Middle East) doesnt come to an end soon, there will be even more refugees coming to Europe.
Are you one of (((them)))?